Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

Makes you late for dinner.

I haven't been drawing much, because sitting in a chair makes my back hurt. Which is a pretty serious concern for someone who sits at the computer or sits at the sewing machine, or sits at a drawing table all day.

I think I prematurely aged.  Possibly going to be one of those "Ow my back" people for life now. Its really helping my cheer levels, which were pretty high to begin with. *Sarcasm chasm, watch out*

I think I am on the mend though. I completed this. (For no discernable reason...)
The Hobbit is so cute. Re-watching it, I still think its cute. All the characters are cute. All the actors are cute. Ugh, Bilbo's house is so dang cuute. The movie has no women in it, which is terribly UNCUTE, but other than that problematic crap...CUTE.  Should have put off seeing it until all three movies were finished, though. Waiting is the worst.

As for the comic, I know its a popular act on tumblr to be like "Oh, I hate people, I just need my computers heat for love" but seriously, that is me. This comic isn't an exaggeration. Everyone, you are nice and lovely and I might even like you, but I want you to GO AWAY.  Even if you are an amazing wizard and offering the adventure of a lifetime..Nahhhh.

Monday, January 24, 2011

What was that?

I have taken to listening to screamingly loud music on my iPod while doing chores, which means I am constantly waiting to be murdered.

death dishes

You can't hear anything with Beats smashed into your ears and some dude screaming about goatblood or whatever. There is always a freaky killer clown behind me or something, just know it.
Click here to see a bigger one if don't know how to work your internet machine.

What is with the comics? I have no idea.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Boner killer.


Should have muted.

Celebs. They are most likely boring-ass regular people. Granted, they are beautiful-ass, regular people. When they aren't being their characters, they are pretty dull to me, just like other regular jerks. Beautiful...regular....beautiful...what was I saying...?

Nothing is a bigger boner killer for me than hearing a favorite actor/musician, who I may have concocted some sort of fake personality for in my ugly-person-brain, give props to God. 

It shatters my fake fantasy love for them. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year Comic

I spend long hours minutes making a magical, beautiful comic about New Years...

My copy and paste skills are enviable. 

Anyway, 2009 sucked unbearably, and 2010 was kind of the fallout and self-pity session after that, so lets just all get together and wish it goodbye with a swift kick in the pants.

2011, don't make me make you a coffin.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Good intentions don't always make for good outcomes.

Sometimes things just don't work out the way you want them to.

Every project I started for the last little while has turned to crap at some point. I spent a lot of time trying to make myself like them by repainting, tweaking, cutting up and gluing back together...But at this point, I think its best to just let them go in peace.

So all my papier mache stuff is junked, my paintings trashed, and my experiments won't see the light of day. Oh well.

Its kind of a weird, messy time right now for a lot of people I know and interact with. And yeah that includes me. Being an person with an extremely low-drama life I find even a bit of conflict strange and tiring. I am just so used to nothing happening! Sorry if this seems like typical cryptic internet crap, but I do have a life outside of making bats in hats. ;-P

So today I am starting new projects. I am going to try to be more selfish and make things I don't want to sell. :-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I swear he can say the word "mom."

Here is my day, morning and evening.


His isn't so much a cat, as he is some sort of constant eating-animal. I like to call this animal the fatty bear. Or possibly, the cat-loaf. He turns cat food into fur and pee. Loudly.

I am featured on my Street team's blog today! My street team is pretty active and has about one billion members. The Etsy Dark Side Street Team is all about making darker sellers more visible and giving them a community to chat to and network with. I just squeak under the door as "dark" enough. Hi street team people!

Maybe tomorrow I will make a comic about how my cat can only go to sleep if I build him a tent in the blankets. No really. Its freaking pathetic.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Yep. That confirms it. I am a dork.

If you need proof...
The Batman

I have proposed to a few things on the internet. But this time I mean it. Batman, I heart you.

(Oh, and could you marry both me and my boyfriend? Cause he wants to marry you too. He can do the dishes while we drive the Batmobile and grit our teeth.)


In real life, a cool little thing has occured!
The Sampler!
Kittycrossbones and myself worked together to submit to The Sampler. I did the artwork and she did the printing, a bit of design work and assembly (not to mention submitting and mailing PHEW). I think it came out super cute. We officially are awesome.

My arms are dye stained to the elbows from re-pinkening my hair, but I don't care cause its Friday, and I have a big bat signal shaped peanut butter cup to chow on. :-)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Working on things that are boring.

I have had websites since I was in highschool. But in all the years from then until now, I haven't actually gotten better at building them.

Its kind of a necessary evil, so I make them. But I am basically unable to care about stuff I suck at. Its a personality flaw. So they come out pretty basic.

My new one isn't finished yet. Its coming. Soon. Hopefully?
You can tell by the pressure of my furious pencil scribbling how frustrating I find the whole thing. These comics make laugh. Laugh that I put crap like this low quality comic on the interwebs.

Here is a little sneak peek at a new website graphic...I decided to ditch my "super clean digital" look that for some reason I had associated with a "real" website. Who knows why I thought that would represent my work. I splatter. There should be splatter!

I redid my banner for my Etsy shop too. I wish the banner was a bit bigger. I tried like 50 different layouts, but none could fit Batcat's ears in unless he was horizontal.
Ok, that uploaded really tiny, but you want to go to the shop anyway to see the larger one... (I am a marketing genius.)

So off to make more website content. *drags feet like a five year old*

Monday, March 3, 2008


Want to see a masterpiece of unrivaled beauty, inventive design and incredible insight?


Yeah. Welcome to my Monday.

Working at home has a million benefits, one of the biggest is that I am able to waste time doing garbage like this. BUT the downside is that you live at your work, and its tough to get creative and productive when there is an ocean of peanut butter cup wrappers and dirty socks on everything. They mock me.

So every Monday I wake up with all this drive to finish projects and rule the world through drawing cats on things. Then when I stumble out into the dump that is my apartment, I get all disheartened and just end up drinking a pot of coffee and thinking how to approach the whole mess.

So its noon and I have yet to DO anything but think about doing something. Damn.