Monday, February 13, 2006

Interview Update

Interview Update

Well, I haven't heard anything from the phone interview people at midwestern SLAC. They were supposedly going to decide on the three candidates for campus visits on Friday, so I'm guessing I didn't make the cut. Hmph. I've noticed I'm fine in phone interviews with one person, but I'm just not so good at the ones with people being very quiet on the other end. There's a different dynamic. One person will give cues, and it's a conversation. Speakerphone interviews? Not so much.

And tomorrow I fly out for the next SLAC interview. Still madly prepping that one. Go figure it would be the week I finish marking and handing back midterms -- i.e., the week after the week from "no time at all" hell. Oh well. I've got a day and a half. Help!

I do like the look of other SLAC. They have been really nice, and the job is a really odd combination of fields that I can actually claim. Kind of nervous about the job talk, but otherwise, I'm probably OK. Except, of course, that I have no pictures. Bugger. I may have to get up way early to make transparencies tomorrow, because I have to go to the airport directly after class. Or, it'll just be low tech. The thing is, I really don't use a lot of images when I teach. It's probably one of my true weaknesses. I'm image-deficient. I just don't know how to pick them or use them properly. Oh hell. I'm screwed, aren't I?

Oh well ... maybe I'll get an interview for my present job in its TT incarnation.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the interview! You know you are good - pretty soon they will know it too. :-)

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Argh! Thanks -- if I don't get a job, you may have a starving adjunct and her cats begging to be your once and future roommates!

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, wait -- what is this negative self-talk?! Who said that having images is necessary for classes? There are all kinds of ways to be a good teacher, and using images is just one of them.

And I think it makes sense on a fly-back to do things as much like you normally would as possible. That way, you're more likely to be (at least kind of) relaxed and yourself.

Good luck!

Another Damned Medievalist said...

Thanks -- it just feels kind of boring ...

Another Damned Medievalist said...

OK -- not very good pictures of Loyola and Ricci, and I suddenly remembered my huge book o' transparencies, which conveniently has maps of Ming and Qing China and Tokugawa Japan ...

Anonymous said...

When you are in a better space perhaps you can revisit your reluctance to use pictures. I've got into it in a big way over the last two years and my students really appreciate it.

It seems to be difficult to find good pics via Google Images for the Glorious Revolution, so I've got a bunch of fuzzy ones. Put them through a data projector and they are worse. I asked my students straight out if fuzzy pics were worse than no pics, and after a quick run through to see the pics qua pics, they opted for the fuzzy ones.

Another Damned Medievalist said...

I would love it -- my goal is to have pix and maps on Powerpoints, so I can bring them up in order without giving icky powerpoint lectures. But I can't really see that happening till I have the time and AV resources to make it worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

using pictures takes practice because you really have to integrate them into the lecture. if they are just a visual aid (and you don't really talk about the images and tell them what you they are and what you want them to see) then they are as distracting as putting up three outline points on powerpoint.

but it is so worthwhile. if you have the chance or have had the chance to see someone do it well, that can be really helpful as you start out.

Rebecca said...

Phone interviews SUCK... I had one last fall and it was the worst interviewing experience I've ever had. Don't beat yourself up over it!

Anonymous said...

Good luck. Radiate your passion for the materials and your interest in the teaching! No suggestions about the technical and pictures.

Rana said...

Good luck! I know you'll do well. :)

On the use of pictures... I find that, for most situations, low-tech is the best anyway. There are fewer things to go wrong. If they're _really_ necessary, you can always xerox them onto either paper (for handouts) or transparency sheets (for overheads). Most places have overheads, and you don't have to worry about mis-matched cords, etc.

But I wouldn't include them unless you were going to specifically use them as evidence. If you're just setting the stage, word pictures can be so much more effective!

(btw, if you ever do decide to do more with them, feel free to email me; I've done a fair bit with visual materials.)

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well!

Jane Dark said...

Good luck! I'll hold my thumbs for you!

Anonymous said...

we are waiting. patiently, more or less.
hope it went well.