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Bonoriau.Com is generating over 20,000 page views per month from over 10,000 unique visitors (not including RSS readers). The site is targeted to Internet entrepreneurs, investors, gears heads and interested consumers.

Site Stats

* Alexa: 477,377
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* RSS readers: 130+
* Average comments per post: 50

Bonoriau.Com offers multiple ways to build your brand and get your message to our large and loyal readership. Ad buys are sold on 30 day periods using PayPal subscription service. Ads will auto renew every 30 days unless you cancel the subscription.

The stripe ad is a text ad appearing on the top of the blog. It’s the first element to load and the first thing readers see when visiting the site. The ad is locked to the top of the browser so the reader always sees it. Your text ad can have up to 50 characters description. Only ten rotations are available at any one time. Price is $10 per month. Order your ad below, then send the ad description to admin@bonoriau.com.

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About Bonoriau (@bonoriau)

Thanks for clicking the URL in my Twitter profile - let me give you a little background on who I am and what I do.

I’m a 38 year old Indonesian living in Riau. I am married and have 5 kids. I am a businessmen and part time blogger.Love traveling, reading and blogging.

My Blog

I’ve been blogging since July 2007 on a number of sites. I started out with just one at Spirit Of Blogging - a site about miscellaneous topics that take my fancy from time to time. That site spawned a number of others including few that I edit today:

1. Bonoriau
2. Myblogriau
3. Make Money Online
4. Bonoriau Mall
5. World Dream Cars
6. Digital Internet Marketing

Bonoriau Twitter

You obviously have an interest in Twitter because you’ve clicked through on my Twitter Profile link. I’d love to connect with you there via my @bonoriau twitter account. If you follow @bonoriau you’ll get a variety of things.

Thanks for visiting my about page - if you’ve not already don’t forget to follow me on Twitter so we can interact there.


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