Showing posts with label Tony Clement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Clement. Show all posts

Thursday, March 06, 2014

It's Upside Down

Media preview
From here.  Looks better if you open it in a new tab.  Also:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reality Refutes Tony Clement

On the very same day federal Minister of Industry Tony Clement poo-poohed the idea of a dangerous spider registry, an unregistered dangerous spider--likely Mexican, having snuck up over the Mexico/American border and hitched a ride North on a crate of California bananas--was reported to have terrorized a Woodbridge man.

No word on whether the spider was an adherent of the so called "religion of peace", but we can speculate wildly.
When will Clement and those other fools in Ottawa realize the truth? THEY'RE...NOT...JUST...INNOCENT...ANIMALS! THEY HAVE AGENDAS OF THEIR OWN!!!

Maybe We Should

Or at least, registries of dangerous exotic pets are occasionally proposed in a Canadian context, due to incidents such as this.

The origonal tweet.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tony Clement Denies

Perhaps he mis-spoke. Perhaps he spoke too true. In any case, the minister is walking back his statement, made yesterday morning on The Hour, that Canada has a voluntary short form in its future.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

As We Move To a Voluntary Short Form Census

...says Tony Clement on The House this morning towards the end of his interview here (about the 7 minute mark, I think). Don't know why fact that Tony Clement admitted this morning that the Gov. is moving towards a voluntary short form as well as a voluntary long-form didn't make the CBC story re his interview, unless they just assumed he was gibbering (which is plausible enough).

The Short Form Is Next

It isn' touched on here, but listening to Clement on The House this morning, it seems to me that he pretty clearly stated that the move to eliminate penalties on all StatsCan surveys was a step down the road to a voluntary short form. Again, the CBC's story on the interview doesn't mention this, but I am sure of what I heard.

Make of it what you will.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

National Citizens Coalition Caves To Tories

The NCC published a booklet entitled "Tales From The Tax Trough" in which they claimed that

MP Tony Clement and two political staffers spent $30 000 to fly to Kenya to deliver a $150,000 cheque.

In response, Tony Clement wrote the NCC a letter demanding that--even though the claim was factually accurate--all reference to his trip be dropped from NCC publications.


Gerry Nichols, who once worked at the NCC, is right pissed-off at them.

And, by the way, even if Clement, as claimed, flew economy-class both ways, that's still only about $3,000 return per each of his two staffers and himself. Where did the other $20,000 go?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Raitt Punished?

Here comes Bill Clinton's speaking fee, as well as a couple more million from the Marquee Tourism Events Program to:

...allow the CNE to bring world-class soccer teams from Portugal and Scotland to Toronto during the event; add marquee names to existing entertainment programming; present an international speaker series; increase its marketing efforts in Canada and the United States; and initiate a two-year project to introduce on-the-ground transportation for visitors, which will be completed in time for the 2010 CNE.

A interesting note: the CTV, Globe, and Macleans' stories from last week all mention that Canada's natural resources minister Lisa Raitt would be confirming the funding, but in the end it was Tony Clement that got to hand out the over sized cheque (or whatever):

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 17, 2009) - The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry, today announced the Government of Canada investment of $3.75 million over two years to support the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) as part of the Marquee Tourism Events Program.

Is Harper continuing to use Marquee Tourism Events Program funding announcements to punish/reward members of Team Tory? After all, Lisa Raitt and her Sexxxy Isotope show have been in the news again recently, and not in a good way.