Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2023

Forest Bathing


Portraying a feeling of forest bathing

layers and layers like veils inspire the experience of feeling the endless realms available to us

even within us

for sale here



Dec 30, 2012

Hovering Above the Sea

sitting at the sea
she appeared to me
assuring all my dreams
light is what it seems
offering a heart stance
her light uplifted grace
though she disappeared
her light is always near
(photographed in the snow)

may 2013 be filled with the magic of life


enjoy gorgeous winter wilderness 
NW Montana
visit my other blog:

Oct 4, 2012

Kindling Box

readying for winter
filling my wooden box with kindling
thinking it would be nice to paint it

sitting under the autumn sun
enjoying creating art outsie
now my box has a painting on it!
today is the first day it is cold enough to use 
the kindling in this box
to start a fire
a new season has begun!

sharing this with Paint Party Friday

Jun 24, 2012

Depth of Quiet

the depth of quiet

so interesting to draw/paint her
as above, a meditative expression


then to lay her this way:

she slept amongst the flowers
feeling the soil as her flesh
resting in the embrace of eternity
nourished in stillness sublime

Lovely and generous heart-ed Remei
has honored me with a video of my art!
Such an amazing surprise!
I had so many feelings as I watched the film on 

with all my heart I thank you Remei


The winner of the acrylic ink, 
Debra Anne
has a lovely post about the receiving of her gift on her blog:
The Gipsy in the Parlour

treat yourself to the wonderful world she shares with us!


May 31, 2012

Elfin Light

it's the light that caught her eye
not the wildly fun fungi scattered in the forest
for they were her friends and she knew they were there
but the light
it called her name
whispering of the magic that ran in her veins

there is a lot of metallic paint in this piece
photos rarely show this fact...
Face 29 
of May's 29 Faces

it has been so much fun creating daily faces 
thank you for visiting, keeping me company
and supporting me through this experience!
Thank you Ayala Art for hosting us!

sharing with Paint Party Friday

May 30, 2012

May 12, 2012

Mar 31, 2012

Do You Believe in Magic?

the magic of a hat is just that
shape size color fabric
imbues the wearer with its spirit
she loved her emerald hat
for when she wore it 
invisible realms
revealed themselves to her

imagine that
a magical hat

Visit Sophia's Sunday Sketches
for more artists

Feb 9, 2012

Modern Angel

angel for a modern world
her heart and hand on the pulse
of what is tender and real
our tears touch her 
she holds space
reminding us
that love thrives beneath the surface

Enjoy art around the world 
when you visit:

Jan 7, 2012

Give Away: World of Froud (signed) Catalog

oh how they move when they walk
hips they do sway is their talk
they glide as a team
they stream and they gleam
oh how they move when they walk

in Jane Davenport's class: I ♡ Drawing
(awesome wonderful teacher and class!)
we are learning how to make our girls look as though they are walking

do they look like they are walking?


I love all my blog friends!
Yes that is you ~

you've been kind and supportive
you encourage and teach me
you inspire and keep me company along our journey!

I want to offer a wee awesome gift, 
if you like faeries that is!

right now has a Exhibition of Brian, Wendy and Toby Froud's art.
I bought a signed 108 page catalog that I would like to give away to one of you!

I will choose ONE winner on Valentine's day. 
I know that is far away, or is it?!

(update: winner will be randomly chosen
January 31st. Maybe it will arrive to the winner on Valentine's day)

108 pages of faerie land!

if you want to leave a comment, but do not want to win this book,
"no fairy book please"
in your comment
or something like that.

(sorry to say that one corner arrived crushed, still it is awesome!)

join us for Sunday Sketches at Sophia's: Blue Chair Diary


Apr 7, 2011

Crowned in Lime

she stood out from the rest 
a shapely beauty crowned in lime
she walked tall and languid
meeting life with her heart
for she knew the treasure
of life
met with an intimate stance

this is my first time to join Paint Party Friday
perhaps you would like to join in too!


Feb 17, 2011

My OWOH give away Winners!

We have come to the end of Lisa Swiftka's 

876 blogs from around the world participated!! 

It has been a lovely time of meeting, greeting and visiting.
Now to announce the two winners for Beauty Flows:



My angel painting above is part done,
I hope to share it completed this weekend.
It has been one of those pieces that has taken time
learning can be like that!


I hope you are enjoying a wonderful week. 
As I write this I can hear a lone wolf calling off in the meadow...


Jan 1, 2011

Listening ~

 listening to the spirit
that lies beneath

allowing it's languid and lively presence
to permeate awareness
as well as stance

grace rises
within each breath

each step becoming vital 
a true place to allow life
to rise from

abiding in a heart of tender knowing

deep peace


As we enter 2011
I wish you a year that feels wonderful to you

may you have courage to honor your dreams
your highest truth

I feel thankful for your kind friendship 
the ways you have shared with me
the ways we grow and learn together

thank you all for sharing 2010 with me
I look forward to a lovely 2011 with each and every one of you

with heartfelt warmth, 

Please visit Sofia's Sunday Sketches 
to enjoy the art 
of my artist friends!