
Blog discoveries for July

Art History, Old Books, Vintage Style:

My pet arts

Science, Humanities, Culture:

The Popular Uncanny

Design, Tech, Advertising:

2experts Design

Nude & Erotic Art:

Au carrefour étrange



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The birds and the trees

The earth moves in this message from Greenpeace exhorting passion for the environment.

Via Next Nature.

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Sexy curves

Eros ex Mathematica is a series of fractal images by digital artist and composer Peter Miller. He hastens to assure us that they "are created entirely from mathematical algorithms."

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Blog discoveries for June

Arts, Humanities, Culture:


Art History, Old Books, Vintage Style:

ephemera assemblyman
The Flapper Girl


Easy Fashion
Nothing Elegant
The Sartorialist
Urban Style

Design, Tech, Advertising:

Words and Eggs

Art Collections:

the art of memory

Nude & Erotic Art:



The Museum of Food Anomalies

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Octopus love

Ectoplasmosis showcases this alluring glass octopus sculpture available for sale from a home design store. Don't you just want to hold it?
Via Violins and Starships.

100 Girls and 100 Octopuses is a stunning mural made up of 98 individual 8" x 10" paintings. Sensually draped here and there throughout are a hundred each of octopuses and nubile girls, variously chilling out and getting it on. Creepy? Hot? Yes.
Via gatsu gatsu.

If you, too, want to be engulfed by an octopus of your very own, try this Octopus chair, spotted by Geekologie. It's made out of recycled jeans and can be buttoned into different tentacly shapes. Fun?

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Painted people

Cartographies is a stunning photo series by artist Tatiana Parcero. Intricate maps, charts, medical illustrations, symbols, and diagrams are mapped onto parts of the human body. Absolutely beautiful.

Kim Joon is something of a one-trick pony, but it's a good trick. Couples are posed together and painted with a rich sheet of color, both traditional prints like clouds and dragons, or more whimsical patterns, like superheroes or Heineken logos.
Via Moon River.

There are several Body Art galleries at Flesh and Color, in categories like Metallic, Abstract, Blends, and Floral. Some nice stuff, particularly the blends.

Guido Daniele does professional bodypainting for advertising projects. The scope of the work ranges from a few strokes here and there to full coverage, from abstract prints to animals.

Philippo Ioco does excellent bodypainting for both commercial and personal projects. His extensive personal work is divided into a number of galleries, including Painted Fashion, Movement of Color, and Animal Kingdom. Beautiful stuff.

Kunst Kalender is a flash calendar with a different bodypaint artwork for each month. The text is in German and I can't make much more sense of it than that, but the works are of excellent quality.

It's a repost, but since it's so appropriate, here, again, is The Living Canvas by Pete Guither. As part of a live show, light is projected onto nude bodies to produce some interesting and lovely effects. The Body As Canvas Exhibit 3 gallery is my favorite.

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