Showing posts with label Tree pose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tree pose. Show all posts

Aug 16, 2021

Nov 2, 2016

Tree Pose

like a tree
she stands
swaying a bit
in a star filled breeze


last night the sun poured through a break in the clouds
illuminating a patch of forest


Jun 19, 2016

Solstice Blessings to You ~

she began her day in tree pose
wanting to feel her center
as she entered Summer
it felt so good 
so she stood there all day
leaves began to grow
a bird found home 
sang to her
as the full moon rose
making way for a new season

lovely solstice
winter equinox 
to one and all of you!


Apr 3, 2015

DC: Key

 the key
to her balance
became an Elixir of:
being with what is

I was going through my photos with doors and key holes
 I took this photo while visiting my sister in Italia
I wonder what the key that opens this door looks like!
Some day i will draw this door....

last week i started this piece for our pollinators theme
just finished it last night

i know the bee looks huge
but it only wants pollen
and speaking of key:
how mushrooms could hold the key to life 
article and film

This weekend our lovely host is Veronica,
thank you Veronica!