These are first thoughts for the curriculum - would anyone else like to suggest their own favourites? In particular, it's not hard to find fun videos on file sharing, privacy and social networking sites (indeed web 2.0 in general) - but I could do with help on less obvious stuff like e-contracting, e-commerce or other aspects of IP??
here's my starting favourites!
Web 2.0
The machine is us - Web 2.0 changes everything
"FriendFace" (IT Crowd) - web 2.0 - social networks and privacy
The Facebook Song
Wikipedia, editing the umlaut - web 2.0 and distributed editing
What is web 2.0? an educationalperspective - intro to web 2.0
Big Brother State - privacy & surveillance
The Last Enemy extract - life as an un person in an ID card world
ACLU pizza delivery - private/public data collection and privacy
4chords (Axis of Awesome) - creativity, mash ups, copyright, parody
Filesharing RIAA parody ad (IT Crowd) - filesharing and P2P
3 minute medley on the music wars(from TED)
Content and tubes
The Internet is For Porn - self explanatory
Net Neutrality, Lessig-style - infrastructure