Showing posts with label gikii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gikii. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2009

GikII Amsterdam: last call!

Here's a brief and last reminder about GikII 2009, (as some of
you well know) the coolest IT law conference on the block, this year
transmigrated from UK to Amsterdam, by kind generosity of the IViR!

Submission of abstracts deadline is 1 July, tho this can probably slip a few days:-) We are expecting to be over subscribed (honest) so act fast! Acceptance of abstracts wil be announced by August 1. Submissions to .

As ever, the order of the day is blue skies papers, law/tech/pop
culture/interdisciplinary, numbers capped at 40, preference for space to those
giving papers, especially ones about the Singularity :) no conference fee for speakers or attendees, ppts that could past muster in the next Banksy show, passing mentions of law, and all the LOLcats you can eat:-)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Why oh why oh why

Blogger took my blog away again. Now I have it back (it's like a children's tale of woe) but my entries have vanished since Nov 06.

Watch this space. It may be dull, but at least it's there:)

Some announcements.

GikIII 2 : the Comeback is GO. See CFP at . THIS IS GIKIII!!! September 19, London.

THis will follow a much more serious and Constructive workshop on "Law 2.0" - or possibly Law 3.7 - the jury is stil out on this one. Anyway , it is being sponsored by the SCL and the very kind Herbert Smith Solicitors, London, chaired by moi and will explore the legal aspects of WEb 2.0 - user generated content, mash ups, C2C business models, the Semantic Web, eScience, blogs and open source/open content. It should be very very interesting. September 17-18, London.

Also - Geeklawyer has organised a first UK meeting of law blawgers on 18th May in LOndon. See Pangloss hopes to go, if only for the curry in the evning - she probably doesn't deserve any better given her recent miserable show on blogging (though not as bad as Blogger would make out - grr.)

BILETA in Hertfordshire in April was as usual enormous fun. Full papers will be up soon so worth a visit. Pangloss is now on the BILETA Exec for the third time - this time on retirement I get a gold watch - or something. Guess when the first meeting of the Exec is? Yup, 18th May..

Similarly, Pangloss had already signed up to go the OxII day on global Internet filtering which judging by the sign up WikI will be attended bya cast of IT gliterati. Guess when it is? Yup, May 18.

Which will Pangloss go to? Write in with your suggestion (if this was Live Journal it would be a poll.)