Showing posts with label clear embellishments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clear embellishments. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2013

~This Is Today...Today Is For You~

 Good morning my crafty friends, 
After a beautiful weekend with family and friends,
I have one last project from the 
Creating Made Easy March 2013 Kit.

This fun little card-using the Clear Scraps embellishments. 
Inside it says "Today is For You" I thought it would make
a fun friendship or even birthday card. 
Stay tuned all week for projects, but poor April might be sparse
for a week or so because the family and I are headed to vacation with
2 other families! I am very excited but I am sure my crafty time
will be non existent. I will try to post vaca photos! :) 
Happy Monday my friends~

Thursday, May 10, 2012

~Family Layout w/ Acrylic Too~

Good morning my friends, 

I have had this photo for months now, I avoided scrapbooking
it because it is so stuffy and posed LOL Anyways I finally decided
to print it and scrap it. I still giggle when I look at it because we are
so NOT formal and it's just silly to me. 
I used the Scraptastic Club Weathered Spring kit for the layout
and I love the colors and rich feel of it.  
 I also used the Clear Scraps Pennant Embellishment pieces to create the banner. 
 I wanted the layout to be fun and carefree, complete opposite of the photo LOL
Anyways that's it for me today, I am off to create with my Zutter Bind It All
today and catch up on a few extra projects! :) Then a ball game tonight.

Happy Thursday my friends~

Thursday, January 7, 2010

~Are you going to CHA in Anehiem? Check out the Purple Cows Booth!~

I won't be going this year :(
But I will be at CHA Chicago this summer!
Meanwhile, I wanted to share this icube panel project that will
be at CHA in California in a couple weeks!

All of us Cow Girls decorated out very own icube panel
to be displayed at CHA!
I am so excited, I have projects going to CHA!!! How fun is that?!
It's a special week, I am very happy.

I decided on my panel I would cut up, yes CUT UP a painting I did
First I sprayed it with Glimmer Mist,
then I added Hambly rub-on owls and made my own embellishments to it
Then I misted it again so it would all match up.
And I glued it down (I used HELMAR 450 WET glue!) It rocks BTW!

It is so hard to photograph such an orange and red piece, but
you get the idea, I was also told my Display Box would be at CHA too!
So if you are going...stop at Purple Cows and take a picture with it! :)
hehehe, I can live vicariously through you!

I really do love painting, I cannot wait to paint some more.
I have 2 more I have finished and need to photograph.
Well, off to prepare for another snow day, we have terrible
ice right now, so it's going to be a long day in the house with the boys
~Have a GREAT Friday!~
~Thanks for stopping by and all your support~

Monday, January 4, 2010

Good morning all you amazing crafty people!
Shouting out from a frigid 10 degrees in TN with a 0 windchill,
now I knwo that ain't nothing for you Northern girls but for this
pink lady its-a-little-bit-COLD! :)

I told you last week I got my new Imaginisce box and
I have been DYING to play with it ever since!
This is the NEW Lucy Bird line, it is SO darn cute and fun!
Something else I tried and fell in love with?
The new SMOOCH Spritz from Clearsnaps!
OMG I LOVE IT! I used it all over the edges of this page,
and on the chipboard journaling tag.
The journaling tag I put on top of the spritzed one
is a cute rub-on from the Lucy Birdcollection!
I really tried to photograph this in the light to capture how
shimmery and pretty this page is.
I will have to try throughout the day to see which times work best
but for now I hope you can see what I did.

You can see I used a pretty girly line for this BOY picture and it's
because it doesn't matter what the paper looks like, you can make
it work for YOU!
The back of these Imaginisce papers are always different and
with a little shimmer, or creativity, they work for any project!

OK off to try to stay warm! I am freezing over here!
I have to run a special project to Fed Ex today...
you will be hearing and SEEING more of that later this week!
It's a super fun Purple Cows surprise! :)
So stay tuned...literally...
~Have a great Monday~
~Thanks for stopping by~

Friday, December 18, 2009

~Going Green For Christmas~

We all want to recycle, upcycle, and re-use...
When Purple Cows asked me to come up with quick
holidays ideas, I went back to when I first begin scrapbooking
I love covering old CD's, remember when all the internet
companies sent out millions? They don't as much anymore but
I still have tons of old CD's to recycle.
They make GREAT gift card holders to hang on the tree.If you want the step by step on these, check out
the Project Sheets on the Purple Cows blog!
You can easily make these for yourself!
I am using mine for the teachers this year,
sticking gift cards in for photo developing or anything
else the class might need.
~Thank you for stopping by today!~
~Happy HOLIDAYS to you and yours~
I wish I could bake you all goodies and mail them out
Today I begin the platters I make for all the neighbors,
fudge, sugar cookies, snicker doodles, chocolate chip cookies,
rice crispy treats, and possibly home made bread too!
Oh and the ever present Banana bread as well...
I love Christmas and the baking!

~Have a great Friday~
~Love to all~

Friday, December 4, 2009

~Friday Field Trip! RAK DAY! Chipboard GIVEAWAY!~

Good morning all you beautiful crafters!
Today, I am so excited to go on a field trip with my 2nd grader!
How fun it is being a mom!

Yesterday I finished my Recipe project for Purple Cows...
here is a little sneaky peek!
Also this week...another project will be going up on Purple Cows...
Clear embellishment TAGS! Using your handy dandy Laminator
OR Clear Scraps Acrylic!!!
Here is just one fo the tags I made, there will be more and a full
instruction sheet for them, so you can try your hand at them!OK now, on to business right? LOL
VIJI Where are you girl?? You won on my blog a KIT!
And I lost ya!
If anyone knows VIJI please let her know!

And for today's giveaway!
How do you qualify?
Follow my blog!
Also not a requirement but...
PLEASE make sure to follow the Purple Cows Blog and let them know
Pinky sent you! There is only a couple weeks left and I need
a few more people to follow!
50 would rock! 25 would be enough! I want to show them I am working hard
So go here!
Purple Cows
Tell them PINKY sent you and FOLLOW! :)

Dream Street Chipboard mini album!

Cosmo Cricket Buck Naked Chipboard Ornaments!
This is a nice BIG Package!!!!And
Making Memories game board shapes STARS!

So it's a great RAK about 20.00 in goodies!
Please pass the word along!
Will be drawing a name by Monday or Tuesday!

Thanks for stopping by!
~I appreciate every visit!~
~Have a beautiful Thursday~