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Posts tonen met het label wollmeise. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 17 december 2009

Books and Fiber!


News from the Books & Fiber front. I've been so busy with work, rearranging my furniture in my house, my BF and also fighting off a heavy cold. I'm still not completely well, but I will... eventually.

Anyways. News! Remember me telling you about putting my name in the hat for the Book Blogger Holiday Swap? Well I received my gift from my Secret Santa.

Look wat Cheryl sent me:

I love Terry Pratchett and these 2 are not in my collection yet. I'm very happy with these. You can find Cheryl's blog here.

I read that the package I sent all the way to Tokio, Japan has arrived too. Have a look on Nat's blog here.

Meanwhile am I knitting frantically on my Jacobean socks and I'm already over the heel part:

On my swift I have True love by Wollmeise:

I'm going to knit the Sleekitt Mitts from this yarn.

I've cut the picture from the pattern and paste it below:

Well thats about it. Tomorrow (Fiday) I have one more day at work and then two whole weeks off. We had a small X-mass gathering / -drink at work today and we all got our presents. A book about the history of the "Oudejaarsconferentie" or Old Years Conference. A dutch tradition on television on witch a well known cabaret performer is talking about the past year, usually this show takes untill a few minutes before midnight. The second gift was vouchers to buy pesents for ourselfs; value €50,-- I am thinking about getting me some DVD's

Dan_e (thats the BF yes) will come over tomorrow after work and we will spent those 2 weeks in my house.

I'll try to keep you posted more often :)

donderdag 20 maart 2008

donderdag 20 december 2007

dinsdag 13 november 2007

maandag 12 november 2007

Gifts and Mirror Socks

Look what the mailman brought me yesterday:

Thanx Metal and knit! I love the goodies! You rock grrl :D

We started a new KAL in my Dutch sock knitting group. "Spiegelsokken" or Mirror Socks. I want to knit mine in the wollmeise colourway Frosch and I've been winding my yarn:

As you can see I'm great in winding rugby balls :D
I wonder if a ball winder winds nicer, more round balls of yarn..

Anyway. I started the cable cast on on 2 circs, knitted the first round, pulling the first stitch realy tight and look:

A large "mind the gap" -hole between my needles....

I'm going to frog this and do my regular cast on, so I can knit the first 3 stitches with working yarn and tail yarn together. That should give me a nice close fit and no hole.

I hope... :D

vrijdag 19 oktober 2007

Look! No holes in my toe.

Firestarter continued

The patters for the Firestarter tells me to do a provisional cast on, and make short rows with the wrap & turn method. The cast on went pretty wel, but the first wrap & turn did not go very well. I had holes in my toe:

I sent this toe toe the frog pond, did another cast on and started over, wrapping and turning and all went well. So I thought...
Until this happened:

BUT.. I really, really, really want those socks, so I went looking for another method of casting on toe up socks and I found a 'magic cast on' in Knitty. And look:

So far so good ;-) I've never done a sock on 2 circs, so I'm very curious if I can do this without any holes ;-))

If it works, I'm going to be so proud of myself :D

zondag 14 oktober 2007

Firestarter started!

My first provisional cast-on without help. This is the second time I do this, my first time I had help (read: it was done by, while I was watching) from Robert, one of my SnB-knitsibs ;-)

This is going to the frogpond... I don't like holes in my sock. Lets try again ok? ;-)

vrijdag 28 september 2007

Wollmeisse mess

Somewhere, something went wrong.

I'm afraid my "Firesterter" will have to wait untill I made 2 nice balls out of this mess...

donderdag 13 september 2007

Knitting plans

I want to knit these:

It's the firestarter from Yarnissima

With this yarn:

Rhabarber from Wollmeisse.

I really, really, really want to cast on.. but I still have 2 pairs of socks OTN and my super-secret-project for the Hallowe'en-party on october 31st at Mulligans. And I do need to knit a swatch for this: