Showing posts with label nashville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nashville. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Nashville CMA Inspired Mixed Media Tag

Hey guys, you all should know I am around Nashville, Tennessee- today and this week is HUGE in our neck of the woods with the CMA's arriving and of course Bonnaroo as well. 
I actually used my Creating Made Easy May Kit to create this tag, nearly everything on the tag was from the May Kit.

I covered the Chipboard Tag Album Page using the Creating Made Easy May Kit patterned paper (PhotoPlay) then took the Guitar Chipboard Embellishment (also included in the kit) and sprayed it with adhesive and coated it in GOLD glitter!
I used the 6" Butterfly Teardrop Stencil to create the glittered butterfly in the upper corner.
All the other papers were in the kit, I only added the stencil, ribbon, glitter and stars!

Happy CMA's Nashville! And happy crafting all the friends. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

New Kit NEW Project!

Hey there crafty peeps,
The May Kit for Creating Made Easy was revealed today and I have this
MINI MINI Tree album to share. It was a hoot- it's approx 3" and I ADORE
mini things!
 I just punched out 1 1/2" circles and went crazy! 
 I am actually going to print my Instagram photos and put them in here. 
 The kit is pretty cool it has Hello Sunshine papers
from Pink Paislee and it's really packed with goodness. 
 I will have two tutorials this month using it. 
I used my Xyron Adhesives for this one! :) 
I hope you love it as much as I do, in fact maybe I should just give it 
away on my blog! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall Fun And New Journeys Begin

Good morning friends,
It is so cold here right now and I am SO ready for it!
I know many hate the cold but we had such a mild winter I am really excited 
about a possibly cold winter with snow. 

We have 5 new babies in the house...
hoping to have them laying BY spring instead of getting them
in spring and waiting until summer. 

This week we begin a study in Nashville for Gage too.....
It's going to be a busy and long week. I wish I could climb into 
bed and wake up Friday! haha
Happy Fall friends, Have a wonderful Monday and be
sure to stop by tomorrow for a Maya Road/Xyron Blog Hop with PRIZES! :) 


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Autism Testing And Emotions: Harder On Mom Or The Kid??

Good morning friends, 
I am on my way to Milwaukee tomorrow with friends today and yesterday
we had some extensive testing done with my sweet boy. 
We want him to join a study for Autism that will help him relate and deal
with his peers better. So we drove into Nashville and spent the day being
hooked up to monitors, tested, and prodded. 

As all this happened I was SHOCKED not at my son's reaction
or the actual tests but to my reaction.
I started out the day with my son in tow, dropping off my husband at work
so we could save money on gas. Then heading to the maze of medical 
buildings and trying to find my way. In the mean time a friend of mine
called and asked how we were. 

I explained that my son was nervous for the tests and she INSISTED 
on meeting us in Nashville (40 minutes from her) and being there to
sit with us. I didn't think anything of it to be honest.
Never thought about anxiety or anything but making sure my son was OK.

We began and I left him in the room with the Dr. for a 2 hour and 45 minute test. 
My friend showed up and we laughed and talked. 

But the big test wasn't ready yet- the one with all the 
electrodes and monitors for his head. He was extremely nervous about
this one. I shared a photo with him and that made it worse. 

But they put it off, so we were relieved. 
We rushed for a fast lunch because we were running behind, and 
went to the next medical building for the big test. 

This involved a few BIG Autism NO's for my son. 
#1 Getting WET on his head and face. 
Getting wet has been a HUGE issue since birth with Gage, it usually
sets him into hysterics. It is NO JOKE any Autism mom know there are
those certain points you just avoid at all costs and water is our point!
#2 Being covered in a hat.
What can I say the boys hates hats- or any reference to a hat. A visor
is a MAYBE but  hat might literally kill's that bad. 
#3 Not knowing the Dr. helping him. 
He needs to meet any Dr. we have ahead of time. 
He just likes that security, He is ok with new people but not doctors. 

I knew we had 3 bridges to cross. The Dr. one I had covered because I 
explained I would be there. But the wet issues....well it was a bit much. 
When they brought in the "wet hat" which would be NOTHING
to someone else looking in- I could hear and see the panic begin. 

And to be perfectly honest seeing him panic does not help me.
I was THAT mom who held her baby because she could not handle the crying. 
Hey I don't regret it either. It's just me. 
So as he panicked he asked for his friend to come in and sit with him
and bless her little heart, she sat there for nearly an hour in what had
to be the most uncomfortable chair I have ever seem

This extraordinary girl from an extraordinary family
was like a Florence Nightingale no lie. What a blessing. 

But here is where I surprised myself...seeing him all hooked up and them
putting all that on his little beautiful got me. Right in the kisser. 
I lost it...the tears came and my anxiety set in. 

I wasn't expecting that....yes I know in my head it is ridiculous, it's simple
painless test. But every one of those little patches represented all those steps
we have taken- all the endless steps we have to yet take...those journeys we have to
go through, those journeys we have been through. 
The friends we have lost, the battles he will fight, the war ahead. 

The mission to not change my son but CHANGE THE WORLD AROUND HIM.
Just seeing him hooked up overwhelmed me. 

We are so blessed because it could be so much worse. I know this
and I know we will be grateful to have him always. 
He is my heart, my soul, my life along with my other boys. 

But there was something so final about the diagnosis seeing him all 
hooked up and taking these tests. This is where we are. 
I am not upset we are here but it's so final...this is our reality. 
I can't really change the facts now....I just have to learn to ask for support
(I suck at that), stand strong, and learn to FIGHT and keep FIGHTING.

I have to learn to lose people, and lose battles because in the end
we will win the war. But I have a feeling this entire experience maybe isn't
only going to teach and strengthen, my son- maybe
it's mean to teach and strengthen me as well. 

I would NEVER say my past abuse was a good thing but I know now that
it has helped me to prepare for the hard cold facts of life and helped me to
become the forged steel that I am not so I can be my son's shield....

and maybe that's not a  bad thing....

Monday, July 29, 2013

~Sweet Baby Banner And WINNER~

 Good morning friends! 
I have a fun blog post today that includes a new project I created
this Baby Banner in which I used a Clear Scraps Banner and Connie Crystal
crystals- you can find the entire banner and the instructions on the
 Plus if you scroll down I have a winner from my Mascils giveaway! :) 
I created this banner for my gf's baby shower and her new baby to come. 
 I punched big holes in the hearts and added the Connie Crystals. 
I love the whole design of this banner. 
Anyways be sure to check it out!

Here is also a photo from this weekend,
my gf's and I headed to Nashville with our hubs to celebrate
Shauna's birthday! :) 

Poor hubs had just gotten out of the hospital and had to sip water 
in pain the whole night. He was a great sport. 
Oh and now for the winner of the Mascils set!!

Blogger Marianne - Fiskateer #6701 said...
Thanks, Pinky, for the chance to win something fun from Clearscraps! Ialready like them on FB, but I will go take a look.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Marianne please email of Facebook me your address, I will
get these in the mail! :) 


Monday, July 22, 2013

Kindness in Crafting and Blessings in Life~

Good morning friends, 
I sat down this weekend after a baptism I attended and was
digging through old supplies from companies I worked for in the past
I was feeling soft and nostalgic and ran across this Kanban goodness. 
 I decided to make this card. 
When I begin crafting I ran across amazingly KIND people and I ran
across amazingly CRUEL people- some that welcomed me with open arms
and some that ridiculed and were beyond mean to me. 
I think it really shaped the kind of crafter I wanted to be. 
Always understanding and uplifting of others no matter how small the project
or how new the crafter. You know it all comes from the heart and it inspired me 
to make this card. One simple word that means so much- KINDNESS.
 When I see projects I just see the love and joy in the hands- 
sometimes it doesn't have to be on the cover of the next magazine
that is dying out- sometimes it's just that small touch and smile when you
open it up and see that someone took the time to make it...
just for YOU. I would encourage you to leave some kindness today. 
This card is going to be left at my local library for a stranger to find and use. 

I also snapped a couple photos of a real southern baptism we
attended this weekend of my friend Melody's and Daniels son. 
 Never been to a river baptism- it was beautiful.
Anything with family- can't miss it. 
Hope you have a wonderful Monday- full of kindness and love. 
Thanks for stopping by my friends! :) 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Grillin' and Chillin' Pinky Style

 Good morning and happy Monday my friends, 

What a whirlwind weekend *Info & pictures below* this was and 
the perfect time to share my latest project with you- the new stamp set from

How cool is this set? I LOVE IT!
I decided on this card to create the sentiment inside as well
as outside- I just think it's super fun. 
I love every image on this stamp set- it is just a fun set for sure!
 You can see all 3 of my projects on the Avocado Arts Blog today as well. 

This weekend was amazing- we started out Friday night headed to Nashville
with local friends and friends from Wisconsin. 
I had never been to downtown Nashville at night- it was so much fun to 
see all the live bands! I loved it- we were out until 3am...I was beat! LOL

Then on Saturday morning I headed to my girlfriends house to 
help her with her baby shower and then see her adorable boy turn 2. 

Then off for a BBQ with our friends...
So a busy but solid weekend....

Anyways I will be back tomorrow with another project- 
hope to see you then! 
Thank YOU for stopping by. Have a great Monday!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

~Storm Damage- Garden Update~

Good morning friends,
No crafts today- :( we have been working this morning 
on getting my garden back to par after a big storm lastnight
that hit our area and knocked down MOST of my corn.
It's funny because we have had an amazing garden this year 
with all the rain and storms but last night the straight line winds took it's toll.

Thankfully I have boys who are willing to get up at 6am and 
work to revive the corn and stand them back up- and extra 
thankful no ears were on there so they are light enough to stand up!

Oh and while I am thinking about it- you have until 10am to get the
extra 5.00 off for early enrollment in My Creative Classroom for
the It's Ornamental class I am a part of! 
Happy Thursday my friends!