Showing posts with label Reivews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reivews. Show all posts

Friday, April 21, 2017

Fool Me Twice by Phillippa Jane Keyworth **Review**


Fool Me Twice by Philippa Jane Keyworth

Publication Date: December 1, 2016

Madison Street Publishing

eBook & Paperback


ISBN13: 9780996264846

Genre: Historical Romance

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In the gaming hells of eighteenth century London, orphan Caro Worth is leading a double life. By day she plays a proper gentlewoman on the lookout for a wealthy husband. By night she plays the infamous Angelica, her fictional half-sister with a talent for cards and an ability to finance the life her respectable self has built. An introduction to a rich Marquis brings marriage and security within Caro’s grasp…until the arrival of the unpredictable and totally ineligible Mr. Tobias Felton.

Dismayed by Felton’s persistent appearances, shocking frankness, and enigmatic green eyes, Caro watches helplessly as he comes closer than anyone to guessing her secret, but when complete and utter ruin threatens, she finds that Felton’s suspicions just might become her salvation. As the walls she has built to protect herself crumble down around her, Caro learns that no matter how careful your plans, life and love have a habit of falling quite spectacularly out of control!

I love reading a book by a new-to-author and loving the book. Don't you? After reading this book, and others from new favorite for me authors, I scour the library and internet for other books by the author. Although, I am pretty sure we all do that, lol...
Anyway, this book...I have fallen in love with historical romances and this didn't disappoint. However, the author took this historical romance to a whole new level for me. She added mystery and suspense that I wasn't expecting from a typical historical romance I could tell from the blurb that I was going to enjoy the book but...I wasn't holding out to LOVE the book! The main character, Caro is living a double life. During the day she is this elegant and proper woman trying to find a suitable husband while at night, she's her "half-sister", Angelica who has all sort of tricks that benefit her financially to support her day role. But can she keep up with the double facade?Anybody who keeps up with a lie like that is bound to crack under pressure. I loved that there was a few twists I did not see coming and the ending quite surprised me!

Purchase on Amazon

03_philippa-jane-keyworthAbout the Author

Philippa Jane Keyworth, known to her friends as Pip, has been writing since she was twelve in every notebook she could find. Originally trained as a horse-riding instructor, Philippa went on to become a copywriter before beginning a degree in History. A born again Christian, Philippa lives in the south of England with her handsome husband.

Philippa has always written stories and believes that, since it is one of her loves and passions, she always will. In her early writing career, she dabbled in a variety of genres, but it was the encouragement of a friend to watch a film adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice that began her love affair with the British Regency. Since then, she has watched every Regency film and TV series she could get her hands on and become well acquainted with Georgette Heyer’s novels which gave her the inspiration to write her own.

Both as a reader and a writer, Philippa believes it is important to escape into a world you yourself would want to live in. This is why she writes stories that will draw you into the characters’ joys and heartaches in a world apart from our own. Her debut novel, The Widow's Redeemer (Madison Street Publishing, 2012), is a traditional Regency romance bringing to life the romance between a young widow with an indomitable spirit and a wealthy viscount with an unsavory reputation. The novel has been received well by readers and reviewers who have praised the heartfelt story and admirable characters. Her second novel, The Unexpected Earl (Madison Street Publishing, 2014), explores another romance in the Regency era when an impetuous young woman has her life turned upside down by the reappearance of the earl who jilted her six years ago. Her third novel a Georgian romance will come out at the end of 2016.

For more information, please visit Philippa Jane Keyworth's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, March 13
Review at The Sassy Book Lover
Review & Interview at The Book Junkie Reads

Tuesday, March 14
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Thursday, March 16
Review at Rainy Day Reviews
Interview at Book Boyfriends & Booze

Saturday, March 18
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Monday, March 20
Review at Book Nerd

Tuesday, March 21
Interview at Aurora B's Book Blog

Thursday, March 23
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Saturday, March 25
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Monday, March 27
Review at Queen of All She Reads

Tuesday, March 28
Review at Mel's Shelves

Wednesday, March 29
Review at Blushing Babes Are Up All Night

Sunday, April 2
Review at A Chick Who Reads

Wednesday, April 5
Review at Jorie Loves a Story

Saturday, March 4, 2017

**Giveaway** Starlight Bridge: Harmony Harbor #2 by Debbie Mason **Review**

A second chance for


Harmony Harbor #2

Debbie Mason

Releasing Feb 28, 2017


A second chance for romance...

Hidden in
Graystone Manor is a book containing all the dark secrets of Harmony Harbor,
and Ava DiRossi is determined to find it. No one-especially not her ex-husband,
Griffin Gallagher-can ever discover what really tore her life apart all those
years ago. With Griffin back in town, it's more important than ever that she
find the book before someone else does. Because her ex is still angry with her
for leaving him. And he still has no idea Ava never stopped loving him...

Ava is no
longer the vibrant, happy woman Griffin had once loved and married, and he
would do anything to bring back the sparkle to her brilliant green eyes. But
what's never changed are the sexy sparks of attraction between Ava and Griffin,
and he won't give her up again without a fight. He knows there's the real
possibility of a future together... if the truth doesn't burn the bridge between
them forever.

I love how the author uses a sweet cover to entice the reader into a story that is full of secrets, twists, and plots you don't expect. This book had me pulled in until the last page. Talk about a well-crafted, intriguing, and captivating read! This story is full of secrets and when you think you have it figured out, turn the literary corner and there is another surprise. Ava and Griffin are getting divorced. Which makes no sense. They seem truly happy and in love. He gets deployed. Next thing you know, divorce! Why? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I will be reading more by this author and I will definitely be reading this series.

Debbie Mason is the bestselling author of
the Christmas, Colorado series and Harmony Harbor series. Her books have been
praised for their "likable characters, clever dialogue and juicy
plots" (RT Book Reviews). She also writes historical paranormals as Debbie
Mazzuca. Her MacLeod series has received several nominations for best
paranormal as well as a Holt Medallion Award of Merit. When she isn't writing
or reading, Debbie enjoys spending time with her very own real-life hero, their
three wonderful children, two adorable grandbabies, and a yappy Yorkie named

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James REVIEW

Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1)

**This book is intended for mature audiences**
When literature student Anastasia Steele goes to interview young entrepreneur Christian Grey, she encounters a man who is beautiful, brilliant, and intimidating. The unworldly, innocent Ana is startled to realize she wants this man and, despite his enigmatic reserve, finds she is desperate to get close to him. Unable to resist Ana’s quiet beauty, wit, and independent spirit, Grey admits he wants her, too—but on his own terms.

Shocked yet thrilled by Grey’s singular erotic tastes, Ana hesitates. For all the trappings of success—his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, his loving family—Grey is a man tormented by demons and consumed by the need to control. When the couple embarks on a daring, passionately physical affair, Ana discovers Christian Grey’s secrets and explores her own dark desires.

Erotic, amusing, and deeply moving, the Fifty Shades Trilogy is a tale that will obsess you, possess you, and stay with you forever.

**This book is intended for mature audiences**

I really need to start writing my reviews after I put the book down because (obviously then) the feelings and emotions are fresh and the story is fresh in my mind. 
After I finished this book I was reeling. But then I started to reel myself back in knowing that this and that would and wouldn't happen because there are two more books (now that I have gotten into them, I wish there were more books in the series) and soon to be a movie based on the book (Yay for me:)
First off, let me start out by saying, This is not a genre I ever pick up. I have done that before (sci fi / fantasy) hasn't turned out well...but you never know. Which is why after a while I am willing to pick one up just to keep an open mind.
That's what I had to do with this book series. Seeing that it was romance was...okay. I will still apprehensive about it but I was very hesitant about the erotica part. That is not me. And it still isn't. Not my cup of tea...or coffee:) But my sister was just getting into the first one and said she could not put it down. But then again she tends to be...or seems to be more open to that genre. But then, my sister in law told me she couldn't put it down and that I had to read them. So I thought, okay I will give them a shot but if I end up having to flip through page after page of smut, I am going to give it up. 
I am so glad I gave it a try. Yes there is erotica in the books but not the smut I was begrudgingly expecting.There is depth to the story. An actual relationship I was not expecting. I understand the reason why this book is under the erotica genre but there is a story behind that as well. This first book is full of surprise, sadness, mystery and humor. 
My favorite parts in the book were the emails back and forth between Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele for sure. I loved the flirtation and humor they had in their emails. 
I was stunned at the end but I had to remind myself that there is a second AND third book and after reading the synopsis of the second book I knew the story and the relationship between Christian and Ana would turn a corner. I couldn't wait to read the second book.
I don't want to give any spoilers so I will stop here with my thoughts. What I will say is this: I understand the Hesitation about the series because I had those hesitations but I am so glad I decided to read the books for myself. I have surprised myself with falling for this series.
But I have been thinking, because there have been a few books I want to discuss further; I have been considering creating a spoiler page for just that reason.  

I borrowed this book from my sister in law

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Busy Moms Guide to Parenting Young Children by Paul C. Reisser, M. D.

Busy Mom's Guide To Parenting Young Children
With almost everything you need to know to care for your family available on the Internet or at the library these days, how do you sort through the wealth of information available? How do you narrow down your web search? And how many pages are in that reference guide? It can be overwhelming to look for specific information. Relax--we have the cure for the common search. The information you need is at your fingertips in the practical and easy-to-use "Busy Mom's Guide" series. Using a question-and-answer format, "Busy Mom's Guide to Parenting Young Children" takes you from birth through the "terrible twos" and into the tween years with tips on discipline, sleep patterns, potty training, sports involvement, and more. Tired already? Get energized and equipped for the journey with the quick reference material found inside, and look forward to the joy of growing with your child.Some content previously published in the Complete Guide's "Baby & Childcare."

I grew up with listening to James Dobson and Focus on the Family (Adventures in Odyssey:) and endorse both. So when I saw this book was written by Reisser; who works with Focus on the Family, I had to grab at the opportunity. Especially having a young child of my own:) This book is definitely more of a question and answer type book It is first set up in sections (the first three months, three to six months, six to twelve, etc.Then it goes to two, three and four year olds). The book starts off with Preparing yourself and your family which was great for starters. Because this chapters talks about before the child comes and what you may not of thought of to prepare. Like the type of birth you would like to have (Cesarian, home birth, hospital, no meds, etc). As for the other chapters dealing with infancy to four years of age, the information is so helpful. From potty training, to sleeping schedules, eating, how to deal with a picky eater, what to expect at medical check ups, calorie in take (younger children should have a few more then we might think since they burn them off so fast with playing, running, and their seemingly endless energy that I bet we all wish we could have!), separation and bedtime anxieties (have a routine set up so your child won't feel like it came out of nowhere but was ready for it so they can deal with it better.)
I read this book cover to cover and recommend it to all who are parents, expectant parents, and all who are involved with the child(s) on a day to day / daily basis.

I received this book for review from the Tyndale Blog Network

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Get Married This year: 365 Day to "I Do" by Janet Blair Page, Ph.D REVIEW

Forget waiting for Mr. Right You can go out and find "The One" yourself when you follow this plan. Celebrated relationship expert Dr. Janet Blair Page has distilled the very best of her acclaimed dating class at Emory University--the one covered by CNN, FOX, "Good Morning America," and "The Early Show"--into this one-of-a-kind book. She's helped bring thousands of singles true love--and now it's your turn
Your To-Do List This Year:
Today: Get to know "yourself."
Next Month: Figure out what you really want from your man.
Month 3: Learn how to get out of your own way.
Month 6: Take the field and find the right guy.
Month 10: Make the big decision.
Month 12: "Get married "

The power is yours--and with Dr. Page's guidance, you'll use that power to meet and marry your Perfect Guy. From designing the ultimate Spouse Shopping List to getting the right guy to commit, this tried-and-true method gives you the blueprint you need to take charge of your love life and find love that can last a lifetime--in only 12 months or less.

This is a self help book, but in the sense that the author is teaching you as the single woman to make sure you are ready for that next step by following the steps in her book. These steps are broken into interactive Parts and Chapters; such as Know Yourself (Part 1:What Am I Doing Wrong?, Chapter 1),  The Simple Rules of Dating (Part 2:Let The Search Begin, Chapter 7), Connection and Communication (Part 3: The Road to Happily Ever After, Chapter 11). I do feel all the chapters are important. I like appreciate the fact that she not only talks about all aspects of a relationship (what you will not budge not and what you are willing to negotiate/talk about) but also makes it clear that you need to make sure you are happy as you are and with who you are and bring in as little baggage into your next relationship as possible. She makes clear that baggage as in divorce and kids and things of that nature cannot be helped but on the same note that especially kids should not be considered baggage. 
She also has quizzes, questions and very good pointers in this book. I think my favorite part of this book was the tips/pointers for the first date and the dating time table. I know a lot of women who strongly feel that they don't want to wait to put all their cards on the table; that the man needs to know upfront what he is getting into or feel that they don't have the time or patience to give information a little at a time. But the author actually gives do's and don'ts to dating. Such as don't go somewhere where one person knows everyone or most everyone or even some people ( you get the picture ) and the other person doesn't know anybody. After each tip/point, she explains why: This might make the person feel awkward, nervous, they might feel judged, etc. 
The Author also includes other peoples love stories which are fun to read and good lessons
I recommend this book as a whole because the author, Janet Page gives so many good lessons, tips, red flags to watch for (that you may or may not have been aware of). So you go into the dating world/on a date prepared, comfortable, relaxed and knowing who you are and what you want/need. If I were single, this would be a book I would have picked up. I have already paid this book forward to my mother; a divorcee. And she is going to pass it along to my two single sisters.

I received this book from the author

PageJanet Blair Page, PhD, author of Get Married This Year: 365 Days to "I Do", is a psychotherapist with more than thirty years of experience in private practice in New York and Atlanta. She taught at Emory University and has been in the New York Times, Glamour and on CNN, FOX, Good Morning America, and The Early Show. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia.