Showing posts with label launch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label launch. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013

Heart Collage launched

Super excited that I just launched my app Heart Collage, just in time for Valentine's Day!

The app shows you how to pose for each part, snaps the shots one by one, and stitch them all together into a Heart Collage. I love watching people pose for the various parts of the heart - it's hilarious!

Get the app from Google Play or Apple App Store, and let me know what you think!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Monkey Write launched!

Monkey Write is now on Android Market!

It all started at the AT&T Mobile Hackathon. I walked in as a hackathon newbie, and walked out with an awesome tablet, a stack of gift cards, an XBox 360 with Kinect, and a business idea! I have been working on Monkey Write full-time since then, and it has been tons of fun.

There were so many milestones: segment the character data, figure out how to grade strokes, work with a graphic designer, bring it in front of users for feedback, iterate, iterate, iterate.

I am very proud of Monkey Write, but this is just the beginning. I have gathered a lot of great feature ideas during user studies, so keep an eye on the updates! You can subscribe to the newsletter, or follow @monkeywrite on Twitter.

Here is a short url to get Monkey Write from Android Market:

Download it, show it to your friends, write a review. Thank you for your support!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Puzzle Pal launched

It all started in New Zealand.

I have always wanted to learn to do cryptic crosswords, but in USA only the hard-core cruciverbalists play cryptics, so there isn't a lot of beginner material. Imagine my joy when I bought my first cryptic crossword booklet in a supermarket in Te Anau! I happily went through the puzzles, but as a newbie I often got frustrated when I knew what do to, be it anagrams, hidden answers and what have you, but was stuck anyway because I could not come up with the word. Internet was not available since I was touring the country, so I really wanted an offline app on my phone.

I came home and started writing an app for pattern matching and anagram, which are great for cryptic crosswords. After I built the wordlist, I realized that I could do more with it, so I threw in different modes like phone spell and caesar cipher. While I was at it, I added a sudoku solver too.

I was going to keep this as a little tool for myself, but once my friends saw it, they wanted a copy as well. I polished the app a bit, and decided to put it on the Android Market for all to enjoy. Hope you like it too.