Showing posts with label my brother J. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my brother J. Show all posts

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Updates and random thoughts...

I thought I would give you some updates
on things I have written about here.

1. My brother J is doing great, eyesight is fine, though they are
still trying to figure out what is up with him.

2. Mr. B, my cat with the kidney problems is doing great, he is better than ever :-).
That is him in the photo, waiting for birds :-).

3. I am still being brave, though this week is a bit boring,
but baring jumping out of a plane there is not much that
scares me at the moment. Which I guess is a good thing.

4. Some of you may be wondering what is happening with the 27 year old.
I saw him yesterday for the first time since I posted about him. He just gets more and
more interesting. I think if I were 27 we would get together and have babies,
but given that I am not 27, I don't have a clue what will happen. I do know
I want to be friends, that is for sure.
I think that covers everything for now. I am off work today and I am going to
actually work on my book(did you hear that mom?) . I will be cutting out all
the things I no longer want in it. This will be hard, but I must do it and that is
the assignment for me today, oh and I will also play :-). I just returned from a lovely
cool run and I am ready for anything. Have a great Thursday everyone.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My brother

This lovely photo of the ocean by Geraint Smith.
This will be a short post. I want to ask all of you,
no matter what or whom you pray to, to please
send some good thoughts to my brother J. He
is the brother who just came for a visit and he had
a stroke on his way home, actually he had two.
He is in a hospital and still has not made it home.
This stroke affected his eyes and so far we are
not sure what caused them. He is in the hospital
until they figure it out. This is a bit scary. I just
talked to him and he sounds fine, but it is still
scary for those of us who love him. Thanks everyone.