Showing posts with label van Dyck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label van Dyck. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Me Me Me. It's all about me.

Several people have told me that the Bearded Lady, Annie Jones from my book Who put the B in the Ballyhoo? looks like me. I like those people. She is obviously quite a vixen.

Other people have said I look like my unflattering portrayal of Anne Boleyn from The Raucous Royals. I don't like those people as much.

And when my husband first saw the image of Babe Ruth, (The Fat Lady), he said that she looked just like me. I didn't speak to him for days.

But he was right. She does look like me. In fact, every face I paint looks a little like me. I paint me everywhere. Sheeeesh... I must be one of those narcissistic crazies. 

Or maybe all artists paint themselves in portraits? And I found this GREAT site (The  to proove it.

Below is Titian's portrayal of Pope Paul III. They could be twins.

Did Van Eyck marry his sister? I doubt it.

And this is why art scholars who say the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait are just not getting it.

There is also a section on the site that has different portraits of Napoleon. Every artist made Napoleon look just a little like the artist. What do you think?

Art from Who put the B in the Ballyhoo? and The Raucous Royals
Portrait comparisons from the Art Scholar