
I lost de login for my ferst blog. It's bobs-diary.blogspot.com an is still dare if yu want to reminiss!
Showing posts with label hobbys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobbys. Show all posts

Friday 28 January 2022

Enyway, not a lot haz changed, to be onnist.

Thare ar still too menny dragons in the howse (akchewly dare are now eevn mor) an a few mor bears hav joyned my clan. 

Mummy is doin an art degree but hassent drorn me yet dispite it bein a condishun of her enrollment. 

Daddy teaches still but a lot ov de time he teaches from home wich meens I baysikly hav less time to frolik, unless I Tayke It Upstares, an kwite frankly if yu hav to frolik kwyertly, wat is the poynt. 

Granny is ok, but a bit madder, but givs me choklit biskwits evry day. 

Oh! an we hav a frend calld Alexa in 2 rooms an dits grayte becos I can say "Alexa! Make fart noyzes!" an she duzz. An I can get her to do it downstares eevn wen I am upstares ahe he. Dis is wun ov my new hobbys.

Gillingham football ar doin very badly an I miss goin to see dem play an I fink if I did dey mite do betta. I miss de oppertewnity to yewtilize awl the football chants I lernt cos Mummy sez I carnt yewz dem cos Iym ownly littol. But she is not de boss ov me.