Friday, January 31, 2014

Miracles do happen

My CT scan showed that my cancer has shrunk by one third.  What fantastic news.  I will go into surgery on Feb 5th to have the rest of the cancer removed.  After a short recovery time I will continue with Chemo for another three treatments and then I should be home free.

My surgeon told us that if the chemo had not worked he would not have made me go through surgery because it would only have bought me a very short time.  I am so grateful he did not mention that before we started chemo or I really would have been depressed.

I can't begin to tell you how happy we are with the news and know that without the prayers of all those around me (all over the world) we could not have made it this far.  I have really been in the hands of the Lord.  Thanks again for caring for us and taking such care of us during this time.

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