I have the hardest time getting a normal face of this boy so this post will be my favorites, my silly favorites and ones of trying to get a good picture out of him.
Well we came home tonight right around five. It is nice to be home and not bugged constantly by nurses. With having a c-section they bug you twice as much checking vitals incision etc... Well, I have to say so far I am wondering why in the heck I ever had the kids vaginally. Don’t get me wrong I am still in pain but I can handle it a lot better then what I had down going on down there with the other kids. The nurses were surprised at how well I was doing and moving around. Anywho, I will give a few details of the last few days. After Carsten was born…oh by the way his full name we decided today is Carsten Darell Cluff, Darell is Brendan’s middle name and Carsten’s great grandpa’s name so it is special :) Well after he was born he was showing symptoms in his lungs that he was actually a week earlier then we thought so he is considered a preemie. Instead of two weeks he was three weeks early. Well he had some problems with breathing. He was and still is breathing a little faster than nor...
I'm pretty disappointed tonight with the election results as I am sure a lot of you are. The only plus side to the whole election was prop 102 passed !!!! YEAH !!!!!! I thought McCain gave a great speech tonight, it was very noble of him and I gained a little more respect for him. As for Obama I was thinking about Pres. Packer's talk in Regional conference and how one of his last sentences of the talk he said that 'a drastic change was coming' Which was a little scary to think about. Anyway, after Obama's speech tonight the thought occurred to me that the main word in Obama's campaign has been 'Change' you see it all over the signs people hold at the rally's (or whatever they are called) To me that was a little scary. I kind of had the feeling after Pres. Packer said those words that Obama would be one of those changes. Anyway, I think that historically it is WONDERFUL that a African American was elected President of the United Sates. It is go...
Love the pics! Hope all is well for you guys!