Showing posts with label TRAVEL~. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TRAVEL~. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2011

Travel europe.. (:

Alhamdulillah...safely arrived 1 day before raya haji.. :)

sorry cant update much story, since im not settle wif my presentation yet..
Alhamdulillah...4 month in Germany gve me chance to travel around europe...
Ive been to 8 countries includng Germany..which are :
1) Paris
2) London,Uk
3) Prague, Czech Republic
4) Switzerland
5) Pisa,Florence,Venive, Italy
6) Brussel,Belgium
7) Amsterdam

and Germany! kat german pn sempat lawat byk tmpt! Weimar,frankfurt,stuttgart,berlin,Rothernbug.. :)

and now have to do my practical report...and log book for 4 month! gigihhhh yer ann!
masih xde m0od nk start buat ape2..:( M0od! please come to me darling! huhuhu

k.laaa c u in my next entry! :) if rajin..huhu please gve me sedikit kerajinan u ol~ huhuuhu

danke schon 4 readng! smile always! :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

weekend in stuttgart!

salam readers!! :D

sedar x sedar,diam x diam,da 15 haru kite berpuase kan! how time flies~ tinggal 15 hari lagi utk kite berpuase dan mengecap segala nikmat dan pahale di bulan ramadhan..h0pe u guys out there rjin2 la melipat gandakan amalan di bulan yg mulia ini... and n0te for myself als0! same2 lah kite mengejar keberkatan dariNYA!:)

2 hari lepas,which is saturday, 5 of us went to stuttgart! we b0ught group ticket..only 6euro per pers0n! saving! heee t0 save our travel, we've decided to do day trip only...s0,we can save on h0tel and train ticket... :) s0, we have to sacrifise our sleep! hee after sahur,only a few hours sleep then our j0urney begun! heee

we take train at 8.01am from heidelberg and arrive stuttgart around 9.40am..the duration around one hour and fourty minutes approximate..when we arrive,we l0ooked for tourist information and checked for the attraction there...and beside of the tourist information counter,there was a mercedes Benz exhibiton. and its free!

in the exhibiton.. style gle kn b0dy kete tu!

we have decided to used bus tour..s0 we can h0p in and h0p 0ut whenever we like~ heee only 15euro per pers0n! :)
this is the bus!

first place dat we've visit was Mercedes Benz Museum..only 4euro per pers0n..and i think it is worth it! bec0z we get the merceds benz tag tu..ala yg utk gantung kad matrik..huhuhu dkt dlm museum tuh,very interesting! fr0m the fundamental,hist0ry,type and m0stly pasal kete la kan~ rugi sape yg g stuttgart x pg merc museum! a few picture here,and slbihnye u ol bley g0dek2 my faceb0ok~ :)

Mercedes Benz Arena(stadium)

in front of the mercedes-benz museum

ape yg ktrg pgg tu? hee sy pn x taw what they were called,but it was like,bile kte tunjuk kt mane2 description dkt kete tu,then de akan bg fundamental o history about dat car...and every fl0or de akan cerita mcm2..huhuu tp sy x amik port n0t dat hist0ry gul~

wif one of those car~

gmbar ni sgt best! bile kte lalu,de akan buat cam kte tga bckp sumthing! stylee kan! tgk ape yg atas kpale sy tu..."can i contribute to the future" hurmmmm

dpt bWk racing car! :D dari kecik teringin nk jadi racing driver! :D

next ktrg pg nek strassebahn~ if im n0t mistaken..huhu train tu adalah train yg tertua di situ

yg warna kuning tu la trainnye!

ini pemandangan stuttgart dr ats bukit..:)

i luv u syg(arifah)!

depan schlossplatz.. :)

dlm train,sy and arifah sat beside 2 turki gul.. their name are Elphi and Lola..they invite us for iftar in the Rorbarh Mosque.. Alhamdulillah! murah rezeki.. :)

beratur pjgggggggggggg~

this is the f0od! :)

Arifah n Lola

Me with Elphi

it was nice meeting u gurls! :) and What a w0nderful j0urney that we have go through together and m0re j0urney t0 go~ heee :D OK...nk smbung td0q..huhu bru td0q 4 jam~ heee nite peeps! Have a nice day evry0ne! :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

berbuke puase di perantauan~

SALAM ALL!! tajukkk cam gempakk je kann~ heee

ini celita hujung mingguu yg punya~ hohoho lmbttnye la sy mengupdate~ huuu tp nk update jugakk..hee pedehal~ heee

sbtu pg tu,ktrg pegi FLOHMARKT a.k.a car b0ot sale~ mcm2 ade...dr cawan,pinggan mangkuk,bju,sua,bra,aksesori bagai,sampul surat,hiasan yg mcm2,basikal,cd,sbun bsuh bju,radio,camera,loooott of thinggg!~ cume x jual mak ayah n anak2 je di situ~huuuu and sumenye MURAH2! bayangkan basikal bley dpt 1euro sahaja! 1 x rm4.4 = rm4.40 dpt basikal sebiji! :D TAPI sec0nd hand and perlu dibetulkan sedikit here and there..and seperti biase anjinggg bersepah,,,must be very careful! huhuhuhugaya mcm nk blagak gangster~ dgn slipe jmbn nye~ and kpale tu mesti kene senget skit..(konon cam m0del~ haaaaha)

me and arifah~ unik kan cermin tu!

mcm2 depa ni juaii!!~

Cantekkan awannnye! awann nano..nano..nano..nanoo..kekasihku!

Dat day, ktrg dapat jmputan berbuke puase kt uma kak hani.. kak hani amik PHD kat University of Heidelberg.. de adalah super genius! heee salute dkt de! :) then ptg tu pn packing2 since nk td0 uma de,bley jemaah terawih n sahur same2..meriah skit..hee :)

ini kak hani masak utk ktrg.. :) ayam masak kurma, asam pedas, syurr cmpo.. sdp! :)

Desert : Tiramisu + pengat pisang + Butter milch (fav kak hani~)

nyum2!! :)

the next day,0n sunday, kak hani ajak ktrg jalan2 tgk University of Heidelberg..huahhhhhh.... bc0z:
1) x bwk c0ntact lens!
2) slipe jmbann je~ da la cuace sjukk yg amattt..huhu
3) pkai bju td0 je..
4) x mndi pn pg tu (mcm x biase lak kt sini x mndi kannn..heee)
5) x bwk kamera! if pape yg menarik,x leh snap,nseb bek kak hani bwk kamera de,bley menempel kat kamera de! heee

then kak hani bwk ktrg pg tgk garden! botanical garden! de terbahagi kpd 2 tmpt...which are:
1- sahara- kat sini sume jenis kaktus ade..sgale jenis pokok yg hidup di gurun sahara i guess...

2- khatulistiwa- mostly pkok2 kat negara kte! pkok pisang,klape,padi.. bangge gak tgk dorg tanam! then ade pokok kelapa tu,kat dlm isi nye ade buah delima! kacukkk!~

yg ni la description dlm kelapa ade barli..and explanati0n is in german! :)

cntekk kann pokok2 kt blkg tu..masyaAllah.. :)

after that,pg tgk lab kak hani...then dorg ajak pg z0o..huhuhu firstly,sy mmg x nk msukkk...( kucing pn tkottt,ni kan binatang yg len) but,maj0rity wins! i have t0 f0llow~ :) 6euro per pers0n~ interesting jgk z0o di sini! bykk binatang yg x de kt; camel,zebra, n byk lagi yg x taw name~ huuu tp kannn z0o kat msia pn x pna jejak..nk c0mpare2 lakk knn..hihihi pasni blek msia,kene p z0o! wjib! heee

peace no war! :D

binatang ini diletak di luar z0o..sume bley tgk free..hihi ini beruang rasenye!hik2

ini adalah guinea pig o pn x sure..huhuhu cntek kn dorg decorate castlenye! mesti s0nokk depa dok dlm nie~ hee

style gile org utann ni~

ini 66dalmati0n~~ smpat kire dalmation nyee! bru berusia 4 bulan.. heee

ini ape yerr...yg sy taw,syafiq cite binatang ni kalau rase diancam de akan kuakan bende yg tajam2 kat bdn de tu kpd musuh..huuhuhu jd,apekah namenye? lndakk? errrrrr~

ini sy taw! babi hutannn!

ini adalah zebra kesayangannn sy! hee

ini binatang sgt lajuuu gerak2..smpai gmbar pun blur~ huu

ini bear cat rasenyee~ hihihi

ini adalahhh...mmmm... ha! tu laa..yg awk sebut tu! hik

ini adalah gajah ksygn awk! hehe cube z0om kaki gajah yg blkg tu,siap bersilang ag! heee ade style la~

setle p z0o,kak hani bwk ktrg pg petik buah epal merah,epal hijau, n pear..beshhh gle rase buahnye! mnisss sgt! fresssh! hee hABis st0k buah, bley pg lagi nti! :D

for iftar, kak hani suggest ktrg pg rest0ran leban0n ni.. try 'falafel'..sumthing new f0r our lidah MELAYU yg pekaatt ni! huuu sedp! tp cam agak muakk...

inilah falafel...yg mcm cekodok tu adlh syur goreng,then hijau tu buah zaitun yg dijeruk,then ade cheese g0reng, cheese mentah, n bunga k0bis g0reng~

blek bwt terawih smbil tersengguk! huuuu sekian! :)

p/s : soryy,sy fail sikit mengenalpasti binatangg..and gmbar sbnrnye ade bykk ag,lum amik kt kak hani ag,bile dpt nti,ill update! :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

paris : 3rd

2nd daayyy! after pegi eiffel tower tu,hujannn,,,sjukkk,,then nk gerak ptg tu,sy n arifah rasmikan sweater bru kamii! heeeeeeeeeeeee :D

kembaq siam! heee

Tga tunggu metro.. :) kat sini jln2 mostly pkai metro..ktrg beli one day pass for transport..bleh nek metro, bus sume...dlm 6.3 euro je seorg,, :)

ni dekat Musee d'Orsay...CUTEE X? hee


next destination : arc de triomphe

ceyyy,,,konon2 tga pgg la ARC tu! heee

dats all 4 dis entry! psnii nk tunjuk scenery eiffel tower di mlm hari!! :D

Monday, July 25, 2011

PARIS : 2nd

wake up with big SMILEY face!

x sabaq ceq nk p EIFEL TOWER!!! one of my dream! bersyukur sgt2!
n mcm x pcaye da dpt tunaikan impian tu!!! Alhamdulillah!!! :)


da sampai platform Eifel Tour~

ramainyeee orggg~~~ grrr

Eiffel Tour dr bwh...cpt kire load nye dak2 structuree~


Picnic d Eiffel Tour!~ heeee :D

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