Showing posts with label featured blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label featured blogs. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WIWW ~ Makeup, Jewlery, and a SMILE

What I Wore Wednesday
Yesterday I spent the day with my girly girl. When we were in Florida, the boys got all kinds of stuff from Universal, and other places, while she didn't really get anything. So I promised to take her shopping when we got back home, and she could get anything she wanted. It would be a girls day out. 

We got dressed, took some pictures, dropped of the boys with grandma, and we went to the mall. My oldest was the photographer here, and clearly my daughter and I both have issues with posing for the camera. We tried, but yikes, my bubble butt kept getting in the way, I had to delete a whole bunch of pics, lol. My daughter refused to strike a pose, but finally did a couple, after the sun started melting us, and I told her the only way we would stop is if she did, he he. Dino D on the other hand, well I couldn't keep him our of the pics, and he had no problem strutting his stuff, haha. 
First things first though, we had to grab a bite to eat. So she was set on Steak and Shake, of course so she could have a shake. It was all about my girly so, we went, and I am crazy about their chili, so we both kind of pigged out, he he. We took some silly pictures, and then we headed to the mall.

We watched Jim Carry's new movie, Mr. Poppers Penguins, and it was HILARIOUS. I totally recommend you go watch it, you will love it. We shopped, laughed, and finally ended up with some new shoes, and 4 more barbies. After all that, she still only wanted more barbies. What can you say, she is totally a girl, he he. 
Here's a couple more pictures of me, strutting some LUXE, and I finally got some pictures of my new beautiful necklace that CHARM BRACELET DIVA made for me, well not for me, but when I saw it I knew it was mine. I loved it so much. I have a bigger picture of it below, it's just gorgeous. 

I also had to buy some new makeup last a couple weeks ago, and while I hardly ever wear any, I decided to doll up just a little yesterday. This is the first time I ever bought a pink lipstick, what do you think, do you like it? I'm so used to my reds, or mauves, this was totally different, but I wanted to try something new. So that is WHAT I WORE WEDNESDAY, only it was really Tuesday!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Time is MONEY - Clock revamp - FEATURE by The Scene of the Grime

Hey everyone, today I wanted to share with you a wonderful blog, I've been following for quite some time now. Laurie from THE SCENE OF THE GRIME. I love Laurie's blog, it's full if great crafts, decor, food, tips, and uplifting devotional posts. She is also sweet as can be, and a great bloggy friend. 

A couple days ago she wrote a post on NO COMMENT HELP, and it made me kinda sad. I know I am completely guilty of not always leaving comments, and most days can't get around to all my favorite blogs at all, let alone leave comments. However, I assure all my favorite gals, that I do READ your blogs, and I do adore you all. Sometimes though, I feel like I can do more to show you I love you, and reading her post I just knew I had to share her fabulous blog with all of you. 

Besides she really did do some awesome projects lately, and I can't blame her for being sad when there were hardly any comments, SO if you should so feel inclined, please take a moment to check out her wonderful blog, and this cool project, and leave her some kind words. I'm sure she will be SO thrilled you did. You will love her, I promise :)

Ok now check out this super cool idea on revamping a regular wall clock. 


Monday, March 21, 2011

Amaze me August #29 ~ LIVY CREATIONS ~

Welcome to the 29th weekly edition of:
This week I am really excited to share with you all a friends Etsy shop. I just met her, last week, BUT yes my friend people, he he. She is super sweet, very cute, Polish, and incredibly talented. What more can you ask for. 
Please check out her Etsy shop, and show her some love. 

Aga as her friends call her, is the talent behind these fabulous creations. She just started this business late last year, when she realized she wanted to be home with her girls, but still make money. Livy Creations was born. She has come a long way, in a really short time, because of her determination, and passion. I really look forward to getting to know her better, and learning from her. I'm sure you all will find her very inspirational too, and that's why I just had to feature her today.

Here are some of my FAVORITE things from her shop. 
Most of her creations are made from burlap, and I love that she focuses on letting the simple beauty speak for itself. These pillows are classic, and would look great in anybody's home or office, just saying, I really love them. 
Tonight-not tonight pillow case 12x18
Tonight-not tonight pillow case 12x18
Tell me that pillow isn't awesome. I want it, and think EVERY married couple should have one, it's so fun. 
Bouquet of rose burlap pillow with red piping 20x20

Black and White burlap throw pillow case 13x27

Burlap throw pillow cases 14x14
She even makes custom burlap table runners, and placemats. Hand painted, and completely personalized. 
Burlap table linen set (1 runner and 6 placemats)
There is tons more to see, so please check her out:
and you can also follow her on facebook, she just updated a bunch of new pillows you won't want to miss. 
Make sure you guys tell her Bella sent you!!

Alrighty then, now that I got you all drooling over those pillows, how about we get this party started!!
Remember I've been trying to reach 100 link ups????

Ok, well, I still haven't done it, lol, that's my point, maybe you guys all forgot, so here's my little reminder. 
I want to reach 100 link ups, so help me by grabbing a button, and posting it to your blog, post, facebook, tweet about it, anything, just help me get the word out about the party. 
I love you guys, and thanks in advance, you are the BEST!!

Now have fun, and show me what you got. 


If you liked this post, then follow me dude!
Enter your email address here:

Don't forget to LINK up to my weekly party.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NEW FEATURE SIDEBAR, see this weeks top 10

I told you guys last night, about my NEW FEATURE section in my sidebar. I'm really excited about this new change to Bella Before and After. I think it will be a great way to show my loyal participants, as much love as possible, by displaying my top favorites ALL week, in the left sidebar, FOR ALL to see. 

Are you guys liking it? While your checking out that sidebar, don't forget to GO SHOPPING, you can be included in my little SHOP, by becoming a sponsor on my blog today.
Now check out this weeks TOP 10!!!

Amaze me August
They are in order of submission, so the sooner you link up, the higher on this list you will be.

Mandy @ SUGAR BEE Craft Edition, made a SKIRT, Scarft, and Rosette Hair Clip, from OLD SHEETS,,,, yikes, I love it, but I guess it helps that she had really cute sheets, to begin with hugh. I've never even owned sheets that cute, he he. WAY TO GO MANDY!!!!

Keisha Lynn @ PROJECT CAMPBELL started redoing her daughters room. While she still has some things to do, I love how simply changing the bed set, can make such a difference, move some furniture around, clean up (throw out) a bunch of stuff, and there you have it, INEXPENSIVE new room. Gotta love that!!!

Sourkraut @ LANGES FADCHEN, FAULES MADCHEN just had to go get herself featured AGAIN, with this AMAZING Thin Mint Cupcake,,,, ummm YUMMMY,,, I LOVE thin mints, and I LOVE chocolate, and I LOVE cupcakes, and these look like a pot of gold, well, kinda not really, but I bet they TASTE like a million dollars,,, wait that doesn't make sense either,, lol. Oh well, I Love them.
p.s. I have been honored to know her real name, because I asked, but forgot it, cuz clearly she doesn't go by it, lol, but I can assure you, it really is NOT Saurkraut.

Diane @ PITTYPAT PAPERIE did something pretty AMAZING, if you ask me. She took coke bottles, the small ones,  sliced them up, wrapped them in AWESOME duct tape to make them feel better, and instantly created the CUTEST, practically FREE bracelets ever. I adore them, and can't wait to make some with my kids.

Shantel @ IT's A PRICELESS LIFE created a BEAUTIFUL picture frame from an old CD. It really is brilliant, and with all those cute embellishments, who can resist. Sweet Princess, is right, she is adorable!!!

Sunny @ LIFE IN REHAB strayed from her beloved BLUE, just long enough to get me to fall in LOVE with her AWESOME LIME GREEN WALLS,,,, omg, can I even tell you how much I love her house, and her decor, and her funky style, IT IS SO ME, I tell you. I absolutely LOVE the differnt colored vases she used to display PALM BRANCHES, it is so flippin cool, I am seriously diggin on this, right about now.

Dina @ HONEY & FITZ redid her walk in pantry, and she now has a home for everything, with room to spare. Her contracter grade pantry just wasn't cutting it before, she basically tore everything out, and started again. It's an AMAZING redo, and I am hearting on it, very much.

Slighty Askew @ be SLIGHTLY ASKEW did a quick refashion on a thrift store skirt, and turned it into a ANTHROPOLOGY inspired skirt. I like it, and think she did a FABULOUS job. What do you guys think. Also, my girl, is working on getting some more followers, so GO SAY HELLO, she promises a giveaway for every 50 followers.

Tricia @ LEAFY TREETOP started making the CUTEST little fleece slippers. I don't know what I was thinking when I was frantically searching the stores for a pair just like this, velcro closure, I love it. She is so awesome for sharing this pattern, I just HAVE to try it out, we really need cute little warn slippers.

Khadija @ CREAYIVE MIND redid a sweater vest, and it is so adorable, I just had to show you guys. This girl is super talented, and is constantly doing the funnest crafts, and giving wonderful tutorials. I love her blog, and you will too. GREAT JOB KHADIJA!!!

I just wanted to apologize for not commenting on everyone's blog, especially not right away. Despite my blog still being so small, and my parties very small compared to the big ones, BUT, it is already getting a bit tough to leave comments for everyone. Please know that I appreciate EVERYONE, so much, and am so happy you choose to come link up here. My family already teases me about how much time I spend blogging, he he. Can't help it, you guys are so inspiring, but sometimes, I just can't do it you know.  Being a mommy has been, and continues to be my FULL time job, while blogging sure does come in a close second, he he. 
For the rest of you lucky enough to be FEATURED,
GRAB A BUTTON, and display it Proudly!!

Please visit my Link party Directory
For the coolest parties, I participate in. 
Feel free to add yours, if you think I'd like it :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cracker Barrell Pancake knockoff and ~~FEATURES~~

Hey, so you want to know how to make CRACKER BARREL pancakes do you, he he. ?

Ok, then let me share something I came across this morning. While making my favorite mix pancake :

I tweaked the way I usually do it like this.
USUALLY I make them with water, a bit of oil in the batter, and an egg, per the instruction, sometimes, a little thicker, sometimes thinner, but basically the same.
Oh and I ALWAYS add a dash of SUGAR, and VANILLA to my pancakes. 
Sometimes even CHOCOLATE chips, like I did HERE!
Then I cook on a griddle with HARDLY any oil, like maybe to just get them started, then nothing else.
BUT today, I wanted to be a little BAD, lol. 
So I added milk instead of water, ann egg, and forgot to add the oil to the batter, lol, NO FEAR, because I added a TAD more oil for frying, and made my pancakes a TAD bit thinner, than usual, (think crepe), and fried  I mean cooked my pancakes, so the edges got all crispy, and TOTALLY yummy. 
Now, I've only been to THE Cracker Barrel like ONCE, ok, actually TWICE, but for some reason their pancakes were the TASTIEST darn things I have EVER had. 
YES I know their pancakes are not thin like crepes, and are actually a bit thicker, BUT the taste and smell, and melt in your mouth factor was all there. 
SO TRUST ME when I SAY these were THE BEST!!
Yes, even better than Cracker Barrel, which up until now, I thought were the best. 
Go FIGURE, I would end up loving my pancakes so much.  
Here are just a couple pics, because there were only 2 left when I finally thought of taking a pic, and then of course, of my almost eaten one, he he. Ohhh, how I will miss these yummies, when I start working on losing my BUBBLE BUTT, and read more about my bubble butt HERE, and HERE.

Now on to today's FEATURES, from wks #16, and #17.

This year I need to get my blog on some kind of schedule. For example, I need to figure out when I want to do these FEATURES, which I love to do, but they do take up a whole lot of time, SO, I need to plan better, and make it consistent. You guys need consistency, right, as do I for real. It seems to have worked so far for my party, I've never missed one, and have only been late a few times, by late, I mean, not up on Monday night, he he. Funny thing is those weeks were very low as far as linkups, so lesson to be learned, DON'T be late, setting up your parties gals. 
Stacy @ NOT JUST A HOUSEWIFE, has already been featured like a gazillion times for this incredible lamp, BUT can you blame us party hosts. Tell me it's not the coolest dang thing you've EVER seen, seriously just TRY to tell me, he he. She MADE it all by herself, it was so cute looking at the pics, she looks great sporting dust, and goggles, lol.

GO NOW, and say HELLO to STACY.

Lisa @ THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, made some REALLY yummy looking cinnamon sugar, almonds. You guys know how nuts are a must at any party, the ultimate snack food, and these sweet things will surely make your guests happy, and begging for more.

GO NOW, and say HELLO to LISA,


Laren @ THE ELEPHANTS TRUNK made me drool with her take on one of everybody's favorite meals, spaghetti and MEATBALLS. Oh, how can ANYBODY say this is boring, he he. I love how simple this looks, and of course the fact you don't need to fry them first, score :)

GO NOW, and say HELLO to LAUREN,

Ann @ MY LIFE AS PROSE showed us how to make a fun, NO SEW window valance, and she is so awesome, she didn't even cut it or anything, she just kind of folded, and pinned, and tucked, and hot glued, lol. BUT when, and IF she wants to do something else with this fabulous fabric, SHE can, I love that, and have been known to do similar things, he he.

GO NOW, and say HELLO to ANN,

Michell @ GIRL IN AIR has blown me away, with this INCREDIBLE DIY almost FREE, painting of the world. No stencils were used, and no it wasn't free hand, but I just LOVED it so much, and how fitting, for THE GIRL IN AIR, hehe.
It turned out so lovely, and she too, has about a million comments, on it, but a few more won't hurt.


Lauren @ WEST FURNITURE REVIVAL, is another one of those blogs, which ONCE you check it out, you will fall in love, I"M telling you ITS TRUE, I basically left a comment at every one of her posts, begging for her to link up, he he. She found me however much before I got a chance to see her, and she linked up already. Isn't this little end table adorable, she made it over, and has a wonderful dresser, she redid as well. Gosh, I am loving those shadow boxes so much, and her choice of all those lovely colors, YAYY. I love it!!!



Tara @ TARADARA has been blown away with how many time she is getting FEATURED for this AMAZING $25.00 hutch makeover, HELLO girl, who are you kidding, you can see that picture above, it is probably one of the most beautiful things I've see. I'm not exactly a big hutch girl, BUT this, is so awesome, I have to start browsing craigslist myself, in search for something I can transform into THIS. So awesome!!!

GO NOW and say HELLO to TARA,

Lisa @ SERENDIPITY CHIC DECOR kinda did a cool makeover in her bathroom, and one the coolest magazine racks, I've seen YET, is this, made from a vintage BABY CRIB, what do you think about that? Pretty darn cool hugh?
I must tell you something about Lisa, and her blog, a couple weeks ago, her blog disappeared, as in poof it was gone, and so was her gmail account, so SADLY she had to START over. You guys might have wondered where her blog went, as I did, when I saw this, and was like I know you, but hey your blog is NEW, what's going on. So to make a long story short, PLEASE go say hello, and lets get all her loyal fans back, OK....

GO NOW and say HELLO to LISA!!

Elle @ SWITCHEROOM  redid her bathroom, on a practically non existant budget. She is in the process of remodeling her entire home, (it kind of got flooded out during a typhoon) and is not exactly stylish enough, for this MAJORLY chic, design, guru. She has the most fabulous, ideas, and taste, and I am so in love with her blog, and seeing her home get transformed. It is beyond awesome, so there, now you have to go check it out, he he, cuz, I said so.

GO NOW and say HELLO to ELLE,

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, for supporting me in my blogging efforts. These parties are a HUGE deal for me, I love hosting them, I love seeing all your projects, and I LOVE featuring you my dear friends . So please grab a button and display it proudly. 

As always ENJOY!

Special requests, or mad love always welcome:)
My photo
In my spare time I enjoy cooking, and baking. In fact my mother and I have been making cakes for over 30 years. I also love gardening, traveling, and all things crafty. I struggle daily to keep my like organized, along with my never ending battle to keep the house clean. I adore my three kids MOST of the time, and can usually be found doing the mom thing from morning till night. I try to catch a few mommy moments, but those are hard to find in this wonderful life of mine. I am blessed and happy, and am thrilled you stopped by today :)