Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Undersea Adventure

A little painting I made. Been interested in scale lately.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Happy Birthday

Even busier since the last post....

I got married. :) It's pretty awesome.

This little sketch wasn't for any recent birthday, I made this quite a while ago but just found it again... moving, changing computers, etc... you know how it goes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's Day

A Valentine's Day e-card. It's personalized, but you might like it anyways. It has music.

Originally 1280x720. Made it last week but it was a rather convoluted path to embed the swf. It took more time to get the embedding to work right than to animate and paint it. For those interested, I'll post the how-to in the comments.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Go Fly a Kite

Enjoy :)

Also, Rachel posted her Sheridan short film Junko Jango. Go check it out.

edit: replaced b&w version with sepia version

Sunday, January 17, 2010

for Mom

From last year. Looks better printed and framed but since only a few relatives have seen it so far, I thought I'd post it. Rachel advised on the autumn colors, it was originally more of a summer scheme. Each family member is depicted as their Chinese zodiac animal, though not caricatured. Still if you know us, you can probably figure out who's who even without knowing our birth years.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Royal Winter Fair Animals 2008

3 pages from the Royal Winter Fair, November 12, 2008. Used the second page for my portfolio.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Zoo (Part 1)

I did scan a few other zoo drawings but left them at school so for now, this is all I've got. I'll post the rest later.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Royal Winter Fair 2006 - Cavies & Fat Pig

Cavies are guineau pigs. They pretty much just look like cute little puff balls. There's more than twenty kinds, but I only drew three. And here's a fat pig to end it off.

Royal Winter Fair 2006 - Piggies!

I think pigs are really fun animals and they've got a lot of potential. Too bad they just lie around in the same pose all day. And piglets move almost as much as chickens, even when sleeping they quiver. But so cute.

Tried to see if I could convert to line only. I think it'd be better if the lines were more continuous.

Royal Winter Fair 2006 - Sheep, goats, alpacas

A bit of Weatherly influence on the above. If you haven't got his book yet, get it. It's very good. Brian really liked this one, said it had nice economy of line. I think a few more lines on the body would've given it much more volume. Oh well.

No, she's not levitating the sheep on the right, it was on a small metal platform that I didn't draw in.

Royal Winter Fair 2006 - Bulls

Tried to stay away from drawing the same way I did last year. It's hard not blocking-in or working big to small, but I think it turned out okay. Grease pencil.

Royal Winter Fair 2006 - Cows

Chickens rarely stay still but cows hardly move at all. Cows are more like limited animation, where just the jaw moves and the rest of the cow is a held cel. This year, I tried a few drawings "straight ahead" without really blocking it in. Kinda shows.

Royal Winter Fair 2006 - Chicks

I always have fun at the Royal Winter Fair. I tend to go overboard, spending the whole day there last year and this year. This year, I focused on two things: trying different tools and trying to capture the animal as quickly as possible (so as not to get too attached to any single drawing). That resulted in a lot of throwaways (about 80 pages worth) ... so next year I think I'll change my tactics and take my time. Less is more, right? :)

Here are some of the original pages before putting them together to hand in. Chicks move too fast. Brush pen + marker, Grease pencil, Layout pencil.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

ROM Bones

Animal skeletons from the ROM bone room (not open to the general public). The room was so small and packed that we had to split into three groups, each with only about two hours to draw. The assignment was to do a 5 minute sketch followed by a longer study from a different angle. I've got three 5-10 minutes sketches and 2 longer studies. I completed one later using my block-in and photo reference I took.