
Showing posts with label Nichos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nichos. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love making "Nichos"

Here are the new "nichos" I just finished !

Nicho Amor
©2012 Lorena Angulo
Hand painted with acrylics and steel wire

Nicho Primavera
©2012 Lorena Angulo
Hand painted with acrylics

So far I have done only four nichos and still need much more to be able to display all my little figurine rings I made. I will do that sooner or later for now this is all I have and I am enjoying this new creative journey.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Making a home for my little figurines

It been almost a year since I made my ring figurines and after spending a day cleaning up my studio I noticed they were all inside a box and I felt very sad about it.

I LOVE making them, they gave so much joy and looking at them all together inside a small box make me realize they deserve much better than that.

I took them out of the box and decided to make them a new home.

Looking around me studio, I saw something that will work perfect for what I wanted to make. I want to each have their own space and I am very sure I will have a great time making them.

I painted some unfinished wood boxes in bright colors (of course!) and this is just the beginning of how their new home will look like.

I will post the "nichos" with my rings inside them when I finished making them!

Lorena ♥

Friday, November 19, 2010

My love for NICHOS.

I have always had a strong connection with the Mexican traditional "Nichos". They really captivate my attention and make me get closer to them and see their beauty and what treasures they hold inside.

Nichos are a popular adaptation of the Catholic "retablos". They can be made out of mixed materials and decorated with colorful details.
Usually "nichos" display religious objects but nowadays they can be made with any object that may have a strong meaning and place in your heart and family.

Nichos have been a great inspiration in my work and I have made some of them in different metals and designs.

These are some of my nichos.

This necklace was made with two pure silver nichos and small bronze nichos, this piece is very close to my heart. The images I added into each nicho are from my daughter, Veronica. She was born three months early with only 1 pound 11 oz of weight.
This necklace is a celebration of her fight to live and her triumph of survival.

This pure silver nicho has an image of a painting I made of the Virgen of Guadalupe.

 This fabricated copper nicho helps me display my work.

I made this pure silver nicho as a gift for a great artist and my mentor, Claire Holliday when she retired as the Metals department Chair at Southwest School of Art

Sterling silver nicho and pure silver heart.

Fabricated copper nicho with Mexican milagros charms, acrylic paint, 
resin and coral.

Bronze nicho.

Fabricated copper nicho displaying my heart mixed media nicho.

Fabricated heart copper nicho with resin and charms.

This is my newest fabricated copper nicho. I am still working on it and very soon will have some treasures inside.

Hope you enjoyed my nichos, I made them with lots of love.


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