Monday, February 06, 2006
Bush Spends And Cuts
This is an afront to USians struggling to survive -- never mind succeed -- and I just don't know how we stop a lunatic in charge. TRILLIONS of dollars spent, while at the same time cutting programs that make a difference in the lives of families, children, single women, the elderly, you name it. If I didn't feel hopeless before, I sure do today.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Andrea Roceal James Is Appointed to Blog Sisters Leadership Postion

With no pay and an excitable management team, Roceal James Grabs the Coveted Spot of Vice President for Codes and Correlations for Acclaimed Women’s Weblog

BLOGARIA, December 03, 2002- Blog Sisters announced today that it has named Andrea Roceal James to the newly created position of Vice President for Codes and Correlations. Effective four months ago, Andrea has responsibility for managing the site’s user-friendly format, as well as staying calm in times of dire crises and looming big hits from national newspaper interviews and stuff like that.

“Andrea’s web talents are a breath of fresh air, especially considering that Elaine and I spent half of our time breaking the template,” Jeneane Sessum said. “With Andrea on staff, Blog Sisters has a new, more modern look and a more accessible interface for our members.”

Andrea, who has been an ardent student of technology since she started playing Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? on her Apple //e at age seven, looks forward to the new challenges her role at Blog Sisters brings.

“With my new position of authority, I’ve decided my Indian Princess name should be Whistling Hypertext Girl, even though I can’t exactly whistle.”

With a sigh of great relief, Elaine of Kalilily, Blog Sisters President and professed non-techie, sent a virtual hug across the country to Andrea, along with a batch of Blog Sister emails for answers to tech questions far beyond the Crone’s capacity to conjure. “Andrea has proven herself, over and over again, as not only a topnotch Webmonkey, but as the missing piece of our Blog Sister leadership team– to say nothing of her successful participation as my Apprentice Crone.” With a wicked grin, she added, “With Andrea, we’ve added the 'Maiden' aspect of our triple threat– Maiden, Mother/Warrior, Crone. Heh. Heh. We are ready for anything.”

Building on a solid foundation, the oft-maligned Blog Sisters now boasts more than 100 members, most of whom blatantly admit that they like men, except, perhaps, Dave Winer.

Celebrated for their long-winded comments and infrequent but insightful posts, the contributing Blog Sisters represent a wide (and rapidly increasing) cross-section of the world's female blogging population.

Friday, November 29, 2002

Blog Sisters--For Immediate Release

Blogsisters Relocates Headquarters to Blogaria

Women-Only Weblog Moves from Blogsville to Blogaria to Provide Added
Convenience for Members Attending the University of Blogaria

BLOGARIA, November 29, 2002 - Blog Sisters announced today that it has relocated its headquarters from Blogsville to the college town of Blogaria. The move puts members in closer proximity to the University of Blogaria (UB) where several Sisters hold positions and attend classes.

“When Blogsville turned into Dullsville, we knew it was time to breathe some new life into this community,” said Blog Sisters’ founder and UB staff member, Jeneane Sessum. “Some of us were having to travel five or six clicks just to get our research done on time—never mind correcting papers. It seemed like a good time to pack up and move to Blogaria”

“We’re happy to have the Blog Sisters nearby,” said UB Provost and Vice Chancellor of Imaginary Affairs Frank Paynter. “They know how to cook and clean, and most of the men here have no clue,” he said. “They’re also kind of snazzy dames.”

Blog Sister President, Elaine of Kalilily, responded by socking Payner in the gut. “That’s just a warning, Bucko,” Elaine Of said. “Next time I aim lower.”

All in all, the Blog Sister faculty members and students now residing near UB are pleased with the new living arrangements.

They have, however, placed steel-jaw leghold traps at each door to prevent panty raids.

Prof. of Priapic Ideation, Christopher Locke, was not deterred by this news.

“One hundred smart women in one blogdorm—I don’t really need my left leg anyhow.”

Last seen, Elaine of Kalilily was at a kick boxing studio honing her body blows.

# # #

Thursday, May 02, 2002

Blog Sisters--For Immediate Release

Blogsisters Help “Turn Beauty Inside Out” -- Name TBIO First "Burning Issue"

Blogsville, May 2, 2002. Blogsisters knows women. A loosely and virtually joined group of more than 70 of the most articulate female webloggers on the Internet today, our online weblogs are linked to and read by netizens around the world. Collectively, we reflect the best potential of the World Wide Web to give voice to women who care, who think, who mirror a fundamental beauty that is irrelevant to age, jeans size, or cleavage.

Beginning with our support for the international campaign called Turn Beauty Inside Out, each month we are using our online network to shine the spotlight on some cause or issue aimed at eroding influences – in the media, business and industry, education, politics etc. – that diminish the spirit, the essential value, of women.

"Turn Beauty Inside Out" is this year’s focus of New Moon Publishing, which “produces media for every girl who wants her voice heard and her dreams taken seriously and for every adult who cares about girls…. Each year, New Moon focuses on a different form of media, with the goal of getting decision-makers to re-think, and take responsibility for, how they portray girls and women.”

New Moon Publishing’s “2002 Turn Beauty Inside Out” campaign highlights how girls and women are portrayed in film. “Too often girls and women are shown as dependent on their male counterparts for everything from safety to their own self-esteem,” they say. “This year we will send filmmakers the message that girls and women can, and should, be portrayed as strong, independent, fully developed characters. We will show filmmakers that they will enhance the overall appeal and bottom line of their movies by creating solid female roles and empowering story-lines.”

Blogsisters echoes and pumps up the volume on this message from New Moon Publishing. We mark May 15 as “Turn Beauty Inside Out Day” and urge all of our readers check out campaign’s site, including their startling facts. We hope that both the men and women who support Blogsisters will post their own take on “Turn Beauty Inside Out,” the Blogsisters’ Burning Issue for May, and the first in a series of causes we will highlight in the coming months.

About Blog Sisters

Blog Sisters is the first team blog to feature women in frightening numbers. Unlike other team blogs, Blog Sisters does not seek to limit itself or its members by stating its purpose or naming the blog after a book. With annual sales of approximately $12, Blog Sisters serves a readership in more than 170 countries around the world, give or take 120. Men of rare breeding read it in full public view; other men read it in secret, which is okay too. Committed to the principles of Sustainable Development, Blog Sisters' more than 70 loosely joined members seek to balance life, learning, personal and family relationships, and their day jobs with blogging. For further information, visit the Blog Sisters website at or email the CEO at


Monday, March 18, 2002

Blog Sisters--For Immediate Release

Blog Sisters Names Elaine of KalililyTime
To New Position of President--Sessum to Remain as CEO

Blogsville, March 18, 2002 - Blog Sisters announced today that it has named Elaine of KalililyTime to the newly created position of President. Elaine assumes responsibility for overseeing Blog Sisters' most urgent priorities, among them furthering the hidden agendas of women bloggers, overseeing the organization's male relationship management (MRM) efforts, and improving the retention of the blog's ovulating, menopausal, and post-menopausal members. The blog's founder, Jeneane Sessum, will remain as CEO focused on figuring out exactly what the blog is about and arguing with anyone who disrespects it for its lack of focus.

"I'm delighted that Elaine will be adding her wit, level head, and lightning-speed typing abilities to Blog Sisters," Sessum said. "She brings great interpersonal and communications skills, and her CyberMom persona is respected far and wide. In short, she keeps me out of trouble."

In addition to her current responsibilities as a Blog Sisters contributing member, Elaine will spearhead the blog's e-business initiatives, which include hawking Blog Sisters mugs trinkets wherever she goes and coaxing her son and his friends to link to Blog Sisters, hoping for a lucrative payoff or at least another run in the Daypop Top 40.

"Well, ain't that just the bee's knees," Elaine responded on news of her prestigious appointment. "Are we gonna have some fun!" she added, rushing off to shop for a pair of thick-soled blogdancing shoes.

Building on a solid foundation, the oft-maligned Blog Sisters now boasts 22 members, most of whom secretly like men, except for Dave Winer. Celebrated for their long-winded comments and infrequent but insightful posts, the contributing Blog Sisters represent a wide cross-section of the world's female blogging population and range in age from 15 to 62. Often and unfairly called a male-bashing forum, the blog's leadership is committed to making the blog just one more Blogger-based place to talk.

Also criticized for its tagline, "Where men can link but they can't touch," Sessum assured readers that it is all a big misunderstanding.

"I do PR for a living," she apologized. "I thought it was cute. So sue me. I've made an enormous investment in this blog, what with the $12 I shelled out to get rid of the Red Cross ad at the top. All I ask in return is for people to give us a read every once in a while. With Elaine's more intimate involvement, I know members and readers alike will be pleased with our direction. And if not, they are welcome to take a flying leap."

Elaine responded to Sessum's flying leap jab: "There area a lot of women out there we have to bring into the fold, so watch that sharp tongue of yours, young lady. Save your jarring barbs for your own blog."

"Okay, you're fired," Sessum said.

"You're not respecting my feelings here," Elaine retorted. "This place is about open, honest dialogue, not uncontrolled attacks. Let's work together to find an approach that works for all of us."

"Okay, you're hired again." Sessum said.

Shortly after the rift, the two women swapped emoticons, including :-( :-) and ;-), and in an unprecedented move among bloggers, exchanged phone numbers.

About Blog Sisters

Blog Sisters is the first team blog to feature women in frightening numbers. Unlike other team blogs, Blog Sisters does not seek to limit itself or its members by stating its purpose or naming the blog after a book. With annual sales of approximately $11, Blog Sisters serves a readership in more than 170 countries around the world, give or take 120. Men of rare breeding read it in full public view; other men read it in secret, which is okay too. Committed to the principles of Sustainable Development, Blog Sisters' 22 members seek to balance life, learning, personal and family relationships, and their day jobs with blogging. For further information, visit the Blog Sisters website at or email the CEO at


Posted By Social Director of the Internet at 10:13 PM

Comments by: YACCS