I want to share this fairly easy and inexpensive pumpkin wreath. William Sonoma sells a
beautiful pumpkin wreath and it was my inspiration. Depending on how much you want to spend, you can make yours fuller. William Sonoma sells theirs for $99.95! I spent $7 to make mine, though I did already have some stuff on hand that I did not have to buy.
• Wreath - Had mine on hand, these can be picked up at dollar stores.
• Spanish Moss - 2 bags minimum, Dollar Tree.
• Small Styrofoam Pumpkins - 99 cent only store, each one will be cut to make 2.
• Small Twigs/Sticks
• Utility Knife/Box Cutter Knife
• Glue Gun & Glue Sticks
Note: Keep in mind the size of your wreath will determine how much supplies you will actually need. My wreath was about 18 inches.
Prepare the pumpkins by cutting each one in half with the utility knife as pictured below. This allows the top and bottom to be used.
I did not like the original stems, I pulled them out and hot glued in some small sticks. The Pumpkins that were the base sides had no stems and I just left them that way. Set all pumpkins aside for now.
Place your wreath down and layout the spanish moss to your desired thickness. I used 2 (Dollar Tree) bags for my 18 inch wreath. You may want to do this on some newspaper or something, the moss is pretty messy while you are arranging it. (I did mine out side.)
Working in small areas at a time pull back some moss and add lots of hot glue (all over the wreath) and firmly press the moss back into place making sure to not get burned! Work your way around the entire wreath in this manner.
You will have a wreath that is entirely covered with spanish moss. You will now want to layout your pumpkins to your liking. I staggered mine. I tried straight evenly spaced out pumpkins and did not like it. I'm just not symmetrical!
Once you have them arranged to your liking, simply start gluing them all into place with lots of hot glue.
If you'd like to add a ribbon you can, or embellish it any other way you please. I think it would look lovely with many more pumpkins added in, even different sizes but never went back for more.
Here's a peek of it on my door. It is so hard to get into fall around here since we've still been having hot 97 degree summer weather. Today and yesterday have been pretty nice though. Our trees are confused, they don't know that it's fall and they are supposed to be all kinds of lovely shades of fall.
Hope you are enjoying your fall!