Showing posts with label Public Enemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Enemy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Bloody20s newspaper uncovered

Thanks for sharing a very rare copy of play testers newspaper, Frank !!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

GangBusters News part 2

One of the wisest persons I have ever known had a favorite quote: "Life is choices". And, indeed it is. Due to family health issues, I am forced to acknowledge that I do NOT have sufficient time or energy to undertake a revision, reprint or manage a Kickstarter campaign for the RPG "GangBusters". I choose to be a cancer caregiver rather than a game publisher. No matter how I evaluated or reevaluated it, this was an either/or situation.

I appreciate  all the feedback, public & private, I have received over the past several weeks concerning "GangBusters". There are many interesting proposals for scenarios or modules for the game. I suggest and encourage you to pursue publishing these adventure ideas yourself.

An interesting suggestion, was to do a Designer's Edition. Well, providing Designer's Notes can be accomplished pretty simply and will be done, as time permits,  here, on this blog, and on the OD&D Discussion Board's Gangbusters Board, with Marv's permission and help. With hospital access to the Internet, it is much easier to discuss gaming than produce a game.

Further, at this time, I have no plans to sell my rights to "GangBusters". The game is available at between $10 -$20 on Ebay frequently, and a visit to a flea market this weekend turned up a copy with the first module for $3.00. If you want a copy of "GangBusters" and don't have it, you're not trying hard enough or asking the right people. I am NOT one of those right people.

 Don't let my decision discourage you from continuing efforts to revitalize interest in "GangBusters". You, the players & Judges, always have been the future of this game !

Saturday, April 28, 2012

GangBusters News

Several years ago, per my game contract with TSR, Hasbro (present day owner of TSR) reverted the rights to "GangBusters" a/k/a Bloody 20s to me. Several weeks ago, I was contacted by James Maliszewski, of Grognardia blog , asking about the rights to "GangBusters". When I informed him that the rights had reverted to me, James (a fan of "GangBusters" from his teenage years) asked what I was planning to do about getting "GangBusters" back in print. After some initial reticence on my part, the persistent James convinced me that it was something I should explore. If only it was as simple as Captain Picard's "Make it so."

What I am asking the followers of this blog is for their thoughts on a remake of "GangBusters". What would you be looking for in a revised "GangBusters" ? Would you buy it as a Print on Demand ? Would you support a "Kickstarter" campaign ? Or should the rules book, remain the same and just be available as a Print on Demand ? Interest in new historical modules ?

Feel free to comment here or on the "Gangbuster's board" at the Original D&D Discussion Blog found here.  Your comments are appreciated.