Showing posts with label hippie sixties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hippie sixties. Show all posts

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hippie for a Day

Wt: 131 lbs, rice eaten: 1 cup (so proud), snacks: 5 ( ice cream, potato salad, brownies, puto bumbong, potato chips), jump ropes: 0 , diet regimen: After Six

I learned that the word Hors d'œuvres is pronounced as "Orderves". And notwithstanding the fact that i am now at an all time high of 131 pounds, i am once again talking about food. Hors d'œuvres are the small one bite appetizers you eat at a party. So at least you learned something from this blog today.

Talking about parties, I attended my aunt's recent birthday bash and i partied like there's no tomorrow. My aunt had installed a disco ball in her entertainment room and the ball wasn't rented,.. it's there to stay permanently! And so I started dancing crazily and that probably cancelled any chance of having a lovelife. I think i ticked off any possible suitors. I know, I assume too much (hahaha). They also asked me if i took drugs. "Yes.. Orange Flower" I said just to shut them up. Orange flower is the most popular among the ecstasy pills. And yes if you are a nurse like me, you get to retain useless information like that.

The biggest reason i say i ticked off any possible beaus is this~ The theme of the party is The Psychedelic Sixties. And apparently, i was the only one who actually wore a costume :/

Guess who took things too seriously?

I wanted to look like this.. 
..but i guess i failed miserably.haha. Forgive me for my pessimism though. I love costume parties and i couldn't care less that everyone else is under-dressed. Being a hippie for a day was exhilarating. I suggest you try it. Do wear a forehead band, look high, do some kooky dance moves, and stop eating all those hors d' oeuvres or you'll end up packed with 131 lbs too.

Yun lang.
Lubos na gumagalang,
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