"...In case you got sidetracked and didn't get a chance to read the rest, here are the cold, hard facts:
• A study found that once workers were interrupted by an email it took on average 24 minutes to return to the suspended task.
• 2,300 employees judged nearly one third of the emails they receive to be unnecessary, but spend two hours a day processing them.
• Research reported that the IQ scores of people distracted by email and phone calls fell from their normal level by an average of 10 points – twice the decline recorded for those smoking marijuana.
To be honest I had to go and sit in a dark corner without the ring of a phone in earshot or flash of a computer screen in sight in order to concentrate for long enough to bring you this blogpost, and even then it was tough. How we get anything done is a miracle.
But before your attention wanders elsewhere, please confess the tendencies you have noticed in yourself that may be symptoms of this very modern malady. Perhaps you are raising a BlackBerry orphan, or can't remember the last time you finished reading a novel."
Right I'm of to re-check Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, Out-Law and LiveJournal :-)