Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 2 in Roma

Ciao! this is day 2 of our trip to Rome.  I am looking forward to visiting more historical  landmarks.  Thank you for joining me on this adventure.  But before we begin our day, my Daddy Julio wanted to apologize for the delayed post.  We've been having such a great and busy time that by the end of the day he has been too tired(okay, lazy)to share our day on the blog.  Okay back to our adventure...
But, before we leave the hotel, I needed to stop by the travel desk to purchase train tickets for tomorrow's day trip to Caserta.
And now a nice stroll through the Borghese gardens to the Trevi Fountain.
Ah! The remarkable Trevi, the fountain where people from all over the world come to toss a coin in and make a wish.
Can you imagine...thousands of years ago the Roman's found a source of pure water outside of their city and created an aquaduct that terminated in the Trevi District...and hundreds of years ago this fountain was built  to commemorate the spot.
I wanted to jump in and collect a few coins for a nice Gelato but Papa said it's bad luck.   Instead, I followed tradition and tossed in a coin...this is suppose insure I return to  Roma.  Hey, it worked for my Dad's...they tossed coins in years ago and have already returned 3 times.
Before our next stop, we took a lunch break at a one of the small restaurants in an alley on the way to the Pantheon.
Cheese pizza! Yummy.

I can't believe this...another building that is really, really old...the Pantheon.
My papa says that the building still has the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world...and it was built thousands of years ago.  The Roman's built it for the ancient Gods.   The Catholics later turned it into a church.

Uh oh Dads....there's a hole in the roof.

According to Daddy, the hole is there on purpose.  It's called the oculus(eye).  It allows sunlight to stream into the Pantheon.

The light moves across the floor and room throughout the day.   It is the only source of light which sounds dark and spooky at night.  

Alright...time for another break...gelato!  This is a first for me.  Doesn't it look yummy!

Ah! Molto Buono! Two tiny enthusiastic thumbs up for Gelato!

This is the path in front of the Medici villa which leads to the Borghese gardens that takes us to our hotel.  I'm gonna take a dip in the pool for a bit to cool off from all the hot and exciting sites.

It's dinner time.  Tonight my parents say we are going to an area called the Trastevera to a place recommended by some guy name Rick Steve.  My Papa Dan really likes this guy.  The name of this restaurant is called Osteria Ponte Sisto da Oliviero.  Mr. Steve said it has traditional Roman fare.
 We're here...yay! I'm starving.
No butter?  Oh well, olive oil will have to do.
Pasta alla favorite.
I'm stuffed and ready for bed.  Looking forward to tomorrow's adventure arrivaderci!


Bernadine said...

What a great post, again! I just love your "LIttle American". How did you ever find shoes to match his shirt? You guys are just a classy bunch! I love the gorgeous photos of Rome. And thanks for the pieces of architectural info. Very interesting. Looks like you're all having such a special time. Thanks for taking the time to post about it.

Entertaining Women said...

The Little American will have memories for a lifetime. I was retracing so many steps with you today. Did you take note of the gold starburst in the forum? I had always wondered where designers came up with that particular I know. Thanks for including us on your adventure. Cherry Kay

MaryBeth said...

2 more killer outfits. Shoe to match the shirt? OMG the bow tie. Love it. Pizza, pasta, bread, gelato. This is so my kind of vacation. Thanks for the update.

ArchitectDesign™ said...

adorable AND beautiful!

Belle de Ville said...

This is a charming post!

online parenting class said...

i think he is really enjoying the trip=)

mikky said...

Such a fun post! It was so nice to look at your vacation photos, felt like I was on a mini vacation in Rome. Everything looks beautiful, but what I`m dying for is a slice of that pizza and maybe a scoop of the gelato too.
The little American sure has a whole lot of style. Love the little red shoes.