Showing posts with label Scrapbooking from the inside out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrapbooking from the inside out. Show all posts

Monday, August 30, 2010

~Tuesday is for fun and Giveaways too!~

Hopefully your week is going smoothly.
I have been locked away in my craft room,
getting ready for the reveals that happen on the 1st.

Here is a little sneak peek...of a guest DT I have this month!

And a sneak peek of the Imaginisce Sketch challenge
tomorrow! *Don't forget to play along for prizes!!*

Oh and what's this???
It looks like a pack of My Mind's Eye
papers just sitting right here on my blog...
*hmmm??* I wonder why???
You know I love giveaways.
I made my first scrapbook order in a LOOONNNGG time
to Thoughts2Paper last week when they had the huge sale.
They had 40% off everything.
Anyways my friend Liz owns it and she sent this
pack of My Mind's Eye Halloween paper
for me to GIVEAWAY on the blog!
It's rare to find a good company with a good heart.
I had one a couple years ago and I miss it.
This is feels like home again!
So thank you Liz!

Maybe some of you would like to thank her :)
The blog is this

I also have a GIVEAWAY tomorrow...
a LAMINATOR! so stay tuned.
Tomorrow begins the revealing fun, I have 7 days I
think of reveals coming up!
Don't forget to check back and PLEASE go spread the
word about the giveaways!
The more people who come by, the more
giveaways I end up with!

~Have a great day I am off with girlyfriends today!~
~Thank YOU for being so awesome and supportive!~

Saturday, July 3, 2010

~WOW Happy Saturday! *Big Prize & BIG News!~

Good morning!!!!
Happy Independence Day Weekend y'all!
I won't be blogging tomorrow, because we have guests
coming for a good old fashioned BBQ.
It will be wonderful and fun....
I wanted to share a few things this morning...
#1. I have some early August I am going to be
on television for a 7-9 minute spot all about CRAFTING!!!
WOOHOO, sorry I could not wait to share.
It will be on ABC and I will update you later on details.

#2. Imaginisce is running a contest!!!!!!
How would you like to win a bunch of Imaginisce products? Try out the sketch for yourself and you could win $75.00 worth of product (tools and/or paper). Create a card or layout using 75% IMAGINSCE PRODUCTS and Tammy's July Sketch for inspiration before July 25th. So run to Imaginisce and check it out! ENTER!!!!!!!!!
What do you have to lose???

#3 is my Scrapbooking From The Inside Out Reveal for today!
The amazing kit for I love it!
Do you remember this picture from Memorial Day?
I thought it would be perfect for Independence Day
and frame I could bring out every year.
I love how inspired SFTIO makes me.

Ok that is all from me today.
HAPPY 4th for anyone who is still around!
~Thanks for popping by my friends!~

Friday, July 2, 2010

~Hello Friday, I have missed you....*more reveals*~

Good morning, happy Friday!
Can you believe how fast June flew by?

I have another reveal today from the COURAGE kit
at Scrapbooking From The Inside Out.
Oh I have loved the Courage Emotion this month!
It totally pushed me to think ad appreciate life
and the people I have around me, I am very blessed.

This is all about what people say to me,
and how I process it in my head.
It's funny, they say I have courage but I don't feel that way.
I just see ain't pretty it's just reality.
I guess I don't have much to say about it,
it's just a page through my eyes.
I know it won't be int he next Creating Keepsakes LOL
or Scrapbooks Etc...but it will proudly lay in my album
and my boys will read it when I am gone
and hopefully they will say...I remember her and
she loved me, no matter how life was, she loved me.

Happy Friday y'all.
I hope you have courage today I know you
have it inside you~

Thursday, July 1, 2010

~Courageous Reveal & HUGE GIVEAWAY WINNER!!!!~

Good morning!!! It is officially July 1st which means
the official Scrapbooking From The Inside Out reveal begins!

This month's kit was AWESOME and the emotion
it represented was COURAGE!

Oh I loved this one so much...
Here is my first reveal,when I think of courage I instantly think of my husband.
*now y'all might be tired of hearing about it
and he is no angle BUT he is mine LOL*

I think it is because he holds me up and has given me
an amazing new lease on life.
It takes alot of courage to stand strong and
help others with no bias. It takes alot of courage
to see someone with only love.
That was something I never saw growing up,
I never understood what it meant.
I wish I had those eyes.
I am very blessed.
So that is my first COURAGE layout...
Thanks to SFTIO for letting me feel courageous this month!

ok on to the WINNER of this RAK!
Remember this RAK a while ago??

Out of 246 entries,*including Facebook entries*
I posted all the names one by one into and the name that came into #1 was
sandyh50 said...

Oh I love this book and your layout is so cute. Those t-shirts are wonderful too. I will post about your giveaway on Fiskateers too! Thanks for the chance!I am a follower of course!

Please email me your addy!
OMG I wish I had 10 or 20 RAKS to giveaway,
I always feel bad when someone does not win.
But I am so thankful for all the incredible support I receive,
it truly is on a daily basis, to all my online friends,
Thank YOU! :)

That is all for me today.
I am excited to share all the courage work this month.
Have a beautiful day,
I am off to the library this morning
with the boys and friends.
~Thanks for stopping by~

Saturday, June 5, 2010

~Final day of my ANGER reveals~

Good morning my friends!
I am headed home this morning and so excited to be
able to come home and sleep in my own bed and see
my chickens! LOL

Here is my last reveal for SFTIO and the June kit
I had such deep and meaningful inner exploration this month.
I am so happy I did it too.
These will go into my private journal and it was an amazing journey.

This page is FEAR
As much abuse as I had as a child, I was always
optimistic and thought I would find Mr. Right who would
see in me what no one else saw.
Instead I found a man who knew nothing of love
who only knew of pain himself, which included beating
me and abusing me at one point leaving me for dead.
He was a valuable lesson for me.
I learned to be STRONG and to trust more carefully.
I learned that when someone else is so broken,
they cannot love and help you.
I learned that you have to break the chain of abuse and there
is NO EXCUSE for abusing someone. No matter how broken
you are there is no excuse for abusing someone else.
But not everyone is strong enough to stop abuse.
I am so blessed that I won't be abused again and I will
NEVER repeat the cycle of my parents, my ex husband, and my family.

I hope I did not scare you off of my blog.
I love SFTIO and what they stand for.
They only have a negative emotion once every 6 months, so
it is a great way to release. I feel like I did just that!

~Have a beautiful day~
~See ya'll tomorrow~

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Good morning my friends.
Yes, it's another crafty reveal for Pinky today...

I think this is one of the most "artistic" layouts I have done in
a very long time. The technique I used for the dripping "pain"
is going to be revealed in SFTIO this month.
I am always amazed when I sit down to make a deep layout
how much pain comes bubbling up to the surface
even after all these years.
It has been over 4 years since I have even seen
my so called "family" and it's been 10 years since anyone
has abused me, but I sit here today at 35
and it feels like a distant memory, but the emotion is still exactly the same.
Not as much pain as I felt crying and nightmares
any longer. But the pure raw feeling of emotion sits there
unchanged. I feel sad for them, I feel sad for me as a child.

I sort of thought if I faced them head on
(which I did) and faced my pain that it would all
wash away and I would have a pretty white bow on my feelings.

Instead the older I get the more sadness I feel
rather than anger and pain.
The stronger I feel for sure!

It's all about perspective I suppose.

Ok enough blabbering from me! LOL

~I hope you have a great day and I did
not depress you in any way~
~This is all for the amazing people who need it~

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

~Hump Day #2 Reveal!~

Happy Hump day my friends!
Is the week going fast for ya??
I know it is for me!

Hopefully tomorrow I will have some fun aquarium
pictures to we are headed out to the aquarium
this morning...the kids are tickled PINK!

Here is my second reveal for SFTIO and
the June Kit, the emotion for this hot kit is ANGER
So I dug deep and found my anger.

It was hard this time because I finally feel so peaceful inside.
But there is always residue to be washed away.
It seems like each time I scrap a page
with anger or strong emotions, I feel a little bit cleaner
and I wash away a little more dirt in my heart.
Maybe one day it will be pure and clean like
I want it to be :)
Aren't these chipboard flames FLIPPING AWESOME??!
I have some techniques and small tutorials
Exclusive to SFTIO and they are called
Exclusive Content.
You have to check them out on the SFTIO board!

OK I am off to have fun with my babies!
~Thank for popping by~

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

~Happy Tuesday- Reveal week begins!!~

Good morning my crafty friends,
I will forewarn you, the next 5 days will be INTENSE
because these are my reveal days for
Scrapbooking From The Inside Out
and their theme this month is ANGER

So....bear with me, it only comes around every once in
a while...but I firmly believe if you can it is wonderful
to express your emotion through ART and to me
scrapbooking IS ART!

Here is my first page with this month's amazing kit!
The others do not include photos
But this one has a GIANT photo (8X10)
Because I feel the battle inside me is so epic.
Please don't judge me, it is extremely difficult to
share these pages so loudly, since they are so personal.
But I do because I know other people feel
the same way it is always a good thing to share.
Ok I am off to have some fun today!
We are having a great week with company.

Yesterday we visited the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg, TN
I thought I would have no interest in it but I LOVED IT!!!!!!
It was great!
I thought I wold share a couple pictures with ya!
The cave in the Distillery area, so cool and amazing!
The boys had a great time
(it's a dry county so no worries, no drinking allowed)
They loved the ice cream shop after wards!
This picture cracked me up! LOL
Grandpa and Grandson, I love this picture!
Here we all are with the Jack Daniels statue.
It was a long day but so fun!
I was happy to be home :)

I wanted to take a moment to talk about prizes and the MANY
MANY prizes I give away out of my own pocket.
I do this to share the love of crafting and out of kindness.
I always send the prizes off promptly, I believe I have
now given over 150 prizes to on my blog, each time
paying for it out of my own pocket.
If by chance the USPS did not deliver it to you.
I apologize, from the bottom of my heart.
Out of 150 prizes only maybe 2 have not made it.
I am very sorry, but many times I do not have a replacement
prize and I am
NOT a business and I do not have much money.
I have sent things all over the WORLD out of my own pocket!
I am just like the rest of you, I do the best I can.
Thanks for understanding and not being angry with me
because it was simply a gift :)
Please take it in the spirit it is intended.
I am only human and do the best I can always....

~Have a wonderful Tuesday~
~Thank YOU for stopping by~

Monday, May 3, 2010

~More reveals, update on TN life~

Good morning my amazing friends.
I went to bed last night with heavy rain, thunder, lightning and
a flooded yard. Safe but a little worried.
I woke up to sunshine and some mist from all the wet.

No sign of our chickens, it's hard to even type about it because
I watched my husband run his car back and forth over
all the surrounding areas for hours and hours yesterday.
He did not give up looking until after 4pm.
We are at a complete loss as to what happened or where they are?
No sign of attack, just a few feathers in the coop but that is normal,
no sign of entry, the gate was locked tight.
I have one last hope they might have gotten blown away or
ran for cover and are coming back?
I will keep y'all updated.
I have no right to be upset, we are VERY blessed, we have
our home and we are dry which is more than I can say for so many
who lost their home, lives, and are still in shelters in TN.

1 day behind on my reveals for Scrapbooking From The Inside Out
and the May kit "Anticipation"
I loved the color scheme for this kit, and
it made me think tropical so of course I had to scrap Hawaii.The Aloha card part I drew with my Cri-Kit pens and then misted it
with my Smooch Spritz (I need to get more I am out!)
Then I added the title and stickled it....I am officially a stickle whore I think LOLThis was a fun kit to work with.

Today I am praying the yard dries out,
the schools have all been closed so I will spend the day with my
beautiful boys and maybe even bake a bit.

~Thank you all for the support yesterday and your genuine kindness
and sweet comments. I really needed/appreciated them~

~Happy Monday~

Saturday, May 1, 2010

~Happy May 1st! Reveals, contests, PRIZES and MORE!~

WOW Where in the world do I begin today??
So much going on you NEED to read the entire blog today.
Contests from THREE companies, a sketch challenge
and we begin the 5 day reveal from Scrapbooking From The Inside Out

First off this fun layout I made for Clearscraps.
I used the Imaginisce May Sketch as my inspiration.
These are the new Splash Dance Papers!
IF you comment HERE and visit the other blogs Imaginisce is giving away
a BIG May Prize package!!!!!!! So hit the Imaginisce Blog today HERE
The reason I tied in the Clearscraps with the the sketch is because
Clearscraps is hosting their own HUGE giveaway and it ends TODAY!
HERE it is! Go check it out! Easiest Contest EVER is what they are calling it!

Now on to Scrapbooking From The Inside Out May Kit Reveal!
The emotion for this month is ANTICIPATION! (I love it!)

When I thought of anticipation, instantly I thought of spring,
my children, life, and my chickens even! All the anticipation of
blooming, growing, planting and the rewards.
So this is my first layout, the boys planting a sunflower patch.
I am so excited to see it grow and watch them learn from the experience.
I am going to chronicle the entire process.
I even took one of the seed packets and put it on the layout.
This is a beautiful jam packed kit too!

Alrighty then, on to one more fun contest!
Timeless Daydreams just started blogging, I was talking to my gf
on the phone who writes the blog and co-owns site.
I told her I would host a contest to get followers for their blog!
SOOOOOO, I will be giving away a FUN prize pack!!
Plus they are giving away some PRIMA!
So stop by HERE become a follower and tell them PINKY sent ya!
I will give away 2 prize packages
(including full sets of stamps and other new goodies)
if we hit 100 followers for them!! :)
Nothing in it for me, just love the girls there. I know you will too!

That's it for me today!
~Thank you for stopping by!~

Monday, March 22, 2010

~Happy Monday Winners!~

Good morning,
how is your Monday going so far?
We had a few kinks in the weekend....
such as a thunderstorm, my youngest one getting sick,
and the little chicks decided to go couch hopping! LOL

So here it is, we did get all the wood we needed for our chicken coop!
Granted we had to go about it differently since we no longer have a pickup,
but the van worked nicely and it gave the vehicle a lovely wood smell,
I think growing up with a logging family gave me a crazy love of wood smells!Now hubby said he was building the coop when I go away next weekend for
West Virginia, so remind me to leave him my extra camera, because
I NEED those pictures for all my friends online LOL

Now I have a short funny story.
This Hula girl is my most beloved souvenir from our trip to Hawaii
years and years ago, she reminds me that I am beautiful at any size
and to appreciate everyone in their unique shape and beauty.
you can understand I was heartbroken when she fell off my
dashboard last year even after I super glued it, so guess what I pulled out
today?? Yea, that's right this glue freak pulled out the good old Helmar 450! LOL
I will let you know how it goes??! So far so good!

OK on to the winners.....

Winner #1 from the HELMAR BLOG HOP
The bottle of Helmar 450 Quick Dry Glue
Blogger ellen s. said...

oh quick dry...that is right up my alley b/c i am so impatient! LOL! love your project!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

And the winner from Friday's blog
The mini album!!!!!
Blogger TeenaBugg38 said...

I love your I used to live VERY near cave City and you and I are in the same state. I have NEVER been to one of these things....EVER!!!! Sounds like it would be fun! Our break for the kids ain't for another week. I dread it.....locked in the house with 5 boys....I am praying for warm weather....LOL

Friday, March 19, 2010

Now Ellen you need to email Helmar
(tracyw@helmarusa. com) and she will send out your prize

and Teena please email me girl!
I will send your mini album and the last winner's out
this week before I head out to West Virginia!

This is the FIRST day of Spring Break at our house,
so it will be a busy week but a good one.
I am working on my DT work for SFTIO this week.
Very excited about this April Kit!

~Thanks for stopping by and thanks so much
for all the amazing comments last week! I was in tears
and laughing all on one day, you all inspire me!~
~Have a great Monday~

Friday, March 5, 2010

~Friday!! finally....lets have some fun RAK!~

Good morning lovelies
Happy Friday!
This has been such a long week I am thankful it is Friday,
so let's have some fun!
Nothing warms my heart more than giving away some scrappy fun.
I have a set of Rusty Pickle Panama Jack paper and die cuts for ya!
So leave a comment today and I will randomly
choose a winner on SUNDAY!

This is my last layout for Scrapbooking From The Inside Out
March Kit "Nostalgia"
Love this kit!
It's always a struggle to scrap my childhood pictures,
BUT you know me I just put it all out there for the world to see
I think I need to do a page that says
"She wears her heart on paper" instead of on her sleeve LOL
I never feel angry or sad making these pages, just reflective
and feel like I am expressing my emotions that normally
you do not get to say.

Now back to my boys and a weekend of cleaning out this flu
bug we had all week...have a beautiful weekend!
~Thank you for stopping by~

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~Hump day is news to share!~

Good morning all you amazing crafters!
In the midst of being sick and my children coming down with
the flu one by one, I have some great news to share!
Yep that's right :) You are looking at the newest DT member for
ClearScraps! I so love acrylic, this will be fun!

Here is another layout from my Scrapbooking From The Inside Out DT work
This month's kit was jam packed with goodies including this laser
cut paper from Basic Grey and another one as well!
Nostalgia was the theme so I took an old picture of my youngest
and reflected on the day he was born...
Not hard to find joy in this memory!
I wanted to balance out all the other "Nostalgia" in my life with a
fun and loving page as well because my life is

Back to my sick boys and hopefully mending their sick momma :)
~Have a beautiful day~
~Thanks for sharing with me and my excitement~