
Showing posts with label brooches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brooches. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A look from Behind

I have always thought that the back of any jewelry piece is as important as the front. I always try to have something on the back of my pieces as a surprise for the wearer and also because I think it says a lot about the maker.
Most of the work I do has a detail on the back, I enjoy very much doing it.

CRUZ PASION (front and back view)
©2011 Lorena Angulo
Pure silver (PMC3), sterling and LOS patina
Soulful Heart (front and back view)
©2011 Lorena Angulo
Bronzclay, brass and coral
MILAGRO HEART pendant (front and back view)
©2010 Lorena Angulo
Pure Silver (PMC3) and LOS patina
CORAZON (front and back view)
©2009 Lorena Angulo
Brass and copper

Lately I started making brooches but I was very curious to see how other artists where making their pin backs and the back of their designs. I looked for inspiration everywhere but it was very hard to find images of the back side of the brooches.
Because I had a difficult time finding images of the back view of brooches I started thinking it will be great if I can create a collection of images from other artists as an inspirational tool.

I finally did it in my Pinterest page, I created a board about the back view of brooches called "Behind the brooch."

Come and take a look at the wonderful work by these artists. I am sure you will find it very interesting and helpful.

I took a class with the talented Gary Schott at Southwest School of Art and I learned how to make my first pin back with him. It was fun and I know I have to practice much more to feel more comfortable making my own pin backs and also start thinking of different ways I can design my own.
Back view of my first time making a pin back.
©2011 Lorena Angulo
Copper and steel wire

I also work a lot with metal clay and took the challenge to make my own pin back and pendant finding for my piece.
Back view of my first brooch/pendant combo
in pure silver (PMC3)
©2011 Lorena Angulo

How do you approach the design of your work ? Do you do something special for the back side? I will love to find out what your ideas about this topic are and if you want me to share an image of your back view of a brooch, let me know and I will add it to my board.

Lorena Angulo
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