Showing posts with label webcam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label webcam. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sketchnoting: Fast-motion video

As I was sketchnoting Tweeting about Speaking, a thought occured to me: it'll be so cool if I can make a video like the doodling tutorial from PicCandle! At that point I have already drawn the title, but I put down my pen to figure out how to record it.

Overhead camera

I set up the webcam mount that I use to record app demos. It almost worked: I could not capture the whole page because the rod was too short. So I propped it up with a box and put some weight on the clipboard to balance the mount.

I was worried that the mount would bother me when I was drawing, or my head would get in the way in the video. Turns out the problem was that the mount would bounce when I leaned my weight on the table, making the video shaky. Fortunately the bouncing got smoothed out when I increased the speed of the video. In fact the jerky jumps made it look retro and cool.


I wanted some cute background music, so I searched for podcast-safe music, and found this awesome track called Ice Cream Sandwich. I love the tune, and I love the name! But it was marked for non-commercial use, and I'm not sure if I can use it in a YouTube video. So I picked Dancing on Green Grass by The Green Orbs from the YouTube Audio Library instead.


The fast-motion makes it look like words and pictures just magically appear on the page :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Webcam for mobile app demos

Demoing an mobile app to a large audience is always a challenge. Most venues don't have a device projector set up, so you are left with static screenshots or canned videos. You can pass the device around after the presentation, but people may or may not end up checking out the coolest features of your app.

After going to a few hackathons, I thought it would be nice to have a portable webcam mount. That way I can show the live video feed on my screen, hook up my laptop to a projector, and do my demos that way. I shared the idea with my husband, who nonchalantly said, "Sure, we can make that".

As luck would have it, my husband works at a video-conferencing startup, so he has tested a lot of webcams. He recommended the Logitech B910, which takes very nice HD video. This webcam also happens to have a folding clip, making it perfect to hang over a ruler.

We went to OSH to get the materials: a thin piece of metal, a metal rod as the stand, and a few wing screws for securing the parts.

We also needed a clipboard as the base, which we procured at Office Max. The great thing about the clipboard is that I can just place my tablet on top, and the weight of the tablet will balance the stand and the webcam.

Next he went to work in his workshop in the garage. He attached a scrap piece of plastic to the metal strip, drilled a hole to hold the metal rod, and made a base for mounting on the clipboard.

Meanwhile I looked into the software for capturing the live video feed from the webcam. Photo Booth almost worked straight out of the box, except one very annoying detail - the image is flipped! I spent hours and hours pouring over the internet looking for a way to unflip the image. I tried editing the Effect.qtz file to no effect. I searched for alternative software, but did not find any that has a large preview with an acceptable frame rate. There was so much cursing that I decided I needed to take a break.

Tonight I searched some more, and finally found the solution: put Flip.qtz in Library/Compositions. I opened Photo Booth, chose the Flip effect, and finally, a straight pass-through preview from my camera!

With that, I hooked up the projector and tried the whole setup.

Laptop and mount connected to the projector

Projected screen

Pretending to demo

Here is a closer view of the mount:

The best part is that I can take it apart, so it's super easy to carry around. I'm definitely taking this to my next hackathon!