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Showing posts with label petua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label petua. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

petua gigit kasut.. old saying

there was this old saying that mentioned.. "bite your new shoes.. so that the new pair won't bite you"... hmmm...dare to ? dare not?... me.. i will say no to that..
I have experienced this so many time with my new pair of heels.. i definately will have blisters on the first or second day i wore the shoes.. blame myself for not choosing the right design and the right fit? if i go another size up.. longgar dan besar! so i think i have choosen the right size...

it happened again during these 2 3 days.. i bought new pairs of heels recently. thanks to en Shahir... kind enough to pay for the heels.
so what i need to do.. is to cover my feet with band-aid or simply apply cotton and stick it with a tape.. :(
after i did some google search.. i think i'm going to rub talcum powder or candle on the rough area that bites me..and i will rub clean the sewing lines and edges dengan kain kasar.. hope this will work..  :(

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Petua mak kata...

Petua mak mentua saya kata...kalau nak pilih limau.. pilih yang montot limaunyer gini... seperti gambar di bawah... :)

montot limau berbunga...

Semenjak dari 3 4 bulan lepas.. sukker bennar makan limau ni.. tambah lagi kalau cuaca panas... simpan dulu limau dalam peti ais.. dah sejuk..potong kulit.. kopek dengan tangan..makan...huuuuu nyaman sungguh...saiko! dulu ada terbeli limau kat jusco...sedap.. manis manis masam... pergi lagi igt nak beli lagi...beli2 masam la plak ! then baru la MIL bgtau...kalau nak beli yg manis...cari yg montot bunga... insyaAllah manis...

tgk betul2 montot limau tu yer..jgn silap

dan semenjak itu...peti ais tak pernah takde limau sunkist ni...limau sunkist montot bunga.... uhhhh...mmg nyaman sungguh... kadang2 sekali makan boleh berbiji biji... en shahir pon dah jadi sukker ngan limau ni... kadang2 dier yg suh beli... ulas2 nyer besar...rasa plak manis manis masam... bukan masam masam manis tau...manis nyer lebih daripada masamnyer... mmg nyaman ! harganya agak mahal sket...kat jusco kadang2 mahal sangat... kalau kat apek pasar malam... rm 1.30 ka...rm 1.50 la lebih kurang... kalau saiz kecik sket.. 9kupang sebiji... cuba la petua mak saya ni... insyaAllah limau nyer manis... sebelum makan jgn lupa basuh buah limau tu dulu yer... :)