Showing posts with label 8.5X11 layouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8.5X11 layouts. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Favorite Times Fall Layout

Good morning friends, have you seen the fabulous Creating Made Easy September Kit and a layout I created using this kit?
 Creating Made Easy September Kit Leaf Layout Pinky Hobbs3
I took brown cardstock from my stash as a base, and used light brown paint and the 12X12 Fall Leaves Stencil to create the background side panel, then sprinkled with glitter while the paint was still wet. 
Creating Made Easy September Kit Leaf Layout Pinky Hobbs1
Shake off excess before it dries.
Creating Made Easy September Kit Leaf Layout Pinky Hobbs2
Then add the patterned paper as shown below. 
Creating Made Easy September Kit Leaf Layout Pinky Hobbs4
You can see I added a banner using the stickers in the September kit as well as the title.
Creating Made Easy September Kit Leaf Layout Pinky Hobbs5
This is one of my favorite photos of me and my boys, it was a fun kit to create layouts, albums and more. Check out all the designer projects.
Grab your kit here!
Have a beautifully crafty day,

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Birds Of A Feather Layout With Spray Paint

When I saw this photo it's the moment I realized my son
was such a goofball just as much as his mother. 
I fell in LOVE! :)

I had to scrap it of course. 
I used the newest release from Clear Scraps, the chipboard embellishments. 
They come in the cutest frame so I utilized it on this layout as a stencil. 

I used 3 colors of Krylon spray paint to create the effects. 
YES spray paint on a's fun!
What are you working on this week?


Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Layout! Shocking I Know! haha

 It's true I have been trying to get back to my scrapbooking roots and making
more layouts lately, so don't faint!
You can find everything you need to make this layout
at Creating Made Easy:
 Look at my sweet angel, gosh I love him!
My little Autism miracle, this is what scrapbooking it all about. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fun In The Sun- Sounds About Right!

Tired of my layouts yet??

Ok ok neither am I- :) 
I had such fun creating with this August 2013 kit-
This page I created I really wanted to highlight the Clear Scraps acrylic title
So I spray painted the back then alcohol ink'd the front. 
I actually love the seaweed look it has. 
I kind of wished I had alcohol ink'd the starfish too. I might
go back and do that actually. 
They are just fun photos and the Bo Bunny was a fun line to work with too!
 That's it for me today short and sweet- I have this last week
before the kids head back to school- gotta get stuff done! :) 

Happy Hump Day!

Monday, August 5, 2013

~More Fun With Sand On Layouts!~

Good morning, Happy Monday!
It's the very last week with the kids home before school starts
and I don't know if I am sad or ECSTATIC! LOL 

Anyways I had enough leftover Mudd Puddles Malibu Sand
from the Creating Made Easy August 2013 kit I was able to create this
layout using their EXCLUSIVE Clear Scraps Shovel & Pail
pieces that were created just for this kit! :) 
 I love it because it has that real plastic shovel and pail feel
because the acrylic is on the front and the paper is on the back. 
 I added the fun Muddle Puddles Sand to created the beach feel. 
 Not gonna lie- I love how it turned out! :) 
 This was a fun layout to create for sure. 
I might have to use Mudd Puddles more often!
 Ok until tomorrow peeps- that's all for me. 
It's a busy week ahead. MUAH!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

~Tried Something New!! Misting Glitter!~

Good morning and happy Hump Day!!

So...totally have something awesome to share tomorrow 
and today I wanted to share something FUN!
I tried something new on my craft room...I tried misting GLITTER
and I love it! :) I took the Chasing Pavements kit from Scraptastic
Kit Club and an acrylic frame from Clear Scraps.
 I glittered the heck out of the BACK of the acrylic frame. 
Let it dry completely, then sealed it with Preserve Your Memories. 
and spritzed the back of the frame. 
I LOVE the affect it had and I think it looks pretty cool!
Even a seasoned crafter like myself can surprise herself! :) 
Go ahead try it! You will love it!!!

Happy Wednesday my friends, and stop by tomorrow!!!!


Monday, December 3, 2012

~Best Birthday Layout!~

Good morning! :) 

I have a fun layout to share today, remember my birthday night this year?
Where we all went to Dairy Queen and the guys started throwing ice cream...
ok well one guy started flicking ice cream LOL

I grabbed pictures and thought it would be fun to use them with the
 I am TRYING to catch up on my scrapbooking from 2012,
and I am going to be honest, it ain't going to happen so now I am
just randomly scrapping photos that make me smile LOL
 This kit was so fun and bright I am super stoked! 
Totally reminded me of the best birthday EVAH!
 I love these Heidi Swapp Buzz Words from the add-on as well. 
(the pale pink "friends"). 
OHHH and the October Afternoon SEW FUN Banners! I totally
grabbed my sewing machine and went to town. 
Now I am off to get this house decorated after a very fun weekend with 
the kids and friends....we had a painting party with our friends on Friday,
then on Saturday a fun 31 Party. Then Sunday a wonderful birthday
party for one of the sweet baseball kids Derek- So blessed to have such
amazing kids in our lives!

Now we are planning the Christmas decor, I just love the holiday season. 
Happy Monday my friends~


Monday, November 12, 2012

~Thanksgiving: ColorBox Copper & Scraptastic Club!~

Good morning and Happy Monday my creative friends! 

I actually was able to craft this weekend, not only was I inspired 
and feeling back to my normal crafty self but also I had time!!! LOL

Ashley came over to help me clean out my craft room and I got right to work
the next day. I have a BIG special project coming up for VLVS and I got
a jump on my Thanksgiving projects too!
In the new Scraptastic Kit Club this month they have an exclusive stamp 
 I really wanted to make the stamps popped and use them on a layout
rather than another card so I decided to grab the ColorBox Copper ink
and just make my own embellishments. 
 I am hoping if I make all my Thanksgiving layouts now, I can add my photos 
after we have Thanksgiving dinner/ day. Because I always fall behind on these
fall themed layouts. 
 One layout ready for a 5X7 photo down and 10 more to go! LOL

So are you working on your Thanksgiving projects yet???


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

~Special Fruity Day~

Good morning!!!

I am probably headed to take my boys to the first day of school this morning,
but before I leave I wanted to share this fun project.
It is a SPECIAL project too!

You might have just spied this layout on PAGEMAPS!
Becky Fleck is featuring the Imaginisce girls this month on Pagemaps and
I was one of the lucky ducks who got to participate.
I wanted to share the details of this layout because I NEVER use sketches but
I can honestly say I just relaxed and did it. It was fun~
Of course I used the "Berrylicious" line from Imaginisce, and it
went perfectly with my "New Do".

Also I wanted to let you all know I ordered a special prize I will be giving away
sometime in August...a Brand NEW Cricut! :) So stay tuned!!~

OK wish me luck and have a great Hump Day!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

~Made In The USA Layout~

Good morning my crafty friends from all over~

Are you scrapping those holiday photos yet?

Today I used my McGill Silhouette Star Punch, and the awesome
Momenta Metallic Red Alphas for this Made In The USA layout.
It's funny, I had this layout in my head for 2 weeks before I actually
made it, and it turned out almost exactly as I saw it in my head! :)
I punched several stars, then I misted the page with them all over,
the first one I tried I dumped the stars off immediately, and it totally
dripped and smeared, so I did it again and let it set for 15 minutes to dry.
I even used the spritzed stars and popped them up on the page.
I used ClearSnap Smooch Spritz, it is one of my favorites by far.
Then I took my Imaginisce i-rock and placed the red glam rocks all over.
And the title, when I saw these letters from Momenta, I nearly died!!!!
*it's the simple things for me* haha

Sometimes I feel like keeping it simple and clean, I was feeling that
way this week. :) Ok off to create my project for the next class on the 24th.
We are going to do an acrylic project YEA~
Happy Tuesday

Friday, July 1, 2011

~100% Funky Fun!!~

Good morning my crafty friends,

I don't get many chances anymore to just scrap for fun for me,
but yesterday I snuck away and just had fun with the new Tally kit
I designed for July!
It's no secret I love Sassafras Lass papers, and I really wanted to
design a kit that had Sass in it before summer ended.
I had alot fo fun playing with the goodies inside.
Plus it was a no stress not for work layout, just funky fun and 100% me! :)
I was feeling it after my hair cut this week.
This is all the Sassy Vintage Dreams Kit except the title and
rose brads I had in my stash.
Today I am prepping for our 4th shin dig, and yesterday I had a fun
day with my girlyfriend in the pool. It's always nice
to take a day off to relax and scrap. Happy Friday!

Don't forget the HUGE SALE AT TALLY!

PLUS the SASSY VINTAGE DREAMS kit I designed is up for sale!
Only 26.99! :) ALL previous kits are 21.00! HUGE SALE
some of the kits were over 30.00!! :)

Happy Friday everyone!!!! :)
