Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memories. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Weighty Issues.

Rang in the New Year overweight, as always, and, as always, Sad.  That was the main impetus for Dry January.  Well, that, and the fact that, if I shed problems like onion skins, I'd get to the root of Things.

Don't know that that's what's happening, but do know that not drinking alcohol leads to wanting to cut back on caffeine, which leads to a whole bunch of other things.

In one of my stronger, more inspired moments of late, opened a box containing a journal dating back from 2012, where I found myself 20 lbs lighter than I am now ... Fretting about how I needed to lose 10 lbs.

I've always been chunky.  I probably always will be.  Doesn't mean that I'm not healthy or athletic; just means that I am Bigger than what current aesthetics dictate.

Let's us not worry so much about weight / being thin, and worry more about the body chemistry issues.  Cholesterol is fine, but could be better.  Blood sugar is fine.  Blood pressure is only high when I stress out over going to get it checked.

This is me back in 2009 - same as in 2012, when I was all upset over things.  2018 me *loves* this portrait of me, chunky as I may be.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Winter Sunrise.

Day 21 (three weeks!), Dry January: Winter Sunrise.

When I was a kid, worked in a chain restaurant known for making everything from scratch, on premises. During the school year, I was the night baker, which included both waiting on customers and playing (ahem underaged) bartender. There, the first mixed drink I learned to make was a tequila sunrise. How fascinating it was to watch the grenad
ine bleed down into the juice-hooch mix through the ice cubes.

Hadn't thought about that until tonight, when I poured a spoonful of the cranberry shrub over my apple soda and watched it filter its way down. Made me smile.

- 1 can Cawston Press Cloudy Apple soda
- 1-2 Tbs cranberry shrub
- Splash of Lime Juice
- 3-4 ice cubes
- 2-3 mint leaves, shredded

Just toss the ice cubes in, add your soda and splash of lime.  Stir to mix.  Pour shrub over soda, watch it slowly sink to the bottom with the same fascination as one would watch a lava lamp in action.  Garnish with mint leaves.  Enjoy.