Studio Musings

Monday, March 20, 2017

Let's do it again! Another (Un)Finished Objects Blog Hop

We had such fun with the last one - I'm hosting another UnFinished Objects (UFO) Blog Hop!  I put it up for a vote amongst the group, and almost everyone from the first hop has already signed on.  

UnFinished Objects (UFO) Blog Hop
Signups through March 26
Blog Hop May 1st, 2017

And as promised, I'm opening this up to new additions.  If you missed the last one and want to join; here's your chance.  Once again, you don't even have to have a blog.  I've set up a closed, members-only Facebook Group, and we'll be doing a simultaneous reveal there.  Or I'm happy to host you on my blog as well.  The choice is totally yours.

Again, the group is open to people working in all mediums.  Right now, there are a lot of beaders, but you don't have to work with beads!!!!!  For myself, I've decided to do a 1-for-1. I'm allowing myself to pick one non-beading UFO (projects that are unlikely to ever appear in a tutorial) for every beady UFO I tackle.  I'm enjoying the permission to work on some purely 'for fun' projects.

What you're committing to:
  • Sorting through your desktop, drawer, pile of unfinished objects (this can be scary, but can also be like searching for buried treasure). 
  • Choosing one or more to finish, then getting started!
  • Sharing your (hopefully) newly finished object with the group on May 1st.  (If it's not quite done, simply share where it is as of that point - any progress is forward movement)
  • Additional fun - share a little of the story of the project; why you started, how it got stuck in the UFO pile, why you decided to finish that particular item. 
 You can also use the Facebook Group as a support network if you need ideas or suggestions for moving forward, or simply as a joint cheering squad as we all move towards our goals.  (Unless you request otherwise, I'll add you to the Facebook Group when you sign up).

Want to join in?

Leave a comment, or send me an email: (skunkhillstudio at gmail dot com) with your name, email address and blog address if you have one.  Feel free to also include information on your UFOs, but this isn't absolutely required up front.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. Hey Karen! I really enjoyed seeing everyone else's progress on the last hop. Sign me up! I'm pretty sure I've got a few UFOs sitting around here. Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Fantastic! I'll add you to the list - thanks for joining in.

  2. Yeay! I've put the badge on my blog (with a link to your site), so maybe a few people from Bead Soup on 3/25 will see it and decide to join. Way to go Karen! Thanks for all of your hard work :-)

  3. Oh, golly, yes, I have an entire drawer full of UFOs...I'd love to be part of the hop this time around!
