Showing posts with label Conservative Attack Ads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservative Attack Ads. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Attack Ads Broke CBC Copyright

The Conservative Party has not asked to CBC / Radio-Canada permission to use its content for its latest advertising campaign, a political offensive launched this week and includes excerpts of the broadcaster in three ads.

That's a google translation of what's through the link. Looks like the CPoC used CBC footage without asking. Wouldn't surprise me if these new ads never get aired. Who knows if that was ever the intention?

Update: Here it is in English. Bring on the calls to defund the CBC.

Late At Night...

Nicholls criticizes the Torys' "Rising to the Challenge" attack ad as follows: Then the rest of the ad shows Prime Minister Harper in his office late at night working on crossword puzzles or something.

But dig this still from the ad itself.

What's that shining in through the slats, if not sunlight? And you can see other examples of the same anomaly throughout the spot. So maybe we should add crap production values to its list of faults. Or maybe the PMO can't simply command darkness whenever Mr. Harper wants to do a Photo Op.

Or maybe the point of the ad wasn't to show Harper working at night, it was to show that he works all day in his office until night falls without any interruption from kin or colleagues. Which means he has no friends nor family life.

Maybe somebody should give Norm Spector a heads up.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Michael Ignatieff Is Not Jesus Christ what I keep thinking when I hear that "He didn't come back for you." line in those otherwise kind of dull Conservative attack ads. Weird, they are, and then boring.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Unless Tory Supporters Are Allowed To Vote Twice

...I guess we can dub the "oily the oil spot" ads a dismal failure. Although Kinsella (see article for comment) and Taylor insist that everything played out according to the Tory plan, that the ads are a sign their War Room is playing Chess while the rest of us play off-key Ukeleles.

And the whole ugly denoument when Fuelcast, the company hired to run the ads on local gas pumps, realized that doing so might cause motorists to immolate said gas pumps with their own fuel, and backed out of their contract with the CPoC? That was just a double feint so the Tories didn't come off looking too clever.