Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Changing gears

So, the other day I started working on my book again.
I have abandoned it for about nine months. Why?
I had come to think it was done and I was waiting for a
friend of mine to make time to edit it. I had already rewritten
much of it and felt I could do no more. Boy was I wrong.
First, before I go any further I should tell you a little of
what my book is about: I have been on a spiritual journey
for most of my life and thought I would write a book about some
of the things I had learned, so I could help others on the journey.
In the course of the last 9 months while I was waiting for my friend
to edit my book, I have learned another 30 years worth of insights.
Much of what I wrote in the book has shifted for me. I feel
the book should reflect the truth as I believe it to be, so now I
am faced with rewriting it almost from scratch. I have
to confess it is daunting and scary. In keeping with my Be Brave
project I have begun the process :-). I miss working with my clay
and I am missing painting very much, but right now this will
be my focus for at least the next week or two perhaps even
until I am done. I want to ask the writers out there if something
like this has ever happened to them? Also are there any editors out
there that would agree to edit the book when it is done, in trade for a painting?
Would any of you be interested in reading my book when I am done?
I will keep you posted on my progress.
Have a wonderful weekend all. XOXOXO