To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3
Showing posts with label 1912. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1912. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2015

Josie Comes For A Visit!

I cannot believe that it has been a whole week since my most fabulous friend Josie Smith was here for a visit!!  I had such a wonderful time with her, dressing up, antique shopping, looking at all the things, and laughing our heads off.  Well, not really laughing our heads off, but close!  To put it succinctly, I had a most wonderfully fabulous time while she was here!!!

There wasn't anything planned, dress up wise, so I thought that We Wear History should host a Titanic Picnic at the Idaho Botanical Gardens.  We missed the sinking of the Titanic date by about a week, but that's ok.  It was still the month of April and the weather was sublime!!  We invited some lovely guests from anther costuming group, Style "N" Time and had a wonderful time eating our lunch under the shade of the trees in the garden!  On the menu was Broccoli and Bacon Salad, Chicken and Grape Salad, Herbed Egg Salad Sandwiches, Fruit, Cheese and Crackers, and Chocolate Mousse, all washed down with Iced Tea!

I hope that this picnic becomes an annual event for us here in the Valley!!!

The weather couldn't have been any better.  The air was soft and every once in a while we were blessed with a lovely breeze!!!

The ladies!  L to R:  Carole, Marilyn, Me, Tammy, Josie, Lana and Shannon.  I thought we looked like a lovely bouquet of spring flowers!

The gentlemen join the ladies...on the left is Ruben and on the right is Chick!  They are so much fun to be around and are true gentlemen!!

Edwardian/Teen ladies!

Love this pictures of all of our hats!!  Like yummy, fluffy confections!

Look at the buttons!!  We LOVE buttons!!!

Three shades of purple!!!  LOVE!

Below are some of my favorite pictures of the day.  I took over 300 of them and could have posted many, many more, but didn't want to irritate Blogger.....


We can't help it...we need to be silly!!!

I love this image above and took some serious ones of us ladies in the arch ways....they reminded me of Alphonse Mucha paintings and next post will be dedicated to those...they are fabulous!!!

On Sunday it was to Mom's house so she could capture images of Josie and me in our sailor dresses.  It was the first time ever that two of the three dresses were together in the same place!  We still need to get all three dresses together!  These two are missing their sister!

Mom and Dad have access to a subdivision pond and that is where we decided to have our photos taken.  And yes, silliness ensued!!

You didn't think we had monkeys in Idaho did you?  You were wrong!!!

I like big bustles and I cannot lie!!!

We LOVE stripes and tabs!!!!

I have my bubble thing...Josie had her Coke thing!!  It's a thing....

Love the colors in this picture!  Way to go Mom!!  You are a picture taking rock star!!!

Well, the time went waaaaay too quickly and before I knew it, my friend was on the plane heading back home.  We are so in need of a worm hole in this world!!!  I miss you my dear friend and cannot wait until we can wreak havoc on the tranquility of the world once again!!! Love you!

Be blessed my friends!!


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Port Townsend Victorian Festival: Friday

This past weekend, my Mama and I found ourselves in Port Townsend, Washington for their annual Victorian Festival.  We had a great, if not wind blown time.  Mom and I planned on wearing our Sailor Dresses (Seaside dresses) for the weekend, as hello!!!  Sea Port!!!  Interestingly enough, the theme for the weekend was Nautical!  Perfect!  We had a great time there and got to visit with friends that I hadn't seen since Coco in August.  Val LaBore of Time Traveling in Costume, Rebecca Maiten of The Lady Rebecca LJ and Vanessa Wood were there in their beautiful creations!

I have decided to break the blog posts about the weekend into the days that we were there so as to not blow up this blog with pictures...

Day One:  Friday

Ok, so Friday was seriously so windy that I was afraid Mom's hat would take flight while she was wearing it!  It was only the night before, while sitting on my bed in the hotel room, that I decided to sew the huge white composite wings to the hat.  For a long time, they were just pinned on because I wanted to be able to use them on other hats.  I am so happy that I did sew them on, because on Friday there were times when the hat, while pinned to her wig with HUGE hat pins, literally lifted off Mom's head!  I am not even kidding!  It was quite impressive!

Needless to say, we didn't get any pictures of us in our seaside dresses along the seaside.  There's no telling what would have happened if we had been out in the open with our large 1912 era hats on!  The Flying Nun comes to mind....

I wisely took my hat off...Mom had to hold her hat down...

My collar performing its pre-flight check!
Wing flaps:  check
Landing gear:  check
Fuel gauges:  check
Cabin lights:  check

Oh was windy.  Sometimes it literally stole my breath away!  Oh! And it was a bit on the cold side!!

My Sassy face.

I was pretty happy with my hair on this day!

I thought I could get away from the wind if I was low to the ground.  Nope!!!

Mom's hat going through its pre-flight check...

I love this picture!  It shows the force of the wind!!!  Look at that dress billow!!

My Mama is so fabulously adorable!!

I think this would pass for a very good antique photo if we weren't smiling...but we both look stoned when we look serious!  So smile it is!!!

I hope you are all having a most fabulous Thursday my friends!!  Next up...Saturday Day, Bustle Day!!



Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ruth DBK Boarding Suit: Soutache Sewing is Complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huzzah!!  SQUEE!!!!  Whoot Whoot!!  Laaaaaaaaaaa!!!  I'm Soooo Heppy!!!!  

Ok, I guess you can tell by my excited out burst that the soutache has all been sewn onto the Ruth boarding suit!!  Truly, I am so happy!  Tracy Gomez came through for me again and found some more soutache for me so I could complete the coat to the suit (thank you soooooo much Tracy!!!!!).  Needless to say, my fingers are more than thrilled with this develompent!!  

The collar was also sewn on.  I am not 100% pleased with it, but I keep telling myself that it can't be exactly like the original as I don't have the pattern from the original.  So, I have decided that it will do just fine!!

Hopefully tomorrow I will put in the lining, add the sleeves and maybe cut out the skirt!  Hurray!!!!  Yes, I know I am being optimisitic!!!

Sorry for the lousy pictures as I used my phone and it wasn't wanting to cooperate this morning...

Bring on the lining!!!

Be Blessed my friends!!


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Violet 1912 Dress Debut

Today I got to wear my 1912 Violet dress for the first time in public!!  The Bishops House hosted their last Table Rock Trio concert and We Wear History was asked to come again and lend our Old Fashioned charm to the event!  We of course were delighted to attend in our finery!

When the concert was over, I was outside the house and this couple who had been walking the trails behind the House came by with a Grayhound and this fabulous Russian Borzoi.  I think I sucked all the air out of the surrounding area and practically screeched, "May I please have my picture taken with that magnificent animal!?"  The lady handling the Borzoi said, "I was just going to ask you if you would take a picture with my dog!"  Too fun!  So, after Broche (the French word for brooch) got acquainted with me and my enormous hat ("I think she is afraid of your hat."), we had our picture taken!  Broche was so beautiful and charming, then her owner said that they were bred by the Czars of Russia in the Victorian Era!  PERFECT!!!!  Isn't she grand?

The beautiful Broche

I think we looked pretty good together!

This dog was enormous!

Marilyn, Me and Mom!  We had such a great time!
Of course I had to sneak a silly picture into the lot...I don't know how to be serious!!!

Today was a wonderful day and I am sad to see the end of the concerts from The Table Rock Trio...but am excited to see what the future holds with our partnership with The Bishops House!

Be Blessed!!
