David Sedaris has always been my go-to source of entertainment when I need a good laugh. I love his sardonic wit and how open and honest he seems when he speaks about his life and family. In his latest collection he writes of pandemic madness, hurricanes, family, relationships, bad teeth, illness, aging and even death. His father, Lou, who he had a strained relationship with passed away during the pandemic at the age of 98 after a prolonged period in which his health deteriorated.
The author always seems to strike a good balance between dry humor, absurdity and even warmth at times although the warmth seems brief and somewhat detached. Familial relationships are always a large part of what Sedaris writes about but, his stories about his five siblings never feel repetitive or boring. His observations about daily life and interactions with others while sometimes a tad absurd make for some splendid entertainment. and, this collection had me chuckling so often that I listened to some of the essays several times.
If I had one minor complaint about Sedaris is that he seems to flaunt his wealth a bit too much at times. Just in this collection the reader will learn that he owns more than (6) homes in the US and internationally - including (2) side by side NC beach front houses on Emerald Isle. Back in NYC He bought the unit above his place on the upper East side in NYC so that he could go upstairs when his husband Hugh played the piano. He also tells of how much he missed shopping during the pandemic, where he shops and how much some of his clothes cost. Despite this minor complaint, I remain a devout Sedaris fan having read most everything he has written.
At 65 Sedaris has written some (18) books, which have been translated into 25 languages. He routinely travels far and wide in the US and internationally for live performances.
Readers who need a bit of humor in their lives should give an audiobook, always read by the author, a try. This collection as well as Calypso are (2) favorites of mine.
RATING - 5/5 stars