
Showing posts with label about me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label about me. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Project #walk365 {November}

This post is so late that I almost skipped it, but I want it here for posterity. So here goes!

In January of 2015 I set a goal to walk 365 miles during the year. I meant it as a goal to walk every day, and for the first half of the year I did just that.

During the second half of the year walking daily wasn't as easy to do, so I upped the miles on the days I did walk (usually two miles per day). I made my 365-mile goal on my birthday in early October, despite a hot summer, a cross-country move, and being pregnant!

But November. November was hard! It was the last month of my pregnancy and as you can see by the pictures, we started to get snow! I cut back my miles to only 5 a week, and tried to get out as much as I could.

I did ok in the rain and slush and cold, but around Thanksgiving we had ice. I walked two more times and threw in the towel! Walking on ice at 38 weeks? No thanks! My total miles logged for #walk365 was 413.

Overall, I'm super proud of myself! I think walking made a huge difference in my pregnancy. Most of the time I felt pretty good and my weight gain stayed in the healthy range.

My goal for 2016 is to walk 500 miles. I know it's not a big difference from 2015's 413, but we're nearly a month into the year and I've walked less than 1 mile!* I'm still recovering from a c-section, I have a newborn, and it's cold and snowy outside, so I'm not going to worry about it yet! With those things in mind, I think #walk500 is a great goal.

*I purposefully go on a walk or log mileage on my treadmill. I use Runkeeper and only log these intentional miles, not the daily mileage I might get around the house or running errands. I think that's great too, but wanted to clarify what "counts" for me.

If you want to walk with me, you know, virtually, I'll be using the hashtag #walk500 or you can follow me on Instagram. I'm gibsongirl726.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Pregnancy #4: 40 Weeks & Summary

Ok, this is the last of these pregnancy posts! This was a fun little marker for me to do each week.

The weather turned cold in November, so week 37 is the last one shot outside. I also had to start going to the hospital each week for non-stress tests given my "advanced maternal age".

By week 38 I had cut back to walking only half a mile 5 times a week, and it took me half an hour to do! I stopped walking right after Thanksgiving because we had so much snow and the roads were even icy. I just didn't want to risk falling!

I had some anxiety during this pregnancy, something I've never struggled with before. I know some of it was over the planned c-section and I worried that by week 39 I'd be a mess! Thankfully, my stress seemed to go down as the date approached, and I was fairly calm going to the hospital and heading for surgery. I plan to do a full birth story at some point, but not here or now.

Technically this was 39 weeks 5 days, and Jocelyn was born 39 weeks 6 days. I made sure to get the Christmas tree decorated before the baby, but we really kept Christmas simple this year.

So to recap, here's a look back at weeks 18-40!

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey! Here's to NOT being pregnant anymore!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pregnancy #4: 36 Weeks

I can't believe baby girl is 36 weeks along! Seems like time is flying, but it also seems like I've been pregnant forever!

I've been working on a few things in the baby's room. I moved the wall unit in from the bathroom to hang above the changing table. I had a shelf with knobs on it, but I think this will be more functional for diaper changing and dressing our baby girl.

I also went through baby's clothes, pulling out the newborn stuff and making a stack of things to take to the hospital. I'm starting to feel that I should go ahead and pack that bag, but my other babies have been over 41 weeks, so I think I'm ok for now.

 Our little girl is not lacking for shoes! Aren't they fun? She has at least 10 pairs!

As for me, I still feel pretty good, usually. I do get tired easily. We were very busy this weekend and with the time change, I've been going to bed pretty early! I'm still walking (my October review is here) and can still do a mile, though I'm much slower than I was a few weeks ago. Everything looked fine at my last doctor's appointment. Starting this week, I go every week, and because of my "advanced maternal age" I'll be doing a non-stress test each week as well.

I've hesitated sharing this on the blog because people are so opinionated, but a list of factors has made us opt for a scheduled c-section this time around. I've had one before and felt strongly in favor of natural births for my 2nd and 3rd babies, but here we are again! It's definitely different to have a day scheduled instead of waiting for baby to decide.

I thought it would be fun to do a series of weekly shots starting with 18 weeks when we learned this baby is a girl. She (and I) has definitely grown!

That red shirt sure stands out! I actually am wearing it in my 35 week photo, but it looked so similar to the 33 week shot that I changed it to black and white. I do love red...

Only one more update to go!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Project #walk365 {September}

On Monday, my birthday, I walked my 365th mile this year!

But that was October and this is supposed to be about September!

I walked 46 miles in September, which I'm so proud of, but I didn't quite meet my monthly goal of walking 2 miles a day, 6 days a week. That's ok--I still did a great job. But there were days I didn't make walking a priority and days I just didn't feel up to it and let it slide. Because of that--feeling overwhelmed some days--as well as darker, colder mornings and the ever growing baby bump, I set my October goal as 1.5 miles 5 days a week.

Let's get on with the run-down of my September walks!

1. Today's walk was so very beautiful! The clouds are amazing and the mountains are back after being hidden by smoke for a couple weeks.
2. I walked in the rain this morning. It wasn't more than a sprinkle but my clothes were wet and I can't say I liked it. At least it wasn't hot. Or smokey.
3. It's so pretty in Idaho! Today was both hot and cold, depending on the wind.
4. There was rain last night and this morning the clouds were so beautiful! It was also cold! I had to go back inside for another layer and my gloves.

1. I walked with the whole family today on an old road into Bonners Ferry. It was a mile down and a mile back up and I didn't die! Only added a few minutes to my usual time. The view helped.
2. I walked with my two younger boys today, so we drove a little way to avoid crossing the highway. This pond is almost dry but there's a sign that says "water over road". We'll see how full it gets in the spring.
3. Gary is still out of town, so I walked with my boys again. They're great walkers/bikers!
4. Doesn't it look cold?

1-2. (From the same walk.) My walking buddies. Filtered sunshine.
3. Starting to see fall colors on my walks!
4. I'm soon going to have to change my walking time--it's getting darker! It was a cool 48* this morning.

1. Two more miles on this dark and chilly morning.
2. Another day, another walk.
3. Back out walking after taking the weekend off. It rained last night but thankfully quit about the time I started walking.
4. The sunrise today was so pretty! I also saw a couple dozen deer, 40+ turkeys and a dozen horses. Also, I walk faster when it's cold!

1. It was frosty this morning! It took nearly the whole first mile to warm up. 350 miles total-getting close to my goal!
2. Fall colors in Northern Idaho.
3. The whole family got to walk through Ross Creek Cedars in Montana this afternoon. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather. The walk was very interactive and the boys loved it!
4. I love weekend walks with the family! This one was by a lake and a stream in the forest. So pretty!

1. This was moonset in the west while sunrise happened in the east. I was tired, the weather was cold and getting out the door was hard! So glad I did it anyway!
2. I'm glad I have my #walk365 project to keep me motivated.
3. I see dozens of deer on my early morning walks. They're very alert and afraid of me and usually put up their tails and run. However if you're in a car they just ignore you!
4. Total for September: 46 miles. Total for 2015: 359 miles!

So there you go! I'm thankful my husband is supportive of my walks. He has been making breakfast so I can go for a walk during the week, and on weekends we usually go out somewhere as a family. I'm proud of myself for sticking to this New Year's resolution!

You can follow me on Instagram (gibsongirl726) and read about my walks by searching #walk365 or #runwalkhike. Those hashtags aren't exclusively mine so you'll find lots of other motivated walkers too.

Have a good one!

Monday, October 5, 2015


Today is my 40th birthday.

I really think I skipped a decade somewhere. When I was a girl I thought people who were 40 were old! And they definitely had their act together.

Honestly I've been struggling the last few days. Not so much with becoming 40, but with celebrating a milestone birthday without my family. It's times like these that I miss my mom and dad and brother and sister-in-law and friends that have known me a long time. It can be tough living long-distance from your loved ones!

Of course I do have a lot to be thankful for. I thought I'd list 40 of them in honor of my big birthday.

1. My family.

2. Our health.

3. Our baby girl (due in 8 weeks!).

4. The phone calls I'll get throughout today.

5. The part of the country we live in.

6. Fall colors.

7. My #walk365 project.

8. Walking my 365th mile on my birthday!

9. A healthy pregnancy.

10. A free birthday drink at Starbucks!

10. My iPhone.

11. Facebook. I've never had so many birthday wishes!

12. Gelato.

12. Instant Messenger so I can chat constantly with my BFF.

13. This guy.

14. My husband's new job.

15. A steady income.

16. Coconut rice with lime and cilantro.

17. New hikes all the time.

18. Coldplay radio on Pandora.

19. Our couches.

20. New friends who gave us a crib.

21. Mashed cauliflower.

22. This band of brothers.

23. Internet.

24. "Fixer Upper" with Chip and Joanna Gaines.

25. My thyroid meds.

26. Presents to open on my birthday. (Thanks mom!)

27. Photo editing.

28. My son's school.

29. The possibility of owning a home again.

30. Possibly maybe putting this kitchen in our new home.

31. Blogger fall home tours. So many pretty homes!

32. This online journal.

33. Pinterest

34. Getting to decorate for a girl!

35. Listening to the Bible on my walks.

36. This idea of Jesus by Mark Keathley.

37. And this one. Same artist.

38. Fall weather means my jean jacket gets worn a lot!

39. Maxi skirts still fit in the third trimester.

40. It's 10 more years until another milestone birthday!


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