Monday, January 15, 2018


It was so easy to move when 
we were younger!  2016 was a
 difficult year.
I am so glad it was over when 2017
arrived - so I start with a little
"Friends Sharing Tea" I set up in
the month for January celebrating
Queen Victoria:

February was a time to 
celebrate Valentines Day:

and also my friends Gina and
Janice took me to the
for my birthday:

that is - Paris, Missouri!  There
was an antique show there in a 
school and I found these old
English cottage dishes.

I was able to start up "Tea In The
Garden" which was shocking to me 
as I knew back in Colorado it was
time for lots of snow!

with a bird theme:

July:  It is so 
thrilling to find
flower for bouquets:

when the weather
gets plenty hot:

October was a time for mums:

Well - that's it for 2017.  
I am happily caught up!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

THE GATHERING OF FRIENDS for "Friends Sharing Tea"

Over the holidays I was invited
to have lunch with tea at Janice's was great fun.  She blogs
at "Curtains In My Tree"  This is
my kitchen table below where I am
enjoying tea now.  Also, you see,
your cup is poured too!

 Janice introduced me to some
 books I had not heard about before
 but immediately wanted.

The books are called "The Gathering
of Friends" and there are 7 volumes filled
with recipes and decorating ideas.
They are $32.50 each but I ordered a
used set on ebay.

Let's take a few minutes 
and check out Volume One:

There are wonderful recipes
 to make and decorating ideas
 and table settings.  I could sit here 
for hours just absorbing.  I think
wintertime is perfect for books.

If you want to bake my brownies - 
they can be found here by Brenda 
at Coffee Tea Books and Recipes.
I make these often.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR for "Friends Sharing Tea"

Considering the temperature outside,
we are having our tea by the fire today.
My first tea of the year is all about fun.

I used that free template from
 another site's link (that I put in
a post a few days back) and made
the banner myself.  I added
some Jane Austen type figures 
purchased as an art download 
 on Etsy.

This fruitcake was taken back
 out of the freezer:
encase you missed it.

Needless to say there was a  little
glitter to deal with in the
kitchen area.

I would like to thank each one
 of you who visits this weekly event
and especially those who participate
 in these teatime linky parties.  
 We do love teatime!

I hope you enjoyed my whimsical
tea time today and can join the party.

I will be joining these parties too:
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Share Your Cup
Home Sweet Home

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018