Well, in hospitals, sweet nothing as they say. Walk into
most hospitals and the tempting offers on chocs and coke from vending machines
and cafes are all around. Why, Guys hospital even has a McDonalds on the
premises. And at Tommies you walk in past an array of retail outlets piled to the
gunwales with unhealthy food options. It's time hospitals got on message. I
realise they are turning a fast buck on these outlets but I thought they were
about improving our health! Could Jeremy Hunt take a leaf out of Michael Gove's
book on this? And let's face it. Most elderly people in hospital for a long
period emerge malnourished - Age UK has run their excellent campaign
against malnutrition in hospitals for almost 10 years now. Hospitals just
don't get good food, let alone healthy food. End of rant.
We had a Social Investment Business reception at the House
of Commons this week (more sticky buns on offer there; I said no!). We were
introducing some of our investees to MPs and we had a good cross-section of
Members from all parties, as well as Ministers and their Shadows. Nick Hurd MP
gave a great speech and emphasised the point I had made about how social
finance is one of those subjects where you do find cross-party consensus. The
Big Society Capital started off as a Labour idea, but was taken up
enthusiastically by the Conservatives, and David Cameron is a great advocate of
social investment. And Minister for Civil Society Nick Hurd has been a great
champion for our sector. He has a lovely approach to the role which combines an
oft laconic style with wit and passion for the sector. He even went so far as
to describe me as ‘an institution’. Obviously kind comments by him about me simply
reinforce my view he is a perceptive chap.
The event was sponsored by Crispin Blunt MP, a former
Prisons Minister and a non-exec on my Social Investment Business Board. His
comments on a range of issues make great common sense, as I told him, now that
he has been freed from the cares of office! But the fun of this event was in
meeting the many charities and social enterprises that have taken loans to
promote their ambitions.
SIB has made over £350m worth of social investment to over
1000 organisations. This makes us the UK's largest social investor. I'm chuffed
to be their Chair. And in the spirit of keeping fit I can report I spent an
hour in the Brixton gym last night. Needed to after that rather splendid dinner
at the Cass Business School on Wednesday.