
Showing posts with label raw food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raw food. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

Raw Sweet Potato Soup

Here is a video of Terry and me making raw sweet
potato soup. We were, more or less, playing around
and using the soup as a prop but, no kidding, it is
delicious and just in time for Thanksgiving. 

We used raw sweet potatoes, onion, garlic, a little nama shoyu (or any form
of salt),  a little chili powder, and water. We dumped everything into the
Blendtec blender, put the setting on soup and were rewarded with a beautifully
 orange tasty soup.

Terry, from "My Journey with Candida" has been visiting Montana for
the last month.  We dabbled in many areas......making videos, being
one of them. LOL


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Energy Bars

Time flies like a kite in the brilliant sunlight. My life-long friend Marilyn, came and left and we did only a fraction of the things we had planned. Pictured is Marilyn's transportation from San Diego. She's very athletic for an old broad of 73. She brings her bike because she is training for another triathalon.

We did get a 4 -5 mile walk, every morning. She ran, I walked. We'd get up early, have our green drink and grab some yummy energy bars for our A.M. trek. We try to eat 80% raw and here is the recipe for the raw energy bars.

Raw Organic Energy Bars
(Entertaining video follows...Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk)

3/4 C. almonds, remove skins, soak at least 1 hr., drain.
1 C. dates, pitted, soak at least 1 hr., drain and save soak water.
1/4 C sunflower seeds, soak at least 1 hr, drain.
1/2 C Raisins, soak at least 1 hr., drain.
1/4 C. goji berries, soak at least 1 hr., drain.
2 Tb flax seeds with 1 tb. water, soak 1 hr.
1/4 C. raw cacao
powder or nibs.
1/4 C Tahini
1 tsp. chorella

3/4 tsp. cinnamon

1. chop dates and almonds into small chunks in a food processor.

2. In a large bowl, add the date/almond mixture, drained sunflower seeds, drained goji berries, drained raisins, flax seed, cacao, tahini, chlorella, cinnamon and mix together. Add a little of date soak water if needed for moisture.

3. Divide mixture into 3 sections and flatten to 1/2 inch on a dehydrator tray lined with Telflex. Set at 110 deg and dehydrate 12-15 hours.

4. At half way point, remove plastic liner and flip the large patties. Cut into bar size and finish dehydrating until they are crisp on outside and soft chewy and moist on inside.

If you don't have a dehydrator, you can use the Essene method. Just set them in the sun all day. Flip at half way point. Just as delicious.


Marilyn and I made a pathetic video of us making the Energy Bars. Larry and Mo... we forgot Curly. We probably mixed him into the energy bars. Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk.

( We forgot to give credit to Terry of "My Journey With Candida" for the beautiful raw food aprons. Thank you Terry. We got nervous and forgot half of what we wanted to say. We love you, Terry)