Showing posts with label thunderstorms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thunderstorms. Show all posts

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Welcome Thunder

I woke this morning to the rumble of thunder above my house.

Big deal? For many folks, probably not.

But in Minnesota - in MARCH, this is phenomenal...and in my mind, wonderful!

Spring is here!!!

I'm a huge fan of thunderstorms. I love their sound, their color. I love the wild scent of rain carried on the wind, clouds that are constantly changing shape, and the flash of lightning against an ink-dark canvas.

I'm busy with cool, secret projects today, but I'll be able to share soon!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sky Watcher

Driving across the city this afternoon, I was mired in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I didn't mind because of the clouds.

Spring's first thunderstorm rolled through today. Sporadic booms and lightning flashes peppered the afternoon. Globular missiles of rain pelted the ground. I find it intriguing that raindrops have diverse sizes.

I anticipate thunderstorms, even long for them. Unlike many people I know, I've never been frightened by them.

While I sat with an idling engine, I watched a jet liner climb into the sky heading straight for a massive, steel-grey nimbus cloudbank. It was like seeing a sparrow fly into a dragon's gaping maw.

I actually enjoy flying through storms, despite the discomfort of turbulence. I've wished for a long time for some means by which I could make the clouds my home. I love the shape of clouds, their constant fluidity and movement, the endless varieties in which they manifest. I feel a new story coming on.

My brother and I have shared many conversations about the different forms of flying dreams we have. Mine always require that I have a running start for take off. Sometimes in the dreams I'm me, human yet capable of flight, at others I'm a bird. Once I was a swan, in another dream a seagull.

Flying dreams have been among my most profound and I leave them waking into a state of bemused contentment, as if through the dream I've touched something profound.

What do dreams do for you?