Showing posts with label Hair Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Care. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2014

10 Things You Are Doing Wrong When You Blowdry Your Hair

Don’t let these bad habits ruin your do.

l you need is a few strokes to style hair and spread the natural oils from roots to ends. "Anything more than that is unnecessary friction
Nothing beats walking out of the salon with a fresh blowout — it's almost a guarantee for a great day or night ahead. But why is it so hard to create such a look at home? It's not that it is impossible to get a salon-worthy style on your own, you just have to know the right tricks. We chatted with hairstylist Frank Rizzieri about some common blowdrying bad habits that might be making your locks look less than perfect.

1. Not getting rid of excess moisture
After you wash your hair, you want to make sure to towel dry it has much as you possibly can. Getting the excess moisture out of your hair will help you get the maximum effect out of the products you are using and make sure they go through your entire head of hair.

2. Using too much product
More is not always better — if you are using quality products, a little can go a long way. If you are overdoing it, your hair can get weighed down and greasy. If you rub the product in your hands first, it will ensure you use less than if you just put it straight in your hair from your hand in a glob.

3. Choosing a brush
If you have long or curly hair, a brush might not get through all the tangles causing you to pull and yank and possibly causing damage. When your hair is still wet, you should first go through it with a comb — leaving the brush for in-between maintenance.

4. Not dividing
You should never blow dry all your hair at once. Depending on its density, always divide your head into two or three sections. Make a part from the corner of your brow across the crown of your head in a semi circle. If you need another section go from ear to ear below it.

5. Making sections that are too big
The smaller the section the more you can blow out and straighten your hair; the bigger the section the less control you have.

6. Not combining the sections
After you finish drying each section, combine it with the still damp section above it and blow dry them together. When you blend the hair together it creates a much more fluid and natural shape.

7. Applying products all at once
You should not apply your products to the whole head of hair, but to each section as you blow dry it.

8. Not spraying top and bottom
Be sure to spray your product on the top of the section, then flip it over and spray the bottom so it gets evenly spread out.

9. Not starting at the right place
First blow dry the bottom sections, then when you reach the top section start from the flat part of the crown of your head and work your way up to your hair line.

10. Not using a nozzle
Always have a nozzle or a diffuser on your blowdryer. It allows you to control the direction you want your hair to go in, and prevents any burning or damaging.

Monday, September 22, 2014

5 Ways to Fight Frizzy Hair

Keep tresses smooth in even the steamiest weather.
1. Wash in sleekness

Start in the shower with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. "They contain ingredients, like dimethicone, that smooth each strand's outer layer — the secret to shiny, frizz-free hair," says Hannah Williams, a stylist with Blow Salons. If your hair is fine, apply conditioner only from the mid-shafts to the ends, to prevent flat locks. Steer clear of volumizing formulas, which make hair swell and can exacerbate frizz.

2. Style with serum

The styling ingredient silicone can tame even the unruliest tresses. "Thick or coarse hair needs a lot; you'll find it in a serum," explains Heather Warnke, director of global haircare innovation for John Frieda. If you have thin locks, opt for a cream or lotion, which has less of the frizz fighter. Apply your choice to soaking-wet hair: "If it's dry or even damp, the product can leave a greasy feeling," says Warnke.

3. Forget air-drying

"When you let hair air-dry, it absorbs humidity, which is the culprit behind frizz," says Williams. "The faster your hair goes from wet to dry, the quicker you lay down the cuticle and the less likely it is to frizz out." If you can't dry right after showering, rewet hair when you're ready to blow-dry it. Then make sure hair is 100% dry: Any residual moisture will cause frizzies later. (A final shot of cool air will help further seal the cuticle.)

4. Check your brush

Parched or fried hair is especially frizz-prone. But your scalp's own oils can keep strands supple, with the help of a boar-bristle brush (good for everyday brushing and blow-drying). "These natural oils attach to the bristles, and the brush distributes them down the length of your locks, coating and protecting them," says Eva Scrivo, author of Eva Scrivo on Beauty.

5. Try an updo

If you'll be outdoors en route to your destination, shield your tresses from humidity by putting them up till you arrive. "Only the top layer will be exposed, while all the hair underneath will stay sleek," says Williams. And skip elastics, which can create creases. Take your hair down upon arrival, and run your palms over any stray frizzies; the natural oils on your skin will help smooth them.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hair Care Solutions That Won't Cost You a Penny

From finding the right shampoo to eating the right foods, there is so much that goes into taking care of your hair. Here's how you can get the hair of your dreams every day without breaking the bank or your schedule.


Find the right shampoo for your hair type, scalp type and washing frequency, and use only lukewarm or cool water. Fortnightly or monthly, use a clarifying shampoo to deep-cleanse your hair of product build-up.

Mumbai-based hairstylist Nisheeta Bavadekar says, “When wet, hair stretches by over one-third of its length and requires extremely gentle treatment. Avoid rough, vigorous shampooing and sleeping/leaving home with wet or dripping hair.” Sweat, friction and windy days can damage the hair shaft terribly.


After every shampoo, condition mid-lengths and ends, and very delicately, untangle knots with a wide-toothed comb before rinsing. Always use a towel to blot dry (never rub) excess moisture. Then, quickly blast-dry with a blow-dryer on a cool setting.

Nisheeta says, “Conditioning helps untangle hair when it is most vulnerable to breakage. When drying, always towel it till it’s 70 to 80 per cent dry, before using a hair dryer.” Don’t forget that a hair dryer is used to give shape and set hair. So use sparingly to avoid damage.  


Even if you’re growing your hair, you need to trim it once in three months for healthy new growth. For very dry hair, seek professional help. Avoid tying it too tightly or in the same place, to prevent thinning or traction alopecia. Change your parting regularly.

Nisheeta says, “The hair up to two inches from your scalp gets nourished from your diet. The rest of your hair needs continuous external nourishment via serums, conditioning masks and salon treatments. Regular trimming is a must, as split-ends travel upwards towards the scalp and must be cut off.”

Healthy lifestyle

Healthy hair comes from within; aim for a balanced diet rich in protein, nuts and greens as well as plenty of water. Hormonal imbalances, new medications, lifestyle changes and deficiencies play havoc with its health.

Nisheeta says, “Hair loss is usually internal. Hair products do not penetrate the shaft, and therefore cannot cause worrisome hair loss. We spend so much time indoors that we don’t get enough sunlight and thus develop vitamin D deficiencies. Proper diet and a little care go a long way towards body, mind and hair health.” 


You live in artificial AC temperatures and tropical outdoors that dry your hair out. Use leave-in conditioners, serums and heat protectant sprays to coat hair with protective layers. Extreme sun exposure, straightening, extensive blow-drying and constant hair processing for colour or change in texture can damage it irreversibly. So, it is important to protect your hair from harm as much as possible.

Friday, September 12, 2014

4 Common Hair Care Questions Untangled

With all the hair care products available, consumers can easily become entangled in their choices. Some products promise to be gentler on hair, while others offer thickening or smoothing solutions, but not all of these claims are scientifically based.
Despite their uplifting promises, some products can be just a waste of money, and some can actually damage the hair, said Dr. Nicole Rogers, an assistant professor of dermatology at Tulane University in New Orleans.

Here are some tips to help you decide which hair care products to buy, as well as the lowdown on the science of some commonly touted ingredients. [ 7 Beauty Trends that Are Bad for Your Health]

Are sulfate-free shampoos really better?

Sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate are two of the most common shampoo ingredients. These chemicals are what make shampoos turn into a thick lather in the shower, which removes dirt and debris from hair.

Recently, sulfates have come under attack for being harsh on the hair by removing natural oils, causing frizziness and damage to dyed hair. Now, many products bear a "sulfate-free" label, and these are often more expensive than their counterparts.

However, Rogers said there is no scientific evidence that sulfate-free shampoos are gentler on the hair than shampoos that contain sulfate.

Similarly, no scientific data supports marketing claims that some sulfate-free shampoos extend the life of hair color or keratin treatments, Rogers said.

It is possible that some people, particularly those with the skin condition eczema, are sensitive to sulfates. There have been a few reports linking sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate to contact dermatitis in some people. For these people, sulfate-free shampoos can be beneficial, Rogers said.

Are keratin treatments safe?

Keratin treatments are touted for their ability to smooth and straighten hair, turning the tightest curls into silky threads, with an effect lasting up to five months.

However, in addition to keratin, these products contain the dangerous chemical formaldehyde, often exceeding the concentrations permitted in Canada and European countries. Keratin treatment products have also been cited numerous times by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for using higher levels of formaldehyde than are allowed in the United States.

Formaldehyde can harm the eyes, lungs and nasal passages, Rogers said. The chemical is also thought to be a carcinogen.

Moreover, there is no data showing that keratin treatments can strengthen the hair. Rather, the high-heat flat irons needed to seal the formaldehyde into the hair shaft can cause long-term damage to the hair, Rogers said.

Are hair-thickening products safe?

Products marketed as hair thickeners temporarily coat the hair shaft to make hair look thicker, but they cannot change the natural density of hair. The thickening effect will only last until the hair is washed.

Rogers said that these products are very safe, and advised consumers to look for hair-thickening products that contain hydrolyzed keratin or dimethicone, which coat the hair shaft to make hair appear thicker.

Some hair-thickening products now being marketed also contain the drug minoxidil, which can boost the density of thinning hair and create noticeably thicker hair. Minoxidil is the only topical medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration to regrow hair and slow future hair loss, Rogers said.

Should heat protectants be used when blow drying?

Heat from hair dryers, flat irons or curling irons can be very damaging to hair, and cause a condition that dermatologists call bubble hair: When the water in the hair is heated and turns to steam, it causes bubbles to form within the hair shaft. The result is brittle hair, with frizzy ends.

To counteract the effects of heat, Rogers recommended using a heat protectant before applying any heat to the hair. These products are sprayed or applied onto the hair, and contain protective polymers and silicones that insulate hair from heat.

Also, it is better to use the lowest temperature settings on hair dryers, and use heat as little as necessary and for the shortest time possible, Rogers said.

For hair already damaged by heat, moisturizing the hair regularly can help reduce the appearance of heat damage, but it cannot repair the hair, Rogers said. Cutting damaged hair, and allowing healthy hair to regrow, can also improve your locks' appearance.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

7 Hair Care Beliefs that are Actually Damaging


So you are all set for your wedding, fixed appointments with your beautician, made your trousseau shopping list and decided your look for the big day. This is the time when everyone you meet is up with some advice for you, either for your outfit, makeup, skin or hair. Especially when it comes to hair care, there are at least a dozen beliefs and tips that every person wants you to follow. But did you know that some of these are actually not true at all, and can in fact damage your hair? Read on, as we bust 7 such popular notions.
1. More you comb, better it is for hair growth

Regular combing is necessary for tangle-free and healthy looking hair. It also promotes blood circulation in the scalp. So, this belief might have some creditable origins. But if you overdo it, and do not use a wide-toothed comb, there are all the chances that you pull the hair off the follicles making the strands weak. Frequent combing can also irritate the scalp, further damaging the follicles. So, just be gentle and use a wide-toothed comb to untangle hair.

2. Frequent shampooing prevents oily hair

Hormonal and genetic factors regulate how much oil is produced by our scalp. Shampooing will only cleanse your scalp and hair. It cannot control how much oil is produced. In fact, too much shampooing can leave your hair brittle by sapping it off the natural, essential oil.

3. Some hair products repair split ends

Split ends are caused by the wear and tear of hair because of rough handling. Another reason is not regularly oiling and cleansing the hair. The only cure for split ends is trimming your hair regularly, and conditioning it well. Experimenting with too many fancy products will not only burn a hole in your pocket, but also make your hair weak.

4. Frequent trimming helps in hair growth

This is one of the favourite beliefs that many of us hold and pass on. The known fact, however, is that hair grow at the roots, and trimming the edges has no significance whatsoever, on the growth. All regular trimming can do is to make you look well-groomed and your hair well-managed by eliminating split ends. So, go ahead and do get a trim regularly, but only with the intention to look better. As far as hair growth is concerned, everyone’s hair grows about half an inch every month. So as a matter of fact, too much trimming might actually slow down the results you are looking for!

5. Only animal protein is best for your hair

Animal protein from sources like eggs, chicken and fish, is actually very good for your hair. But it does not mean that vegetarians cannot have healthy hair! In fact, if you over indulge in animal proteins, you run a risk of piling on excessive calories as well. So, your regular pulses, lentils, nuts, soya, and milk products are absolutely perfect too.
Also Read: Fight Hair Loss with these 6 Common Foods

6. Some shampoos and oils can boost hair growth instantly

It is no secret that the quality and health of your hair is governed largely by your genes. This also holds true for hair growth. Your hair growth can slow down a little bit as you age. But with a well-nourishing diet, enough exercise, and regular hair cleansing routine, you can have a normal, healthy hair growth. Topical application of shampoos, serums or oils can do nothing exceptional for that.

7. Protein-based shampoos nourish your hair 'from within'

It is true that hair is composed of protein and it does need protein to remain healthy. But, all the protein that it needs, it gets from your diet. The scalp needs nourishment from within for hair growth. The so-called “protein based” shampoos will do nothing more than clean your hair; and, their excessive use will leave your hair dry.

We would say, not just for your wedding, but also for later, getting your facts right before you fall prey to hearsay would be great for healthy hair.


Friday, September 5, 2014

Five Amazing Hair Care Tips for Winter

Rough and dry hair is a very common problem in winter. Here are some ways to keep your hair looking healthy and beautiful, even as the mercury drops.
The cool winter wind might calm your soul but it’s going to leave your hair dry, frizzy and unmanageable. As the season changes, you need to revamp your hair care regime too. So here is a guide to amazing, healthy and manageable hair.
Hair care tips for winter

Oil your hair: In winter, it is chilly outside and dry and warm inside the house; this changing temperature harms your hair.  Oil your hair regularly, use warm oil if you are comfortable. It will help to restore the moisture and give life to your lifeless tresses.

It is not necessary to keep the oil on for long hours; one to two hours is enough to do the trick.  Do not over use shampoo while you are washing the oil off because it will nullify the conditioning effect.

Wash them right: Even though it is cold do not use very hot water to wash your hair. The heat will steal your moisture. Use lukewarm water. Do not over use the shampoo and use mild shampoo if you wash your hair very frequently.

Never miss conditioning: Rich conditioning can be your shield against the harsh cold. Condition your hair everytime you wash them, it strengthens them and increases the elasticity. If you are opting for readymade conditioner make sure it suits your hair and is right for your hair type. You can also use coconut milk or curd for conditioning your hair. If you have curly hair it is best to use leave-in conditioner in the end.

Let them dry naturally: It is advisable not to use heat to dry your hair in winter. With blow drying you can end up having flyways and static effect. Let them air dry. Your lovely tresses will thank you for letting them be.

Take care if you cover: If you wear woollen cap or scarf to protect yourself against cold, you will experience hair breakage in certain areas on your head. This is because the caps and scarves rub against the delicate hair and pull them out. It is advisable to use satin scarves and to use caps which have cotton or satin lining.
Tame your flyaways

    Apply some hair serum and move your fingers instead of using a comb. You can also use a clean new toothbrush with soft bristles to tame the flyaways.
    Apply shampoo to your scalp and not your hair. You need to clean your scalp and flow of shampoo will automatically clean your hair.
    Flyaway hair is the dry hair so apply a little leave-in conditioner specifically to that layer of hair.
    It is great to stay away from alcohol. This means alcohol in your hair care products of course. Check the ingredients of the product you buy.

Mask for healthy hair in winter

Mix an egg yolk with two table spoons of olive oil and a glass of lukewarm water. Apply it all over your hair and wash off in an hour. Use lukewarm or cold water to wash it off.

*Do not use heena mask in winters as it dries your hair and can also cause cold.

Love of shampoo, warmth of oil and care of conditioning will give you beautiful hair this winter. So just treat your hair with love, warmth and care and shine on!

Friday, August 22, 2014

10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Cutting Your Hair

The big chop seems all the rage during the warmer months, but whether you’re thibking about a pixie or you’re just trying to take a few inches off your locks, there’s a thing or 1o you should know about cutting your hair. Below are 10 little known facts about cutting your hair, and some tips to help you get the best out of your cut.

1. Cutting your hair more often doesn’t make it grow faster: Getting rid of the ends of your hair doesn’t directly effect hair growth. The ends of your hair don’t effect the follicles in your scalp, which determine how fast and how much your hair grows. Trimming simply keeps hair more healthy as it grows.

2. Skip the trim: Give yourself some time in between each trim instead of going with the typical 6-8 weeks. Hair begins to split around the 3-4 month mark, which is when you’ll actually need a trim.

3. Layer accordingly: When cutting your hair, you should layer it according to your hair texture. Tighter curls work best with layers that aren’t perfectly even, while straighter hair works best with more even layers.

4. Skip the shampoo: Before cutting hair, skip the shampoo. You’ll be having your hair washed anyway, so there’s no need to dry out the cuticle twice.

5. It’s best to trim natural hair when dry: For girls with natural hair, it’s important to know that hair should be cut when dry. Head to a salon that specializes in natural tresses so you know you’re getting the best cut possible.

6. Search salon apprentice websites first: Looking to get your hair cut for less money? Try, where you can volunteer to be a hair model for already licensed stylists who need to clock a certain amount of hours cutting hair. You’ll be in good hands for half (or less!) the cost.

7. All bangs aren’t cut equally: If you’re thinking about getting bangs, know what works best for your face and for your hair texture. Long, wispy bangs usually work best for a square face, while softer, shorter bangs work best to frame a round face.

8. Short hair takes work: Cutting off your hair doesn’t make hair care any easier. To keep them maintained, shorter cuts usually require more frequent trips to the salon to keep the shape and style fresh, which ends up costing more money (and time).

9. If you don’t trim, split ends will travel: Split ends will continue to split up the length of the hair if you don’t trim them, making your hair brittle and weak. When you start seeing split ends more often than non-split ends, it’s time to get a cut.

10. Bring options: Sure, we’ve all got our Pinterest boards full of haircut inspiration, but make sure you bring multiple options. When you get to the salon, your stylist may explain that a certain cut won’t work with your texture, or that it will actually require much more maintenance than you originally thought. Bringing options will leave you multiple routes for a happy cut.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hair Care Tips for a Healthy Scalp

Hair problems such as thinning or falling of hair, premature greying or breakage, dandruff and flaking could be symptoms that indicate an unhealthy scalp. As upsetting and embarrassing as these may be, they are also warning signs to start taking care of your scalp. 
What's your scalp type?
Much like skin, the scalp too can broadly be divided into three types — normal, oily and dry. To be able to master a scalp care regime, you need to determine which scalp type you are (see table below). We got an expert to suggest beauty routines for each variant.

Normal Scalp
Says trichologist Dr Pankaj Chaturvedi, “Since it has the right balance of sebaceous glands, the normal scalp type is generally not prone to problems like dandruff or excessive oil deposition.” 

What to do?
Shampoo and condition your hair twice a week with a herbal shampoo meant for normal hair. Always use a light conditioner after, to avoid frizzy flyaways.

Do a warm oil treatment once a month so that the oil glands are stimulated. Keep the oil on for about an hour and shampoo off. If you don’t want to an oil treatment, simply massage your hair with water. 

The physical pressure applied in massaging helps in improving blood circulation.

Home remedy: Treat your hair to an avocado and olive oil mask once a month to render it a luscious shine. Mash one ripe avocado, add half a cup coconut milk and one tablespoon olive oil and whisk well. Apply this mixture to dry hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Shampoo and condition your hair as you would do usually.

Oily scalp

Contrary to popular belief, oily scalp is most prone to dandruff and flaking. The excess oil that the sebaceous glands in the scalp produce, tends to accumulate around the roots, clogging the pores. The hair is usually limp and flat, making it almost impossible for volumising or styling products to hold.

What to do:

Shampoo your hair every day with a deep cleansing shampoo suitable for oily hair. If you suffer from dandruff, opt for an anti-dandruff variety. If you must use conditioner, ensure you leave the conditioner on for under 60 seconds. Avoid using leave-in conditioners.

Do not apply extra oil unless suggested by a trichologist. Avoid brushing your hair too much as that stimulates secretion of oil. 

Home remedy: To control secretion of excess oil, make a mixture of lemon and hibiscus flower with two tablespoons of curd. Apply it on your hair like a mask. Leave on for about 20 minutes, then shampoo off.

Dry scalp

A dry scalp causes constant itching and flaking, leaving the hair rough, dull and frizzy. “Since the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands is insufficient, apply oil externally for your mane’s natural nourishment,” says Dr Chaturvedi. 

What to do?

Oil your hair overnight before you decide to wash your hair. Shampoo only once a week with a product that contains natural oils for moisture. Opt for a thick cream-based conditioner and leave it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing off.

Get a warm oil treatment every week to stimulate the sebaceous glands. Massage your scalp thoroughly to stimulate oil secretion.

Home remedy: To moisturise your scalp and stimulate oil secretion, cut a lemon into half. Rub it in circular motions all over wet hair to exfoliate dry skin off the surface. Let the lemon juice soak for about 30 minutes and rinse with water.

Scalp care tips
Avoid loading the hair with too many products. Make sure your hair is free of products at least once a week to ensure the scalp can “breathe”

Do not blow-dry hair for more than five minutes

Invest in a massaging hairbrush to stimulate the scalp, thereby strengthening your tresses

Never brush your hair in a hurry as friction causes split ends

Avoid brushing when the scalp is wet

Do not tie up wet hair as the moisture accumulates and clogs the pores, subjecting your scalp to bacterial and fungal infections

Always wash your hair in lukewarm water so that it is not too harsh on your scalp

Include soyabeans, broccoli, flaxseeds and radish in your daily diet

Avoid touching and pulling your hair too much as this could lead to richotillomania

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

5 Major Hair Care Myths

Hair Care myths include fixing split ends, plucking grey hair, braids and hair fall, hair washing causing dryness and quality of hair products
There's a lot of faulty science passed down generations when it comes to grooming.

Here, we take the mumbo-jumbo that a lot of you might believe.

Fixing Split EndsIt can't be done. Nope - it can't. The myth of 'fixing' split ends might have started with a company selling a split end sealing product, but split ends are terminal - they can't be fixed. You have to cut them off.

Of course, there are temporary fixes, with products that lay down the split ends so they don't show. But that's where the fixing ends.

Plucking a Grey Hair Causes Two to Grow BackAgain, not true. Plucking grey hair will damage your roots, even infect the empty root and hurt like hell, but it won't cause more grey hairs to sprout out. If it did, you'd have the world's cheapest (and most natural) way of avoiding baldness.

Braids Will Grow Your Hair FasterFor both women and men who braid their hair, braiding will cause too tight or too long can cause hair loss and baldness. One of the reasons behind this is Traction alopecia, a slow hair loss caused by pulling hair too tight by applying too much tension.

Regular Hair Washing Causes Hair Drying (and Hair Loss Too!)Unless you're using a shampoo that leaves residue in your hair, a good shampoo and conditioner -selected for your hair texture and condition - the added add moisture and body will lead to nicer, healthier hair.

Hair Products used by Professional Stylists are the Same as Store-Bought ProductsNot all shampoo is the same. (If it were, wouldn't SRK be saving money using Head and Shoulders) While the concept of 'professional hairstylist' is ambiguous in India, the expensive, 500 bucks a haircut guys (not barbers!)

Professional products have more quality, expensive ingredients blended for an optimum formula - something you won't find in your local Rs.1 sachet shampoo. If you pay a buck, you'll get a bucks worth of hair care.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Benefits Of Mosambi Juice For Hair

Mosambi juice is good for the health. This juice is rich in minerals and nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium. It is healthy as well as energising. But did you know that mosambi juice is good for your hair too?
As the juice contains several nutrients, it is helpful in keeping your hair healthy. It can be used on your hair to improve its quality. Here are some hair care tips using the mosambi juice.

Fruit Hair Packs

To make a mosambi juice fruit hair pack, you need to extract the juice and mix it with yogurt or cream and then apply on the hair. Mosambi juice helps in increasing the smoothness of your hair. It also gives the hair a natural glow. You can apply this hair pack on your hair and keep it for half an hour. Rinse it well with cold water and repeat the process once every week. Regular use of this fruit hair pack will give better results. This is one of the hair care tips you must follow.

Improves Strength

Mosambi juice can also be used directly on the hair. This juice contains vitamin C which helps to improve the strength of the hair. This is one of the best hair care tips for people who suffer from hair fall. Mosambi juice extracts can help in making the hair strong naturally. Before directly applying the juice on hair, strain it to remove any impurities. Use the juice at least once a week for good results.

Colours Hair

A fruit hair pack using henna and mosambi juice can be used to colour the hair. Henna and mosambi juice have the properties to impart colour to the hair. However, mosambi juice is better because it contains copper which increases the melanin content in the hair and hence, it imparts a black shade to the hair naturally. People who suffer from grey hair problem can use this hair care tip.

Hair Growth

Overall growth of the hair can be improved by using mosambi juice. One can use mosambi juice to improve the texture and quality of hair. Many hair care tips suggest that mosambi juice should be used frequently by people who suffer from hair growth problems.

Direct Consumption

Drinking mosambi juice is also good for the hair. The consumption of vitamin C present in this juice is good for hair health.