Showing posts with label Andalucia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andalucia. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


I'm back from four nights in Tarifa, southern Spain. I didn't take as many photos as I wanted, but there are a few nice ones, I hope you'll agree.

Spanish Festoon
Spanish Festoon

We were a bit early for butterflies, I think. There were plenty of (migrant?) Painted Ladies about, and a couple of unidentified whites, but apart from that, we saw a couple of Spanish Festoons, some Wall Browns and a single Large Copper (I think) at Baelo Claudia

The mirador
This mirador (viewpoint) on the main road between Algeciras and Tarifa was a superb place to watch birds of prey and other big things arriving from across the Strait.

On the way from the airport, we stopped awhile and saw dozens of Booted Eagles coming inland, plus Montagu's Harriers, Sparrowhawks and White Storks. I can also recommend the coffee

Storm over the mountains
A thunderstorm over the mountains near La Janda

Lots of wildflowers growing on the roadside

Cattle Egret
A Cattle Egret breeding colony (in Spanish probably called an egreteria or something) was fun to watch

View from Turmares whale-watching boat
We went whale-watching with Turmares in the Strait of Gibraltar

The two-hour trip cost €30 and was money well spent. We sailed out towards from Tarifa towards Morocco and cruised around, looking for cetaceans. We struck gold, and found a total of 15 Pilot Whales, including a calf, and about 10 Bottle-nosed Dolphins.

Seasoned whale-watchers Del and John said the views of the Pilots were the best they'd ever had, as they rode our bow wave (the whales, that is) and breached full-length out of the water in front of us! One of the dolphins in particular was a proper show-off, tail-slapping the surface and sending a jet of water our way.

We'd stationed ourselves right at the front and got a bit wet, but it was nothing short of awesome to watch the whales and dolphins about 10 feet below us. Sometimes the dolphins turned on their sides to have a look at us and the sea shone turquoise on their white stripes.

Flipper, eat your heart out.

It was also pretty special to see migrating birds. As well as the expected Cory's and Balearic Shearwaters, we watched two Montagu's Harriers and a Hen Harrier crossing the Strait. It looked hard work... the birds had to keep flapping or they started to drift seawards...

Unfortunately, no photos cos it was a bit bouncy and I was a) concentrating on enjoying the superb views, and b) hanging onto the side.

Plaza San Martin, Tarifa
I got quite used to having a roof terrace...

We rented an apartment overlooking Plaza San Martin, in Tarifa's old town. A fantastic place to stay, clean, well-equipped, tastefully decorated (in contrast to the others' '70s nightmare fleapit) and handy for all local amenities - shops, seafront, restaurants, bars... I'd definitely stay there again.

Screaming Pallid Swifts and squawking Lesser Kestrels overhead were the icing on the cake.

Pallid Swift
Pallid Swift over said terrace. Took lots of shots, but they were flipping difficult

Griffon Vulture
Griffon Vulture near Bolonia

We made a couple of visits to a mountainside somewhere above Bolonia, on the Atlantic coast. Another good place for watching migration - eagles, harriers and Bee-eaters. Nearby were cliffs with a couple of Griffon Vulture nests, singing Blue Rock Thrushes and the wonderful Spanish Festoon.

Artful graffiti in Tarifa

Roman remains at Baelo Claudia
At Baelo Claudia, the remains of a Roman fish-sauce factory.

Well worth a visit, for the Black-eared Wheatears alone, and it was also quite interesting. And free. Baelo Claudia was famous throughout the ancient world for its garum - the fish sauce that Heston Blumenthal tried to make

More photos are on my Flickr account

photos taken with Canon EOS 30D + EF 300mm f/4L IS USM, or Canon Powershot A640

Monday, May 23, 2005

Andalucia: Day Three

Melodious Warbler
Melodious Warbler
Marbled White
Marbled White?
Moth and flower 
Clouded Yellow
Clouded Yellow
Rock Bunting
Rock Bunting
Flowers Flowers Flowers Flowers Flowers Mountains Mountainside

Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Hummingbird Hawkmoth


Three days, more than 400 photos, 139 bird species and umpteen plants and insects...

digiscoped photos taken with Nikon Coolpix 995 + Leica Apo Televid 62 with 16x eyepiece

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Andalucia: Day Two

Azucarera Jerezana
White Storks nesting on an old sugar factory
White Storks
White Storks White Storks White Storks White Stork 

Great Reed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler, Laguna de Medina
Corn Bunting
Corn Bunting
Tarifa beach
The beach at Tarifa

Tarifa to Morocco
Looking across to the Moroccan coast
Spotless Starling
Spotless Starling
Black-eared Wheatear
Black-eared Wheatear
Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary Marsh Fritillary Marsh Fritillary

Meadow Brown
Meadow Brown
Spanish Gatekeeper
Spanish Gatekeeper
digiscoped photos taken with Nikon Coolpix 995 + Leica Apo Televid 62 with 16x eyepiece

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Andalucia: Day One

These are generally in chronological order. More details will be added later. Sorry it's a bit photo-heavy, but then this is a photoblog...
Kentish Plover
Kentish Plover. Digiscoped from the back seat of a Fiat Punto!
Kentish Plover Kentish Plover Kentish Plover Kentish Plover Kentish Plover Kentish Plover

Slender-billed Gull
Slender-billed Gull
Slender-billed Gulls Slender-billed Gull
Blue-headed Wagtail
Blue-headed Wagtail
Salinas (salt pans)

Woodchat Shrike
Woodchat Shrike
Short-toed Lark
Short-toed Lark
Collared Pratincole
Collared Pratincole
Add caption
Collared Pratincole
Little Bittern
Little Bittern
Little Bittern Little Bittern Pines

Finished the day with Red-necked Nightjars

digiscoped photos taken with Nikon Coolpix 995 + Leica Apo Televid 62 with 16x eyepiece