From FreeAtLastPAC:
Here is a video I made 8 long years ago. I wonder what that place looks like now.
Trump's promise of a border wall was the biggest campaign promise I'd ever heard. Until he promised to turn things around in America's inner cities. The only way I can imagine him doing so within 8 years is with school vouchers. Make parents choose their children's schools and bypass the unions. Will he do it? Or will he waste tax payer money, or expect Ben Carson to do anything positive as the leader of the bureaucratic HUD?
U/T: FB Comrade Andy
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Monday, January 16, 2017
John Lewis
Democrat John Lewis:
He once had political capital, then he faced a decision:
How about THIRTY YEARS ago when Lewis first started representing them?
If not, perhaps it is time to try something different.
Perhaps we could try to Make America Great Again.
And if it doesn't work, we can always go back to perpetual welfare, abortion as birth control, single-parents, fake religion and government/union-run education. Those are always the easy options.
He once had political capital, then he faced a decision:
1) Use the political capital to help his constituents (60% black), orAre the blacks in Atlanta better now than they were eight years ago when a fellow black took office?
2) Sell his political capital for personal profit.
How about THIRTY YEARS ago when Lewis first started representing them?
If not, perhaps it is time to try something different.
Perhaps we could try to Make America Great Again.
And if it doesn't work, we can always go back to perpetual welfare, abortion as birth control, single-parents, fake religion and government/union-run education. Those are always the easy options.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Commie News Du Jour
Professor Harvey Klehr addresses the failure of educators to teach the horrors of Communism in his Learn Liberty article: How schools and the media cover up communist crimes.
An astonishingly high percentage of millennials do not know who communist leaders like Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin were. Even worse, among those actually familiar with these leaders, a quarter had a favorable opinion of Lenin and a full 37% admired Che Guevara.
These are among the most eye-popping results of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’s survey of American attitudes toward capitalism, socialism, and communism.
A Communist group in Austin Texas (above) celebrated the recent ambush murders of several police officers. WZ has the story and video: Austin Communist Group Chants For Dead Cops: “What’s Better Than 4 Dead Cops? 5 Dead Cops!”
Daily Mail: Satellite images reveal how North Korea is expanding its brutal prison camps where rape, torture, executions and CHILD MURDERS are commonplace... and larger crematoriums were needed to hide the evidence of such atrocities.
Satellite images have revealed how North Korea is expanding its brutal prison camps which are rife with rape, torture, executions and child murders.
It has even been claimed bigger crematoriums are being built to hide evidence of the atrocities that are commonplace inside the system.
Another Daily Mail story from North Korea: Designer clothes, fast cars and plane rides over Pyongyang: Fascinating photos reveal that North Korea has an elite living a life of luxury (and they're not afraid to flaunt it)
. . . a new collection of eye-opening photos has shed light on a previously unseen demographic – the affluent North Korean elite.
Crushing stereotypes, this thriving urban community has been captured sporting designer handbags and mobile phones, taking horse riding lessons, driving Audis and enjoying light aircraft flights over the capital.
Imgur: The head from a Lenin statue is found in a parking lot in Belarus.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Post-Election Link Dump
Here is a post-election link dump, interspersed with post-election images. Enjoy!
At the top for a reason, check out Comrade Matt Forney's post-election podcast with fellow Alt-Righter Chris Betchloff. A great chat. You Can't Spell "Triumph" without "Trump."
A brilliant proposal from Tom Trinko at The American Thinker: Time to Criminalize Tyranny.
Comrade Matt Forney's Right-On article, Bathing in the Purple Revolution, pins the blame on the anti-Trump post-election protests on George Soros.
The sanctuary cities are refusing to cooperate with the pro-legal immigration Trump administration. $650,000,000 in federal funding may be at stake.
My prediction: Each and every city will comply in order to keep their federal funds. They will use a page from the Labor Unions' playbook. They will bad-mouth and bluster, and when they surrender, they will announce victory. In other words, they will lie to their liberal base, because they can get away with it.
Lou Dobbs on this subject.
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi said after the Trump win: "Our employees were all crying." A Hillary supporter, she said the Pepsi LGBT employees were asking her if 'they were safe' in a Trump world.
Affirmative Action aside, how do these people get to these top positions? You can't be good at both [Democrat] political action and business because one is all a lie and the other requires truth and objectivity. Perhaps the 5% drop in Pepsi stock since her comments suggests she sucks at business. If I were a shareholder, I too would be in touch with her. I'm not, so I just switched brands.
The Last Refuge has the full story.
Trump's picks for top positions is causing a lot of angst, and not just on the left. His pick of GOP-e Preibus for Chief of Staff, and his recent visits with Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney, could be seen as disconcerting from a right-wing perspective such as mine. But there are two truths with Trump that we haven't seen with any other Republican in ages:
Speaking of Trump picks, IOTW has a great news today: Trump vetting the left’s nightmare choice for Secretary of Education.
An LSU student trolls his fellow students in the school paper. Comrade Diogenes Middle Finger shares the article: LSU Student Brilliantly Trolls Anti-Trump Protesters.
English Russia has a large photo album of Soviet accidents. The one above reminds me of Cincinnati's roads.
Allow me one more observation on Trump's selection process: He isn't interested in the feedback loop.
For 8 years, and arguably more, we've seen President-Elects float their selections to the press and to members of congress to gauge which would be easiest to get through the confirmation process.
Except for the position of Secretary of State, I haven't seen Trump use this approach with any of his positions so far.
One might be so bold to call this "leadership."
At the top for a reason, check out Comrade Matt Forney's post-election podcast with fellow Alt-Righter Chris Betchloff. A great chat. You Can't Spell "Triumph" without "Trump."
A brilliant proposal from Tom Trinko at The American Thinker: Time to Criminalize Tyranny.
President Trump should set up a special prosecutor to dig up all the government workers, from Hillary on down, who used government power to further tyranny.
Comrade Matt Forney's Right-On article, Bathing in the Purple Revolution, pins the blame on the anti-Trump post-election protests on George Soros.
. . . the Left isn’t going to accept that they lost an election fair and square. Since last Wednesday, protests riots against Trump have wracked New York City, Chicago, Portland and other major U.S. cities, with countless Leftists throwing temper tantrums over the vote not going their way. If it seems odd that Trump’s opponents are trying to fight him by burning cities full of Hillary supporters to the ground, it’s because they’re not the ones running the show: George Soros is.(Comrade or not, I would be linking to Matt's work after the Trump victory because Matt was, by far, the most reliable source of political news in 2016. He attended the rallies in Iowa in January, the conventions in August, and boldly predicted a Trump victory weeks earlier than anybody else. He has an exciting future planned, with a move to Budapest next month. You can join me in following his work at his blog -
The sanctuary cities are refusing to cooperate with the pro-legal immigration Trump administration. $650,000,000 in federal funding may be at stake.
My prediction: Each and every city will comply in order to keep their federal funds. They will use a page from the Labor Unions' playbook. They will bad-mouth and bluster, and when they surrender, they will announce victory. In other words, they will lie to their liberal base, because they can get away with it.
Lou Dobbs on this subject.
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi said after the Trump win: "Our employees were all crying." A Hillary supporter, she said the Pepsi LGBT employees were asking her if 'they were safe' in a Trump world.
Affirmative Action aside, how do these people get to these top positions? You can't be good at both [Democrat] political action and business because one is all a lie and the other requires truth and objectivity. Perhaps the 5% drop in Pepsi stock since her comments suggests she sucks at business. If I were a shareholder, I too would be in touch with her. I'm not, so I just switched brands.
The Last Refuge has the full story.
Trump's picks for top positions is causing a lot of angst, and not just on the left. His pick of GOP-e Preibus for Chief of Staff, and his recent visits with Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney, could be seen as disconcerting from a right-wing perspective such as mine. But there are two truths with Trump that we haven't seen with any other Republican in ages:
1) So far, every decision he's made, including every 'career-ending comment' during the primaries and campaign, have been beneficial to Mr. Trump, andI pushed all my chips in for Trump back on February 1, and while I don't hold a Royal Straight Flush, I do hold a great hand. I dare anyone to call.
2) He is quick to fire people who don't perform.
Speaking of Trump picks, IOTW has a great news today: Trump vetting the left’s nightmare choice for Secretary of Education.
“One thing about Michelle Rhee is that she is passionate about school choice for parents,” Bowman said.Michelle Rhee is the counter-revolutionary we need in DC. Eliminating the Dept. of Education and taking steps at the federal level to incentivize states towards vouchers is equal to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
An LSU student trolls his fellow students in the school paper. Comrade Diogenes Middle Finger shares the article: LSU Student Brilliantly Trolls Anti-Trump Protesters.
I, as a Chilean refugee, self-identify as a progressive and as a Hispanic (gender TBD), and I was one of these “delicate snowflakes” whose fragile heart was shattered by Trump’s use of the democratic process to secure his authoritarian rise to power.
English Russia has a large photo album of Soviet accidents. The one above reminds me of Cincinnati's roads.
Allow me one more observation on Trump's selection process: He isn't interested in the feedback loop.
For 8 years, and arguably more, we've seen President-Elects float their selections to the press and to members of congress to gauge which would be easiest to get through the confirmation process.
Except for the position of Secretary of State, I haven't seen Trump use this approach with any of his positions so far.
One might be so bold to call this "leadership."
Monday, October 17, 2016
Oct 17 Tab Clearing
23 San Antonio police officers were disciplined this week for wearing Trump's Make America Great Again hats on the tarmac with Trump on the 11th. These officers worked that day to help Trump get through town safely, and afterwards, in a relaxed moment, put on the hats for photos. Deemed "unprofessional" by the liberal Mayor, Ivy Taylor, they were disciplined.
I have set aside 23 extra Glorious Hats in the Glorious Hat Factory for these officers. I just need one to contact me, prove his association with the group, accept the shipment of the 23 Glorious Hats and distribute among those great officers.
No obligation to the officers.
Remember, you don't have to stand in line at!
Stefan Molyneux and Duke Pesta discuss Cultural Marxism. One excellent hour on the current threat to Western Civilization.
On the same topic, author and blogger Adam Piggot reacts to the levels that Cultural Marxism has attained in Australian public schools. His post: What happens when students brainwashed with cultural-Marxism find jobs?
But to then indoctrinate students at that age and tell them that their masculinity is toxic is beyond the pale. How does a confused and lost adolescent even begin to deal with that kind of misinformation? This is psychological child abuse of the very worst nature and it is state sponsored in a country like Australia. It is incredible to think that our education system has been reduced to this but once again it is simply a natural progression when viewed through the prism of the last forty years of Marxist intrusion into the teaching profession.I found Adam through Aaron Clarey and Matt Forney.
Severian psycho-analyzes the #NeverTrumpers at his blog, House of Eratosthenes. #5 in his list of 10:
5. They are very bothered by the lately emerging signs that character no longer matters, or is no longer valued. But they themselves care nothing about their bedfellows in the #NeverTrump orgy, what level of character they possess. Very rarely do I see a #NeverTrump protest that a statement injurious to Donald Trump, while tantalizing, is just too demonstrably untrue, too easily proven false, too craven, too low-balled. Nothing is too low for them. Anybody who shares this common enemy, with them, must be their friend. And then they wonder what happened to valuing character.Here is my latest post (and list) on the #NeverTrumpers.
Doug Ross linked to this. Oddly.
David French, of the now defunct #NeverTrump NRO, lectures - correctly - the 40-year old liberals on their values.
I don’t want to hear your shock and horror over Donald Trump. I really don’t. Almost twenty years ago, in the face of credible and serious claims of serious sexual misconduct — including misconduct in the Oval Office — the overwhelming majority of you chose to circle the wagons to retain political power, even when Clinton’s resignation would have left Democrats in control of the White House.Found at Instapundit.
My routine every Monday is to review several bookmarks including the one of a saved Google News search: Chicago Shootings. Check out the 4-hour difference between headline #1 and headline #2.
Lesson: stay out of Chicago on Sunday nights!
IOTW Report recently hosted a contest that included our Glorious Hat as the prize. There were 364 brilliant and creative entries. So brilliant, in fact, that we awarded four hats as prizes.
Thezman posted some deep thoughts on debate #2 and current demographics at his The Z Blog.
I had no intention of watching the debate as I’ve seen enough of them to know they will always be “two-on-one moonbat fun.” The moderator will gang up with the Democrat to attack the Republican. Even mild nothing-burgers like Mitt Romney got the business from that fat woman on CNN. But, friends told me Trump was beating the old bag up, so I tuned in just in time to see him put the saddle on the fat cow and ride her around the debate stage. I did not watch a lot of it, but it was fun seeing the good guys win.Linked by WRSA (a while ago).
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
Corruption at the Highest
What 'rule of law?'
My assumption was wrong. Apparently there was one agent who did think a crime was committed, but fell in line today to reach said consensus.
I can prove this new hypothesis. Watch for FBI agents resigning in protest. If you do not see any agents resign in protest, I am right.
The FBI now shares the same credibility as the Secret Service (Columbian prostitutes), the ATF (burning children alive and running guns to the Cartels), DEA (8-hour shifts surfing pornography), Dept. of Education (lowering standards for 30+ years), FEMA (Hurricane Katrina), the Republican Congress (trillion dollar deficits), EPA (poisoned rivers and unemployed coal miners), ObamaCare (less quality for higher prices), Bureau of Labor and Statistics (hiding inflation), and Orlando SWAT team (waiting three hours).
As a FB comrade said today, there is no better reason to buy gold. I can't argue. I wouldn't even try.
Today's news was good for the Clintons and for the #NeverTrump movement.
Images above are from FB Comrades - the same people who keep me sane as we all watch our nation swirl down the toilet. Eh, what difference does it make?
UPDATED 9:40pm:
Excellent editing by Reason TV (U/T: Ed Driscoll):
Glenn Reynolds' USA Today article: Glenn Reynolds: About that Clinton-Lynch accidental meeting.
UPDATED 7.6.16 6am:
Ken Denninger summarizes yesterday's decision:
The Rule of Law was officially burned and buried today on live television by the Director of the FBI.
You therefore no longer have any moral requirement to adhere to same; your entire analysis must now rest on whether you are sufficiently afraid of being shot -- and nothing more.
America, as envisioned and fought for by the founders, died today at 11:00 AM ET, 7/5/2016.
240 years and one day from birth to death.
UPDATED 7.7.16 4:30pm:
More memes from the FB Comrades:
UPDATED 7.8.16 10am:
Unless a Hitler Video comes out on the Clinton email scandal, IowaHawk will get credit for the top response:
Wednesday, June 08, 2016
The 2016 Republican Nominee for President of the United States
I was planning on posting Trump's speech from last night - which you can see here. But instead, You Can't Stump the Trump has their new video out and it is fantastic. Excellent editing, and plenty of clips from last night's speech.
I'm not alone in my praise for You Can't Stump the Trump. This video had 28,000+ views just minutes after it was posted today.
One quote from the speech that did not make it into this video, at the 9:28 mark in the original speech video:
I'm not alone in my praise for You Can't Stump the Trump. This video had 28,000+ views just minutes after it was posted today.
One quote from the speech that did not make it into this video, at the 9:28 mark in the original speech video:
America is being taken apart, piece by piece, auctioned off to the highest bidder. We're broke. We're broke. We are nineteen trillion dollars going quickly to twenty-one trillion dollars. Our infrastructure is a disaster. Our schools are failing. Crime is rising. People are scared. The last thing that we need is Hillary Clinton in the White House or an extension of the Obama disaster.That last sentence makes it official: The General Election has started. I'll bet a Glorious Hat that it will be epic.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Book Review: Curse of the High IQ
Another great book built on the absolute Clarey principles: 1) your life is finite, 2) it is your responsibility to maximize it, 3) the most valuable thing in life is other people, and 4) you’ve been misled about life by people who profit from you (parasites).
Curse is my fourth Clarey book, if you don’t count Boris the Shitting Buffalo. Enjoy the Decline, Bachelor Pad Economics, and The Black Man’s Guide out of Poverty are all solid books based on the Clarey principles above.
If you don’t know, Aaron Clarey is a comrade of mine. We connected through his blog, Captain Capitalism several years ago and have met four or five times since. He has spent the last two years running Asshole Consulting, an unique advisory service of his own making. Asshole Consulting has had some impressive success, so much so Aaron told me another book wasn’t worth his time. He told me that maybe a month before he started Curse. But that is Aaron. Immerse yourself in Aaron’s YouTube channel, books and blog as I have, and you’ll see his is driven to help others. Out of altruism, yes, but also a bit of anger at having suffered from false assumptions and guidance. Most of his career and relationship advice comes from his own experiences. Curse is no different.
Curse of the High IQ is Aaron Clarey’s advice to those suffering from abnormally high intelligence. First, you’ll come to understand this isn’t ‘smart vs dumb.’ He explains the challenges of high IQ as being in relation to others rather than an actual ranking. It is this explanation that should put the reader of any IQ at ease, and it negates the potentially negative tone of the book’s title as a book only for super-intelligent - something I think will hurt his book sales. Like his last book, The Black Man’s Guide out of Poverty, I think Curse is a book for anyone as there are lessons for all.
The reader will come to understand the challenges and obstacles high IQ people endure as they move from K-12 to college to career. They will learn the system is not designed for high IQ people. He also addresses the relationship challenges one encounters when trying to find an equally gifted mate.
The author references the brilliant 2006 movie, Idiocracy, often. I would go so far as to call this book the critical analysis of that comedy, as it explores the systemic realities in education and employment that encourage the down-breeding that far outpaces reproduction within society’s high IQ populations.
Clarey is a political conservative which comes through in all his books. In Curse of the High IQ, he explains the “smart tax” high IQ people will pay if they choose to reach their potential. Not only will they always be employed, but they will be taxed at higher rates too. They will suffer politically as democracy is geared toward the lower IQ’s, many of which vote to redistribute wealth, avoid taking responsibility for their poor decisions, and seek a scapegoat to bail themselves out of future bad decisions.
Chapter 3, Education, was my favorite chapter. Anytime Clarey has something to say about Education is an opportunity for me to light a cigar, pour a drink, and start nodding in agreement. “...that veritable gulag of mental torture is the “education” system.” (P50) You’ll also see words and phrases, “prison,” “bloat,” “conformity,” “compliance,” “obedience,” “outdated,” “child abuse,” “largest crime against humanity,” and “lack of passion.” I can only hope a bunch of the bad teachers, professors, and education bureaucrats buy this book on the title alone thinking their self-worth will be reinforced, only to discover in Chapter 3 that their value to society has been been calculated, and it is far right of the decimal position.
I appreciated Aaron’s praise for the Internet as a tool to find friends outside one's city or state with similar interests and intelligence. This was how we met. I was impressed by Aaron’s expansion into advice for women - not something he’s done in his other books. He is quite versed in understanding the different challenges the high IQ ladies face in career and relationships. He also dedicates a good portion of the book to a huge challenge: the absence of challenges. And last, and you’ll have to read the book to understand the joke: I enjoyed Aaron’s praise of Oprah Winfrey.
The Curse of the High IQ has something for everyone. But it is a must read for those who know they have a high IQ, and those who suspect the frustrations they’ve had in school, career and relationships may be linked to an abnormally high IQ.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
GOP Rankings Report #16
Here is the 16th and last Ushanka GOP Rankings Report.
The only change since the last report is Trump's announcement on March 3rd of his healthcare plan. He is going to require providers to present their pricing to the patients, giving patients the ability to shop for their healthcare. He is also promising to open the drug market to cheaper alternatives.
I've added the twelfth Domestic Policy category with these specifics to the GOP Rankings Report Criteria. Trump has 3 points, the other three candidates have zero.
Click here to see the criteria for each rated category that I followed in each report. All rankings are on a 0-3 scale, determined by specific conservative criteria that has been constant since the first report on August 1st. The focus of the criteria is graded on specific campaign promises from the candidates' websites or from promises made in debates.
Here are the final Summary scores:
Here are the final Foreign Policy scores:
Here are the final Domestic Policy scores:
I could not find any substantive changes at the candidate's websites.
Gov. Kasich still does not have an Issues page.
Who put up an Issues page, and when?
The only change since the last report is Trump's announcement on March 3rd of his healthcare plan. He is going to require providers to present their pricing to the patients, giving patients the ability to shop for their healthcare. He is also promising to open the drug market to cheaper alternatives.
I've added the twelfth Domestic Policy category with these specifics to the GOP Rankings Report Criteria. Trump has 3 points, the other three candidates have zero.
Click here to see the criteria for each rated category that I followed in each report. All rankings are on a 0-3 scale, determined by specific conservative criteria that has been constant since the first report on August 1st. The focus of the criteria is graded on specific campaign promises from the candidates' websites or from promises made in debates.
Here are the final Summary scores:
Here are the final Foreign Policy scores:
Here are the final Domestic Policy scores:
I could not find any substantive changes at the candidate's websites.
Gov. Kasich still does not have an Issues page.
Who put up an Issues page, and when?
Rubio had an Issues page on August 1st (the earliest date of my reports).
Trump started his Issues page on September 1st.
Cruz started his Issues page on January 15th.
Sunday, February 07, 2016
Obama Education
Below is an undated HomeSnacks map that shows the education equivalent, by state.
Which country is your local public school closest to?
I'm not sure this map tells us what it was intended to. Trump says we're #22 in the world (this HomeSnacks says #28) now for education. That means some of the states may be above average if they are matched to a country in the #1-21 (or #1-27) range.
Another missing data point: What political party has been in control of the nation's public schools for the past 3+ generations?
FYI - Trump is the only candidate who has vowed to break the national control of the public schools are restore local control. If only he were a conservative...
Which country is your local public school closest to?
I'm not sure this map tells us what it was intended to. Trump says we're #22 in the world (this HomeSnacks says #28) now for education. That means some of the states may be above average if they are matched to a country in the #1-21 (or #1-27) range.
Another missing data point: What political party has been in control of the nation's public schools for the past 3+ generations?
FYI - Trump is the only candidate who has vowed to break the national control of the public schools are restore local control. If only he were a conservative...
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Cartoon of the Day
A FB comrade shared this from The Blacksphere FB page:
I feel so bad for parents with school-age children.
I feel so bad for parents with school-age children.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Friedrichs v. CTA
Friedrichs v. CTA is the latest attack on the liberal progressive communist monopoly of public education. In short, union dues are required by all teachers in CA, but spent with no representation. This scheme has given the Democrat Party an unfair advantage in politics and has led to massive waste and deficits, and generations of poorly educated students.
Reason shares some interviews here. They usually do a good job at explaining the sides of an issue, but didn't do that here.
1:31 mark - watch the liberal complain about "freeloading." I live for these moments.
Mackinac does what Reason didn't. Here is a great 4min video explaining the case from the plantiffs' perspective. Listen for key words, like "competition" and "accountability."
And, to be fair and balanced, I have searched for a union rebuttal. Trumpka's video had 6 views, so instead I decided to share this one from Minnesota. Things to watch for: union sympathizers reading from a script, and key words and phrases like "attack on families," "community," "corporate interests" and "gulf between the haves vs have nots."
As to the 'haves and have nots,' may I ask:
1) Who has been the 'have nots' in the past 50 years in public education?
2) If Friedrichs loses the case and the unions retain their monopoly, who are the 'have nots' then?
The fire truck is a disgusting attempt to legitimize these unions who have destroyed our schools. I saw the same thing at the Ohio SB5 rally in Columbus back in 2011. Firefighters in uniform walking among the union masses. They meant to raise the credibility of all, but in my eyes they lowered the credibility of the first responders. In my view, they are there to intimidate, and to perpetuate the phony union economy.
At my expense.
And yours.
Reason shares some interviews here. They usually do a good job at explaining the sides of an issue, but didn't do that here.
1:31 mark - watch the liberal complain about "freeloading." I live for these moments.
Mackinac does what Reason didn't. Here is a great 4min video explaining the case from the plantiffs' perspective. Listen for key words, like "competition" and "accountability."
And, to be fair and balanced, I have searched for a union rebuttal. Trumpka's video had 6 views, so instead I decided to share this one from Minnesota. Things to watch for: union sympathizers reading from a script, and key words and phrases like "attack on families," "community," "corporate interests" and "gulf between the haves vs have nots."
As to the 'haves and have nots,' may I ask:
1) Who has been the 'have nots' in the past 50 years in public education?
2) If Friedrichs loses the case and the unions retain their monopoly, who are the 'have nots' then?
The fire truck is a disgusting attempt to legitimize these unions who have destroyed our schools. I saw the same thing at the Ohio SB5 rally in Columbus back in 2011. Firefighters in uniform walking among the union masses. They meant to raise the credibility of all, but in my eyes they lowered the credibility of the first responders. In my view, they are there to intimidate, and to perpetuate the phony union economy.
At my expense.
And yours.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Redistribution: The 401k Grab
The next front in the left's redistribution-of-wealth 'struggle' to make things 'fair' is in our retirement accounts. Those 401k's and IRA's where private citizens privately manage their own retirement funds, and do so with a FAR higher rate of return than union pensions and Social Security.
We've seen other redistribution schemes win presidential elections in 2008 and 2012, pass with Congressional majorities, and even win the blessing of the Supreme Court. Some small, like Cash for Clunkers, Tanning Salon tax, Solyndra, and auto-maker bailouts. And some large: Progressive Tax Code, ObamaCare, Stimulus, Quantitative Easing (QE), Zero Percent Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), and trillion-dollar deficit spending.
So, to sit back and think nationalizing private retirement accounts is not possible would be ignorant of both recent history and the events from 98 years ago. Redistribution, with comforting promises of hope and change, always come first. Only tremendous suffering follows.
The Set Up
The timing has to be right, but the groundwork can start now.
We've seen more than one Global Warming Summit get snowed out. We've seen the math that says crop yields will go up with the temperature changes the left believes will occur if we do notaddress climate change stop Capitalism immediately. We've also seen the science that says this movement is a fraud. For the Global Warming folks to get any traction, they must exploit hot weather as it occurs. This is tough to plan for and organize around, hence the failed attempts so far.
The same for the retirement-redistribution movement. Timing is everything. TheLiberals Progressives Communists have to act when retirement accounts suffer and account holders panic.
Despite the $20T in debt (was $6T under Bush), the stock market has had record gains. That may be more related to the increase in money supply to $4.5T (was $800B under Bush), and the funneling of that new money into the markets. (Of course, do your own research as I am the product of the public schools.)
If QE were to end (the last QE was two years ago), and if ZIRP were to end ('ended' last week after 9 years), one might expect the economy to slow a bit. "But we have such a strong economy," say those in power at the moment. They will point to the 5.5% unemployment rate, but not the 9.9% U6 Unemployment rate. They will point to iPhone sales, but not the fact 35.4% of Americans are receiving government assistance.
And we are not alone here in the States. The global economy isn't doing any better. The price of oil has dropped two-thirds off its recent highs. New supply gets some credit, but demand plays the bigger role here. Are the benefits of Capitalism (innovation, faster growth, improved quality of living, increased trade, and retirement savings increases) linked at all to oil consumption? Is it possible the economy is not doing as well as some say?
Selling a retirement 'modernization' policy that redistributes the trillions in wealth to a government IOU program, with promises of continued account growth, is easier in an economic decline than it is during an economic boom. One question to ask yourself: Looking at the national and international scene today, do you think it is more likely an unexpected event or discovery will trigger a 10% jump in stocks, hiring, and/or personal income? Or, is it more likely that a 10% drop would occur?
Ask the same, but with "25%" as the number. Ask: 50%.
Last, imagine the panic that will enable a total redistribution of retirement accounts, by consensus.
Meet the New Communists
Big government enthusiasts, Tony James and Teresa Ghilarducci, are setting the ground work for the redistribution of retirement accounts from the individual American citizen to the government. Calling the 401k retirement plans "a faulty experiment," Tony concludes:
I have used both types of accounts, and despite my public school education, my accounts have made more than the 1% return the government currently brags of Social Security.
Control is the Goal
Bernie, Hillary, Pajama Boy, and every other leftist wants to control everything in your life, including your wallet. They talk about it when they drink coffee. They think about it when they go to bed. They dream about it as they sleep. And they get up in the morning to pursue it. With enthusiasm. It is in their DNA.
To gain control over your health care, they had to first paint the picture of everyone getting top-quality care. The actual results: lower quality and higher prices for all. Promises broken but goal attained: control.
What conditions must exist for a majority consensus behind the redistribution of private retirement funds? Envy, from the envy crowd, isn't enough this time. But panic, caused by liberal policies within the private sector, will be enough. Of all the solutions that will be offered if/when the market drops 50%, only Obama's will be simple, easy, and attractive to the historically ignorant and panic-stricken. He'll promise to restore prior balances as he confiscates remaining balances. His IOUs will be "backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America."
What could go wrong?
Political Solutions (assuming you trust politicians):
Double down on 401k and IRA accounts. Remove the deposit limits, and tax incentive limits, for 401k's and IRA's. If an employee wants to save 80% of his salary tax free, he should be allowed to. Or even better, turn all accounts into IRA accounts by replacing all federal taxes (Income, gas, etc.) with a single-rate consumption tax.
Further protect retirement savings from litigation and confiscation with an amendment. "The right to save for retirement shall not be infringed."
Individual Solutions:
Ann Barnhardt has advocated moving digital assets into hard assets (real estate, gold, etc.) with this truism: "You don't own it unless you can stand in front of it with an assault rifle."
Jim Rickards offers an asset allocation suggestion, based on the hard times he sees coming, in his latest book, The Death of Money.
Story and photo - New York Times
Dow and Oil charts - MarketWatch
Unemployment chart - MacroTrends
Welfare Data: Statistic Brain
See Also:
David Mills (via Doug Ross) - IF YOU LIKE YOUR 401(k), YOU CAN KEEP YOUR 401(k): Obama Labor Dept. Sets Stage for Nationalizing Retirement Accounts
We've seen other redistribution schemes win presidential elections in 2008 and 2012, pass with Congressional majorities, and even win the blessing of the Supreme Court. Some small, like Cash for Clunkers, Tanning Salon tax, Solyndra, and auto-maker bailouts. And some large: Progressive Tax Code, ObamaCare, Stimulus, Quantitative Easing (QE), Zero Percent Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), and trillion-dollar deficit spending.
So, to sit back and think nationalizing private retirement accounts is not possible would be ignorant of both recent history and the events from 98 years ago. Redistribution, with comforting promises of hope and change, always come first. Only tremendous suffering follows.
The Set Up
The timing has to be right, but the groundwork can start now.
We've seen more than one Global Warming Summit get snowed out. We've seen the math that says crop yields will go up with the temperature changes the left believes will occur if we do not
The same for the retirement-redistribution movement. Timing is everything. The
Despite the $20T in debt (was $6T under Bush), the stock market has had record gains. That may be more related to the increase in money supply to $4.5T (was $800B under Bush), and the funneling of that new money into the markets. (Of course, do your own research as I am the product of the public schools.)
If QE were to end (the last QE was two years ago), and if ZIRP were to end ('ended' last week after 9 years), one might expect the economy to slow a bit. "But we have such a strong economy," say those in power at the moment. They will point to the 5.5% unemployment rate, but not the 9.9% U6 Unemployment rate. They will point to iPhone sales, but not the fact 35.4% of Americans are receiving government assistance.
And we are not alone here in the States. The global economy isn't doing any better. The price of oil has dropped two-thirds off its recent highs. New supply gets some credit, but demand plays the bigger role here. Are the benefits of Capitalism (innovation, faster growth, improved quality of living, increased trade, and retirement savings increases) linked at all to oil consumption? Is it possible the economy is not doing as well as some say?
Selling a retirement 'modernization' policy that redistributes the trillions in wealth to a government IOU program, with promises of continued account growth, is easier in an economic decline than it is during an economic boom. One question to ask yourself: Looking at the national and international scene today, do you think it is more likely an unexpected event or discovery will trigger a 10% jump in stocks, hiring, and/or personal income? Or, is it more likely that a 10% drop would occur?
Ask the same, but with "25%" as the number. Ask: 50%.
Last, imagine the panic that will enable a total redistribution of retirement accounts, by consensus.
Meet the New Communists
Big government enthusiasts, Tony James and Teresa Ghilarducci, are setting the ground work for the redistribution of retirement accounts from the individual American citizen to the government. Calling the 401k retirement plans "a faulty experiment," Tony concludes:
There’s really no alternative. It needs to be mandated.The Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is available to any American who may or may not have access to a 401k plan. It is, by definition, exactly an alternative. Tony knows this, but assumes you do not.
I have used both types of accounts, and despite my public school education, my accounts have made more than the 1% return the government currently brags of Social Security.
Control is the Goal
To gain control over your health care, they had to first paint the picture of everyone getting top-quality care. The actual results: lower quality and higher prices for all. Promises broken but goal attained: control.
What conditions must exist for a majority consensus behind the redistribution of private retirement funds? Envy, from the envy crowd, isn't enough this time. But panic, caused by liberal policies within the private sector, will be enough. Of all the solutions that will be offered if/when the market drops 50%, only Obama's will be simple, easy, and attractive to the historically ignorant and panic-stricken. He'll promise to restore prior balances as he confiscates remaining balances. His IOUs will be "backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America."
What could go wrong?
Political Solutions (assuming you trust politicians):
Double down on 401k and IRA accounts. Remove the deposit limits, and tax incentive limits, for 401k's and IRA's. If an employee wants to save 80% of his salary tax free, he should be allowed to. Or even better, turn all accounts into IRA accounts by replacing all federal taxes (Income, gas, etc.) with a single-rate consumption tax.
Further protect retirement savings from litigation and confiscation with an amendment. "The right to save for retirement shall not be infringed."
Individual Solutions:
Ann Barnhardt has advocated moving digital assets into hard assets (real estate, gold, etc.) with this truism: "You don't own it unless you can stand in front of it with an assault rifle."
Jim Rickards offers an asset allocation suggestion, based on the hard times he sees coming, in his latest book, The Death of Money.
Story and photo - New York Times
Dow and Oil charts - MarketWatch
Unemployment chart - MacroTrends
Welfare Data: Statistic Brain
See Also:
David Mills (via Doug Ross) - IF YOU LIKE YOUR 401(k), YOU CAN KEEP YOUR 401(k): Obama Labor Dept. Sets Stage for Nationalizing Retirement Accounts
The Obama administration has its sights set on an incredible amount of your money. By some estimates, Americans are holding well over $10 trillion in private retirement accounts.
For a country with debt that is clearly "unsustainable" (source: the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office), flashing that kind of figure to a Democrat politician is akin to showing a kilo of heroin to a desperate junkie.
...the real goal of the Obama administration is to nationalize your retirement account and to invest it in debt that will become increasingly unsellable in the open market.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Safe Place
Do you realize the term "Safe Place" is just one tactic in a much larger war?
These events are coordinated and are intended to prepare the battlefield for the next Communist push into our lives: forgiveness of student loans, free college, acceptance of felons in the workplace, further dilution of traditional family values and religious values, more free stuff, etc.
I also think America's
It is now or never. Snowflakes in America's Universities, Unite!
Not to be out-whined by their comrades at the University of Missouri, Yale students deplore the invasion of their 'safe places:'
For those who don't watch South Park, please reconsider. They are confronting political correctness head-on this season, albeit in their usual juvenile manner. As you watch, imagine how much dough Trey Parker and Matt Stone are making off of these leftist concepts. I'd take their profit margin over Planned Parenthood's any day. I subscribe to their season at Amazon.
As for safe places, may I share a suggestion?
If you carry a concealed handgun, every place is your safe place.Instapundit has a USA Today article suggesting, after seeing the Yale video above and the shenanigans in Missouri, that the voting age should be raised to a more appropriate age. I disagree (but do not take offense). Here is what I would have liked to see - notice the power of the pen:
Missouri: The football season cancelled and games forfeited, professor Glick and her husband fired for inciting mob violence, and scholarships revoked for the offending players.Where did I come up with these radical, extremist ideas? Did I just make these things up??
Yale: Snowflake expulsion.
No. These were the responses common in 'my day.'
Fred offered a suggestion in his latest, Missouri: Taking the National Temperature:
If universities accepted only those with intelligence and interest, the noise level would drop appreciably.A novel idea that I feel compelled to agree with.
As you watch these outbursts continue in parallel with the civil unrest and racial tension, remember this truism:
A Communist takeover only occurs in moments of crisis and chaos.UPDATED 15 minutes later:
Author, Comrade and Glorious Hat owner, Matt Bracken, shares this like-minded article at Defense Watch: The new Gulag Archipelago on our college campuses.
Who said communism is dead? It’s alive and well on our nation’s campuses.
Under the guise of imaginary offenses, these little Maoists are creating the new Gulag Archipelago on the nation’s campuses. Yale and Mizzou and hundreds of other places of higher learning are becoming modern day Pol Pot re-education camps.
Like the Red Guards, the fanatical college age thugs who enforced Mao’s insane Cultural Revolution, today’s college radicals are the enforcers of cultural Marxism and the destroyers of free speech and freedom itself.
What’s the cause of all this? Who’s to blame? Look no further than their Baby Boomer parents and the leftist, do-gooder K-12 educators who have created a walking, talking, protesting Frankenstein monster called the Snowflake Generation.
UPDATED one hour later...
Gun Owners of America just posted this on FB.
I like the way they think.