Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Events. Show all posts

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Generally I demonstrate oil painting techniques with a live model - on Weds., January 26th, I'll be demoing from a photo composite I put together in Photoshop.  It's a family portrait of husband and wife indie-rock duo Mates of State and their daughters.  There is no charge for this event - bring a friend.

@ ArtSpace Herndon 7:30-10pm
750 Center St.; Herndon, VA

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

20 minutes? Try 7!

Twenty minutes is enough time for me to sit down, get my drawing supplies out, and contemplate the lighting on a form while making a couple of thumbnail sketches.  It is generally not the time limit for a completed portrait drawing.  I say generally, because every once in a while it is (see here).

Soon after the Western Family Picnic, I participated in a local cable art program.  "We want to do a 7 minute program and we want you to demo a drawing during the interview."  All of a sudden 20 minutes seemed luxuriously undemanding.  I'm wondering if some people don't realize that this is timelapse. . .

Thankfully, Judy was a great model and the drawing went rather smoothly.  As soon as it began, it was over.  I really wish I could write more about the experience, but that pretty much covers it.  I guess if you're trying to hold your breath, or listening to certain music, 7 minutes can seem like a long time, but for drawing a portrait it's practically a singularity.  Thankfully, I do have 2 photos to prove that it happened.

On set with the two-toned 7-minute pastel drawing.

I gave it to Judy.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Diplomatic Drawings

I don't do drawings in 20 minutes - gesture sketches yes - but 20 minutes for a recognizable portrait drawing is one arrow that I haven't had in my quiver.

However, several weeks ago I was invited to participate in a goodwill "western-style" picnic held for ambassadors to the US and their staff in the beautiful Shenandoahs of Northern Virginia.  I was asked to do 20 minute drawings of the diplomats as mementos of the event.  Around forty embassies were represented.

I have demonstrated drawing and painting techniques in front of large crowds before - it's actually kind of fun - but at first I was so nervous trying to capture these diplomats' visages that it was painful.  Being that this was a goodwill picnic, the last thing I wanted to do was offend an ambassador with an errant pastel interpretation (be an asset, not a liability) . . . but one thing I should have remembered is that ambassadors are exceedingly diplomatic.

The diplomats were very gracious, seemed excited to have the drawings, and were very interesting to talk with.  Having lived in Chile for two years, the opportunity to brush up on my Castellano with the Chilean ambassador's wife was a definite highlight.  Overall, the event went off well and for my part, I'm just glad I didn't trip and go cascading off the cliff edge that trying to do a 20 minute portrait drawing is.

Her Excellency the Ambassador from Croatia and her husband.

His Excellency the Ambassador from Laos and his wife.