Showing posts with label saturday song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label saturday song. Show all posts

Saturday, July 3

Saturday Song: A culmination of our country's latest greatest exports.

It's Star Wars meets a Britney Spears Video done for the Bollywood movie "Billu Barber," found at Samael7's iRant.

And I keep hearing in my head Jon Stewart's voice saying "here is your moment of Zen":

Saturday, June 12

Saturday, May 29

Saturday, February 6

Saturday Song

When a band like this shows up at an open mike, you know to pass on the beer and order up some single malt from the top shelf, budget be damned.

Stay warm, ma hunnies.

Saturday, January 16

Saturday Song

I'm going through old songs for ideas for an intro to the podcast. This is very blog-oriented, I think. I tried out the Bill O'Reilly "we'll do it live" remixes and was turned off--don't really want Bill O introducing the show.

I'd also like it to have an olde tyme radio feel while still being kinda hip. Any suggestions?

Saturday, April 11

Saturday Song - 4 ma gurls

Because when they get back from Spring Break, we're gonna dance to this one fo' sho.

Saturday, January 10

Driftglass is ONLY 347 votes down

Considering that yesterday morning we needed a thousand plus votes, that's like, Chicago turnaround, my friends. So go vote, early and often, the Chicago way.

And here's your Saturday song...

Saturday, November 22

Video Mashup by BG - Saturday Song

A little Julie London meets Rudolph Valentino. These ladies would never....

Saturday, November 15

Saturday Song

...ah for the glory days when you could go to a nightclub and watch dancing girls with fishnets and fake machine guns:

Saturday, October 25

Saturday Song

The Boswell Sisters, Heebie Jeebie Blues (1932)

For my two sisters, who as many of you know have faced serious health problems in their families recently (my broken ankle is nuthin', I tell you).

There are many references in our culture to "three little words" but hearing the ones "it's not cancer" brought such relief to our family's beyond words. My brother in law is still in serious condition and hospitalized but...but....

Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind thoughts. I've said many times when something happened to "other people" that the blogosphere is a family. I feel that very much today. Thanks.

Saturday, October 18

Saturday Song

Click with caution, ma hunnies. Alison Crowe in this lil' numbah will make the paint peel off yer drywall.